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No warning of membership expiring

Started by B-flat, Apr 02, 2004, 04:36 PM

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Quote from: B-flatJust want to let you know that there are others being cut off without warning. Randy asked me to post this "goodbye" message for everyone:
Hello ALL PUT'ers
Well I am no longer a member of PUT. Got cut off without a warning so I could not do this before leaving.
I wish you all well and I have great memories of PUT and the Eastern rally in Townsend, TN. I have enjoyed meeting a lot of you personally and Dave you also.
I wish you well and all of you who camp in PU's and are moving over to the half way dark side see ya on the flip side. IF you move to the dark side I am posting on the board as my same ole' handle. "byrdr1".
So in closing, I hope to see you in a campground somewhere down the road.
Good luck Dave and PUT.
Take care and God Bless,
Randy from Elon, NC
Go Mark Martin #6
Happy Camping,
I'm back!!!! I will apologize to the Mods & Admin. here for the above statement of NO warning!!! I was warned but I was unaware of it until after sending this email to Nancy. I have a real email account from my ISP that I never ever check as I just log on the dial up at home and never look under the email. I always use the email account that is listed here. I recieved a warning that my email in-box was over the storage limit and I found 3 notices of account about to be turned off, along with 300+ or so that I had set up to notify me about weather, stocks, company news, etc... So I am sorry for this mistake. But I really thought I had been cut off without a warning..
But I am back for a while and hope to help keep the board going.. I have the pop up almost sold I hope. And I still will spend a lot of time on the boards and HYX hybrid board over at PUX as these guys are close to my camper now. If they can make a mod that I can copy, I will.
I am learning a lot about TT camping! SO I can share some of the info I learn about these here campers if asked. Plus I still can remember the 3 plus years in the PU, So I can share that experience too.
I will just read for awhile as the board has been  busy these past few days that I have been away.
Take care and God Bless,


not good PR for PUT IMO.

i sent an email asking when my expiration date was and did not get an answer.  

do you really want everybody phoning you to find out when we have to renew?

can't you have a friendly, "your membership will expire on...... we hope you will renew."  sort of thing.


i have a hybrid and a tt, and i'm staying here! this is home, i'm sign on til 06!


Quote from: sandykayaknot good PR for PUT IMO.

i sent an email asking when my expiration date was and did not get an answer.  

do you really want everybody phoning you to find out when we have to renew?

can't you have a friendly, "your membership will expire on...... we hope you will renew."  sort of thing.

Actually, yes - that is what we currently do.

You should get an e-mail about a month in advance, two weeks in advance and just before it expires.

Just to help find out where we may be dropping the ball, what e-mail address di you use that got no response?

Thanks in advance


Reasons why email does not get received by the intended receipient:
another user on the computer deletes it & forgets to tell about it, the server is down & the email is lost in cyberspace, it bounces, the server thinks it is spam, their spam software files it in the deleted file, PUT is "accidentally" entered by the user in their "blocked list" on their email program, the computer crashed and is in the shop for repair, the receipient is not into reading emails except maybe once every 6 weeks or so, the receipient is in the process of switching to DSL from dial-up or has not changed email in user account, numerous server problems, the receipient just doesn't check email at all and is not into computer stuff since subscribing to the arveeclub, AOL doesn't deliver the email  ;) ,

and finally, :Z  :J  the number one reason why the user doesn't get the email is because of being on an extended camping trip. :D  

There's this little date thingy on the mailing label of the mag but because of various add-ons, extensions for downtime, that may not be the correct expiration.