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Snug as a bug in a rug

Started by austinado16, Nov 22, 2007, 10:39 PM

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Yep. We were neighbors with them at their last house, too, then we both moved a few blocks over. Gotta love the small town. I think you had a youngun at the preschool lab when we were there, too. But I don't need to take your thread any further off topic. If I see you in the 'hood I'll introduce myself.


Yes, Kate did 2 quarters at the lab when she was 3ish, and then we moved over the UMCC because I got sick of the parking nazi's who circled the lab parking lot in the morning like vulchers.  Geez, she's now 8 and that seems like a life-time ago.


Ah, yes, fond memories of the parking...

Thank goodness we can walk to school now and it only takes about 4 minutes. It is really wonderful to start and end each school day with a nice stroll and a chat.

But now, of course, is the time to forget about school and go have some fun. Enjoy!