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RE: Son called today

Started by andym86, Apr 10, 2003, 07:18 PM

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 I heard my Son s voice today.  He sounded very tired but alright physically.  Mentality I am not so sure.  He said a few things that made me wonder.  He feels guilty about the Soldiers that were lost.  I tried to tell him he had no control over this, but, the sound of his voice said  it all.
 He received mail yesterday and seemed happy about that.


 Mahaffey-FamilyHello Fellow Camper
 I can not begin to imagine how you feel right now,but I m sure glad that your son s are allright and hope that it stays that way.I m not big with words(at least not on the computer),and rarely let my guard down,but I have to admit that I ve been reading  your post over and over for the last 10 minutes and wondering how I could respond to it.(I also have a son who was born in 83 and is studying to be in law enforcement.)I would just like you (and your son" s) to know, how much it is appreciated(this word doesn t begin to describe it),for what they re doing.
 This is coming from a foreigner who made America his home.
 Thank you.


 Mahaffey-FamilyThere is something called survivor s guilt. What he is going through is traumatic, he has seen a lot. Those poor Iraqi solders, a lot of them did not want to be there. They are ill equpped and we were not letting them get the equipment to balance the terror.
 He is strong and this is what he trained for. He needs love and understanding and when he gets back, he may not want to talk about what he saw and did. One he can talk about it, the pain has a tendency to lessen in time.  There will be a lot of young men and women that need our love, patience and understanding.
 I m glad that he can talk call you and let you know he is OK.


 Mahaffey-FamilyThought about this a long time.
 My dad was in Vietnam, He was there towards the end. He never talked about it after returning home.
 Finally when I was 24 years and had to move back home(long story). He talked to me about what he had gone through. I will never forget that time we shared together. Father and son sharing a moment that I will cherish forever. He told me he could not think or talk about things because of the guilty feelings he had. He came home to us (mom & myself) and he had friends who did not. He saw things that only those in war can see or know about. So he had healed a little and opened up to me. He expressed his thoughts and what he had gone through. But I never pushed for more or asked anything gross or out of line. I was at that time in law enforcement and had seen a lot in my job. So he felt I could understand where he was coming from.. I cherish those days because, after living at home for only 2-1/2 months my father passed away in my arms from a massive heart attack.
 Now that was almost 21 years ago.
 I have moved on.
 But I never forget what he told me as I watch the TV and see these young guys. I know some may think big deal but I can understand because I listened to dad talk about war for 2-1/2 months almost twice a week to me. I hurt for our lost ones and I hurt for the memories that your son now has. Allow him to be the one who talks and dont ever put any pressure on him as to what he went through. When he is ready he will talk to someone, he will & it may be you and it may not.
 Love and prayers


 Mahaffey-FamilyIt must of been a great feeling to talk to your son. I m glad he has remained safe .
 There will be plenty of healing time when he returns, both emotional and physical. He already has a big step twords healing having you to turn to.


 Mahaffey-FamilyI know how you feel when you hear from him. I have a grandson on the USS Valley Forge. I get an email from him about every week. I sent him some books today. I guess that he is not in as much danger as the ground forces but I worry about him anyway. I hope that all of the boys,I should say men, will come home safely soon.


 Mahaffey-FamilyMafferty, He ll come back a little different than when he left. I know I did and like Randy s dad I didn t talk about it for years. Of course we came back to a culture that actually " hated"  us. Here s to a safe return for your son and a hero s welcome that any military deserves.


 Mahaffey-FamilyI am glad that you were able to talk to your son.  In time your son will be just fine.  He will have a lot to go through and with your help he will make it just fine.  Let just say that I am so proud of our Military.  I never really paid that much attention to it because I guess I just thought that they were there.  Now that I have seen some of it on TV, I have never been more proud to say that I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!  Every military person that I see on the street I say thank you to them.  I will never take the Military for granted ever again.  Next time that you talk to your son tell him we are all thinking of our people over there and pray for a quick and safe retun for them and tell him THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!


 Mahaffey-FamilyThank you all for the words of wisdom.  My husband agrees with all of you.  He doesn t want me asking him questions.  He told me to listen and just be there for him.  I hope this is good enough.  I will let him know about all of you and give him the messages that you sent to him.  I will be writing a letter tomorrow.  I don t know when he will call again, hopely it won t take as long this time.


 Mahaffey-FamilyI am so happy that he is OK and that you got to talk to him.


 Mahaffey-FamilyI am glad he is ok, he will sure change somewhat, my experience during the first Gulf war effected me even though I was lucky just to see the scuds and the destruction, war does strange things to us [&:]
 I hope he will soon come home safe, a better man then he already was/is.