RE: Turkish Troops on high alert on Northern Iraq Border

Started by Danusmom, Apr 11, 2003, 10:00 AM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  birol
QuoteORIGINAL:  Gatsmommy
 and he referred back to something that had happend over 200 years ago.

 I think the mentality of people where Turkey is located, Balkans, Middle east is different ....... Reminds me elephants [&:][&:][&:]

 It s odd isn t it, that these countries (including Greece, from what I have seen and experienced, Greece is more of a Middle Eastern mindset than European) can remember and hold onto the grudges from so many years past to the point that it can interfere with their future.  I am not belittling their struggles and sacrifices, but at some point it is necessary to move forward.
 Maybe they all should sit down and have a nice Greek, I mean Turkish coffee together.[;)]