RE: " Wave n at da Beach" Nor-Cal Mini-Rally!

Started by otter, May 07, 2003, 01:09 AM

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 griffsmomBTW Dave, I take care of a cabin cruiser here in San Francisco and the boat in the next slip belongs to a guy that works for the " brown"  company.  He says he drives those semis and goes to Ukiah often.  His name is John, do you know him?
 I told him my buddy s name is Dave and he wasn t sure if he knew you.

Ab Diver

 Ab Diver
QuoteRay, let s hope the ocean cooperates. Otherwise, the only cooking at my site will consist of opening brewskis and asking who wants what on their Bernillo s pizza.

 I just re-read this. I certainly didn t mean that cooking *wouldn t* be done at my site, and hope it didn t come off that way. Just that fresh ab wouldn t be on the menu if the ocean is upside down. I planned on bringing that big grill we used back at Bodega, so if we want a communal cooking fire at a certain location, it s available. My site, your site, whatever seems best for the group. And tri-tip is ALWAYS a welcome item on my camping menu. [;)]

Ab Diver

QuoteBTW Dave, I take care of a cabin cruiser here in San Francisco and the boat in the next slip belongs to a guy that works for the " brown"  company.

 Jeeze, he must be an *officer* in the Brown Army, and not a mere private like me.[;)]  I ll ask around today. Speaking of... I gotta get going!


 Ab Diver
QuoteG-Whiz... bummer you can t make it. My brother works in a winery, and I d bring some red " just for you" . What s your fav type? Cab, Merlot, Pinot? I ll bring a bottle of it to the Gold Rush.

 Wow, that s cool.  What winery???  I bet you wish your brother worked at a brewery tho! [;)]  I m definitely becoming a Cab snob as I " mature"  in my wining. [:D][:D]


 g-whizHey G:
 I too am a big Merlot & Cab fan.  And then later, you will really like the desert wines like Port.  Syrah s are plentiful and really of good quality.  Chilean and Australian wines are also cheap and up & coming.  Right now, there is really a glut of wine in the market.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Dave, I ll bring my small grill over to your site, or some designated site and it ll be the social center where we can consolidate some of the cooking, at least the barbequeing.
 And, I have a generous offer here to all attendees.  If any of you would like me to cook your tri-tip, I will be more than happy to do that for you as a service of Nick-Neff-Cough.  That will free you up from having to stand over a hot grill and get smoke in your eyes.
 This group is just delightfully helpful.

 Do you think it is coincidence that Ray put this post at the end of a page where it just might get overlooked?  [;)]  This is a warning to all Wave n at da Beach Rally attendees.... Watch yer tri-tip closely.  I have been a witness to what can happen if you leave it even for just a minute.  That s all it takes.  You turn to go check on a kid that might be too close to the water or to change a kid s diaper or maybe it s to get something at your campsite that Ray says you forgot, only to return and find NO tri tip anywhere.  Vanished.  Just like that.  Without a trace. Take my word, please, don t let this happen to you.  And, if you don t believe me, check with Clueless (Ralph) because it happened to him and he lives with that fact to this day!


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Dave, I ll bring my small grill over to your site, or some designated site and it ll be the social center where we can consolidate some of the cooking, at least the barbequeing.
 And, I have a generous offer here to all attendees.  If any of you would like me to cook your tri-tip, I will be more than happy to do that for you as a service of Nick-Neff-Cough.  That will free you up from having to stand over a hot grill and get smoke in your eyes.
 This group is just delightfully helpful.

 Do you think it is coincidence that Ray put this post at the end of a page where it just might get overlooked?  [;)]  This is a warning to all Wave n at da Beach Rally attendees.... Watch yer tri-tip closely.  I have been a witness to what can happen if you leave it even for just a minute.  That s all it takes.  You turn to go check on a kid that might be too close to the water or to change a kid s diaper or maybe it s to get something at your campsite that Ray says you forgot, only to return and find NO tri tip anywhere.  Vanished.  Just like that.  Without a trace. Take my word, please, don t let this happen to you.  And, if you don t believe me, check with Clueless (Ralph) because it happened to him and he lives with that fact to this day!

 " You turn to go (1) check on a kid that might be too close to the water or (2) to change a kid s diaper or (3) maybe it s to get something at your campsite that Ray says you forgot, only to return and find NO tri tip anywhere."  

 That was just a friendly " tri-tip"  from G-Whiz.  Yuck, yuck yuck.
 P.S.  Where does tri-tip come from anyway.  Have you heard of cow-tipping?  Do they come from dumb cows that have been victims of cow-tipping three or more times?  
 Or, have they had one too many beers or glasses of wine and they re just a teeny-weeny " tipsy?"
 One can only wonder.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Hey G:
 I too am a big Merlot & Cab fan.  And then later, you will really like the desert wines like Port.  Syrah s are plentiful and really of good quality.  Chilean and Australian wines are also cheap and up & coming.  Right now, there is really a glut of wine in the market.

 I ve tried Port and Sherry at a few wineries, but so far haven t bought any.  But, I m sure I will grow to like them.  Actually, I do like certain dessert wines if vanilla ice cream is involved.  Hope that s not sacrilege in the Wine World.  Rita and I have been trying French and Italian wines and find them to be tres bon and molto buon.  I always check out the Fearless Flyer for some great deals at Trader Joes.  I wish they would do wine tasting there like they do at Lenardi s. [;)]


QuoteDo you think it is coincidence that Ray put this post at the end of a page where it just might get overlooked?  This is a warning to all Wave n at da Beach Rally attendees.... Watch yer tri-tip closely. I have been a witness to what can happen if you leave it even for just a minute. That s all it takes. You turn to go check on a kid that might be too close to the water or to change a kid s diaper or maybe it s to get something at your campsite that Ray says you forgot, only to return and find NO tri tip anywhere. Vanished. Just like that. Without a trace. Take my word, please, don t let this happen to you. And, if you don t believe me, check with Clueless (Ralph) because it happened to him and he lives with that fact to this day!

 This is odd behavior from Surfcal, considering at last year s June Rally, he gave me his steak! But that s Surfcal for you, always keeping you on your toes. He ll pivot right, then head-and-shoulder fake you and drive left!


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
QuoteDo you think it is coincidence that Ray put this post at the end of a page where it just might get overlooked?  This is a warning to all Wave n at da Beach Rally attendees.... Watch yer tri-tip closely. I have been a witness to what can happen if you leave it even for just a minute. That s all it takes. You turn to go check on a kid that might be too close to the water or to change a kid s diaper or maybe it s to get something at your campsite that Ray says you forgot, only to return and find NO tri tip anywhere. Vanished. Just like that. Without a trace. Take my word, please, don t let this happen to you. And, if you don t believe me, check with Clueless (Ralph) because it happened to him and he lives with that fact to this day!

 This is odd behavior from Surfcal, considering at last year s June Rally, he gave me his steak! But that s Surfcal for you, always keeping you on your toes. He ll pivot right, then head-and-shoulder fake you and drive left!

 Hey Sacto:
 Don t ruin my reputation by painting me as a generous guy.  I actually gave you my steak because I opted up.  Do you remember Tentlady and her husband Fred?  Well, they had tri-tip on the grill, and Ab Diver had deep fried abalones to your heart s content.  I actually gave you the steak as interference so you wouldn t be able to get to the tri-tip and abalone.  The plan worked beautifully!
 So, I hope that settles that.
 Edited in honor of Sacto.


QuoteP.S. Where does tri-tip come from anyway. Have you heard of cow-tipping? Do they come from dumb cows that have been victims of cow-tipping three or more times?
 Or, have they had one too many beers or glasses of wine and they re just a teeny-weeny " tipsy?"  

 Not many people know the true origin of Tri-Tip, but being from the Midwest, I do know.  
 There was a farmer (that s what they call them back there) that left a herd of his best cows out to pasture over the Winter.  At the first sign of Spring he found them tipped over in the field.  He was mortified that he had forgotten them and worked alone to haul them all back to his farm.  He said to his wife, " What am I going to do with all these tipped cows?"   She told him, " Don t worry.  Let me try this tipped cow."   She experimented day and night until she came up with the best way to marinate and cook the tipped cows.
 The farmer, who was still embarrassed about his forgetfulness, packaged up the tipped cow and sent it to his brother, the rancher, in Santa Maria, California.  The rancher went crazy for the taste of the tipped cow and decided to invite all the neighboring ranchers to a BBQ.  He explained his brother s plight and everyone raised their glasses in a toast to the guest of honor who was absent since he was still dealing with the tipped cow situation.
 The ranchers loaded their plates and as they milled around asked each other, " Have you tried this tipped cow?"   After a few Pale Ales and Sierra Nevadas one of the ranchers asked the host s wife, " Have you tried the tip?"   The rancher s wife, who was hard of hearing, exclaimed, " This is the best Tri-Tip I ve ever had!"  [:D]
 And that is the story of how Tri-Tip came to be.  Of course, it is still all exported out of the Midwest.  You can t get it there.  [:(]


 I vote that we include that entry as part of an NNC factoid on our Website, under camping " tips,"  The History of Tri-tip.  That was very revealing and really, just the tip of the iceberg.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 I vote that we include that entry as part of an NNC factoid on our Website, under camping " tips,"  The History of Tri-tip.  That was very revealing and really, just the tip of the iceberg.

 ....and so it is.


 I " tip"  my hat to you for being so efficient.

Ab Diver

 SurfcalHey, Ray... I asked my boss, and he said the only guy who lives down there, drives a semi to Ukiah, AND has a boat-on-da-bay is named Bill. Sound familiar? But, he s not on a route that brings him to our area right now. Anyway, the guys who bring the big trucks up from the city work nights and are long gone by the time I start my day, so I d never see him.
 Hmmmm... those " feeder"  drivers must make more than I thought. Naaaaaaw- it ain t worth it to me. Family time is more important than a few extra bucks. I ll stick with my day job and settle for a pop-up rally with some good friends.[:D]