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RE: New Issue of Popup Times!

Started by Danusmom, May 19, 2003, 01:13 PM

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 It has arrived and it looks good![8D][8D][8D]


 HersheyGirlRcv d mine on Saturday.  Great article on braking/brakes.....Timely, too[:D]
 Peace be with you all.


 HersheyGirlyup, got mine, too.  Looks like a good issue.

Red neff Barchetta

 HersheyGirlOurs also arrived on Saturday.
 Nice to see some faces with the GLPUC shot.
 Good timing with all of the bear photo s and story with the " cooking inside the PU"  thread going on right now.


 HersheyGirlMine came on Saturday.  I was camping but DH was kind enough to bring it to the campground.


 HersheyGirlI received mine on saturday too....but to be honest....I reallydidn t care for it. I ve seen and read better issues......Just my opinion....


 HersheyGirlThat s not fair.  I haven t received mine yet[:(][:@]


 HersheyGirlHup, got mine on Saturday also. I did notice that Dave has had a staff change over.


 HersheyGirlHaven t received ours yet either ---- unless it came in over the weekend while we were camping in the constant rain[: (][:(].
 DD s were home, but didn t say that we had mail.  I bet they put it down somewhere and it ll show up this weekend when the house gets cleaned.


 HersheyGirlI have to agree with Roseann... I wasn t impressed at all. It seems to be getting thinner and thinner and I assure you I have never, ever thought about camping in Alaska (no offense to anyone who has...).
 I used to go crazy waiting for the new edition to come out, now it is more of a novelty when it arrives. It seems like a fancy newsletter! I must also admit, I don t have electric brakes and I am not a fisherman so that may add to my opinion of this edition.
 I just thought that when the site went to a pay membership site that some of the funds would go to making the magazine better...