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RE: Tsunami on the Tennesse River (Kinda Long)

Started by brainpause, May 28, 2003, 08:40 AM

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Starcraft Dad

 My DM called me tonight just crying her eyes out.  If anyone knows about the Tennessee River, it is a good size river.  With all the rain, the river is way up close to the top of the banks.  We have a piece of land that we use for camping in the Lobleville area right on the river.  She has a 35 foot travel trailer on the property.
 Apparently, a 100 foot yaght was 30 feet off shore and going down the river at full speed.  It sent waves crashing into the shore all down the river making huge waves that wiped out many camping sites.  Her camper was over turned and moved about 20 feet as were all the other campers in that private campground lining the river.  Around 20 to 25 campers were destroyed.  And that was just in our little campground.  He also wiped out many, many campgrounds along the river for miles.  My brother said the damage was unbelievable.  They drove along the river and said the damage was every where for several miles.
 I guess they were caught by the athuorities and stopped.  Mom didn t know yet what was going to be done, but was told that they could sue for damages.  She wasen t quite sure but said that around 200 to 300 campsites, motor homes and TT, and trailer homes were affected by this.
 Has anyone else living in that area that might be on the boards know anything more about this incident?  It happened sometime over the Memorial weekend or sometime last week.  They just found out about it when they went to our property yesterday (Memorial Day) for the spring clean up.  As far as she knows no one was hurt, which is a blessing.


 Starcraft DadWow! I live less than 2 hours from the Tennessee, and hadn t heard anything about it! The river IS one of the largest rivers around, and when it is near capacity, it alone can have dire consequences.
 How dumb somebody must have been for driving a 100  yacht 30  from shore! Or at least very inconsiderate. If they have to pay for 200 damaged campsites and trailers, they might have to sell that yacht!


 Starcraft DadI thought I had posted this response here, but it was on the PUX forum:
 Are you sure it was a yacht that caused the damage? Seems like this blatant action during flood conditions would be plastered all over the news. Yet, I haven t been able to find the story you described through any searches. It is quite possible I m not performing the searches effectively.
 Sorry to hear about the damage. I did read the Red Cross is quite strained with all the flooding in & around the SE. Hope everyone in those areas is able to recover most of their possessions & properties once the flood waters recede.
 Peace be with you all.

Starcraft Dad

 Starcraft DadYes it was a yacht.  The TVA caught the person on down the river and stopped him.  I did a search also and didn t find anything.  When I talk to mom tonight I m going to find out if it was in any of the papers or television stations.  It should be at least in thier little local paper.  I contacted my brother and he is going to take his digital camera down there and take pictures.  When he sends them to me I ll post it on my site.