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RE: Hate To Say It!

Started by AustinBoston, Jun 03, 2003, 11:56 AM

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    Another weekend is coming up and they are calling for more rain. What is a camper to do ? Folks, for those of you who are not getting the rain, we are not talking about an hour or so here. Many weekends it has been for days. It gets very cool and damp. Lets wait one more day? Other Ideas?[:@][:@]


 whitestar505Follow the three-step process:
 1) Plan on not camping.  Don t do anything to get ready for a camping weekend.  Plan something else instead, such as yard work or visiting the Mother-in-law.
 2) At the last minute (meaning late on Friday afternoon), change your mind.  Weather systems can t react that fast.  You might get some rain late Sunday afternoon.
 3) Don t blame me if it doesn t work.  You MUST have done something to tip off the weather gods.


 whitestar505My motto has become: " Camping in the Rain is better than NOT camping!"


     I do know it is cold up there in Beantown. I have tried most of this stuff by now, this is my thrid cancellation, and the seventh or eight weekend now.[: (] How much can one Camper Stand. Show Me the Weather God. Only kidding!!!!![:D]
  Like I keep saying, I do not mind the rain but it goes on forever. Don t laugh I am spenting more money on cancellations then camping.


     I think I will put my camper up for sale. Maybe it will stop raining.


 whitestar505Funny that you should mention that.  On the holiday weekend we stayed home because our house needed painting really badly.   It rained for most of the weekend, but at least DH was able to get some scraping and prep work done.  But he was kinda crabby about not going camping.  I asked him how many Memorial Day weekends do you remember, when all of our kids were younger and we went camping only to have it turnout rainy and cold.   And, because we were there and we wanted it so bad, we would stay thru the whole weekend, hoping for just one nice day.   One of my Ds s worst camping stories involves a family campout, with a total of 7 or 8 kids, all around the 5-11 age group.   It rained so hard that you could hardly see, and the little camper was so full of wet people that we took all the boys (5 of them) out to the back of the pickup truck (had a cap on it) with their sleeping bags, coloring books, some games and some hot wheel cars and they ended up staying in that truck almost the whole three days.   (they got out to eat, go to the outhouse, etc.)     They fought constantly!   Just goes to show you what campers will do to go camping.  However, we sure wouldn t do it now that we re older and smarter.   LOL


 whitestar505Do as we do... camp anyway.  We ve gotten a little wet, but we still had a good time and we re glad we weren t home.  Fortunately, it stops raining during the week so everything has a chance to dry out before the next rainy camping trip.  I have to say, the saving grace(s) in our campouts has been our awning, our reversible mat and our ez-up canopy for over the picnic table.  I do love the sound of the rain on our camper roof!  [;)]
 We aren t camping again until Father s day weekend.  HOPEFULLY the rain will be gone by then and we ll be in the middle of a heat wave!  [:D]


 wiininkweGreat Story! wiininkwe,
    I do need to ask you to do something for me if you will? Could you please tell us where you are from so we can relate a little better. Thanks[:)]
   Okay, I have it now Wyoming, Michigan, If you put that info in the from box under your profile you would have more room to write notes in your signature box. Just a thought..  


    How do you like that ez-up canopy. I have been wanting to buy one but just can not bring myself to do it. You stated that you use it for the picnic table, how large is it?
    The problem  with the rain with us is that we sit inside with the TV on for most of the washout. No kids, except the dogs and they want to sleep all day.
  Sure hope the weather is better for ya on fathers day. Good Camping!


 whitestar505Hmmm.............Cancel a camping trip for rain?  
 How do the forcasters know where you are camping?
 The only weather I would cancel a trip for would be if a major storm, tornados, etc.
 But rain? or cool weather? Not a chance.[8D]
 I hardly get to go camping as it is.........[:@]


 whitestar505If I can distribute 100 or 200 newspapers under rain or snow , I surely can camp under rain ! (Not in a tent I guess[:)])
 EVERY saturday it rains !!!! Every Saturday !!!!!! I am sick and tired of it, here we are on 3 rd of June and another rainy Saturday predicted ! I hate it !!!! But oh well, life goes on so ......


 We used to have a 10x10 ez-up Dome canopy but it got " bent"  during a BIG rain storm last Labor Day at Big Timberlake resort in NJ.  It worked well, and if we had gotten another one, we would just take it down when we were not going to be around to knock rain water off.  It handled regular storms fine without us doing anything, just not torrential downpours overnight without us knocking the water off.
 I think the canopy we actually have is a Quik Shade 10x10 recreational.  We got it from Sports Authority on sale for around $150 and I think we saw the same model at Home Depot for $150.
 It s much heavier than our old ez-up, but this one comes with a bag with wheels to help move it around.  The actual canopy size is 10x10, unlike SOME canopies that say they are 10x10 -- that is the size of the extended legs and the canopy is more like 9x9.  Our old canopy was like that.  
 Anyway, our new canopy covers an 8-10 foot picnic table rather nicely.  I wouldn t camp in the rain without it.




 wiininkweOKAY! Good to Go![;)]


    Thanks for the info... They are pricey?