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RE: Water Filters

Started by jpreiser, Jun 21, 2003, 10:24 PM

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 I am thinking about buying a water filter for our PU.  Was wonder how many of you use one and what kind do you use and/or would recommend.  We will be going to lots of new CGs this summer so I have no idea what type of water we will be running into.  Thanks for your suggestions.


 BaysideBrucewe donot have one, but then again we do not drink the water from any campground.we bring bottled water.   Our water heater heats the water for the shower and we try to use mostly paper products so I am not stuck washing dishes to much.


 BaysideBruceWell first of all there s several different types of filters. There s one designed to remove everything but the down side of them is they only flow 1/2 gallon per minute. Not what you d want for the whole water system.
 Then there s the paper/carbon/string catridge types that flow between 2-4 gpm and will handle the entire water requirements of a PU including a shower.
 Myself I m a belt and suspenders man. There s a catridge type (with hose conections) that mounts to the city water inlet on the side of the PU and a high filtration (on of the .5 gpm ones) inline to the faucet.
 One good reason to have a water filter is if you have a hot water heater it ll catch all the sediment in campground water supplies (especially those with wells) and keep it out of your water heater. Most of the new campers with HWH s now also have a filter. I lost a HWH to sediment build up before I started using filters.
 The filter also seems to help in the hotter weather with that " hose taste"  you can get even with the best white RV drinking water hoses if the hose is in the sun and you don t use the water a lot.


 BaysideBruceI lucked out.  On a trip to Kmart I found 2 carbon filters on clearance for $3 each.  I like the idea of catching the sediment but I m not worried about making it drinkable.  We use bottled water for that.  It s nice keeping the HWH and water lines free of sediment.  Popup times advertises a nice filter that makes the water drinkable [link][/link].  I do not think PUT sells them at their store but make sure they know you heard it here!


 BaysideBruceWe were camping this week end no rain![:D] but the camp ground water was about the color of tea. I always use an inline filtre on the popup, it is an activated charcoal that I bought at Wally Mart in the RV section, it does make a difference. We always drag drinking water along. Never thought about the sediment in the HWH[:o]

Gamecock Camper

 BaysideBruceOur Rockwood came with a Water PUR filter system.  It is a cartridge type and seems to do the job pretty well.  The only caution is that you will need to remember to make sure you winterize them (i.e. - empty out all the water from the filter) or it can be a little expensive to replace certain parts.  (Don t ask how I know).

Red neff Barchetta

 BaysideBruceThanks to SCCS for the idea.  We use a faucet mounted water filter by PUR (Britta also makes them).  You can turn it on or off as needed and each filter works for 100 gallons (I think).  This way it can be used for hook-up s as well as dry camping (which we do about 65% of the time).
 I clean out my water heater annually, so I m not " too"  worried about the sediment build-up in there.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteThanks to SCCS for the idea. We use a faucet mounted water filter by PUR (Britta also makes them). You can turn it on or off as needed and each filter works for 100 gallons (I think). This way it can be used for hook-up s as well as dry camping (which we do about 65% of the time).
 I clean out my water heater annually, so I m not " too"  worried about the sediment build-up in there.

 Ditto. To clean the water heater I raise the curb side of the PU by pulling on to a stack of levelers then take out the anode rod and flush out the tank several times using a garden hose. My WH is opposite the curb side.


 BaysideBruceI just bought a water filter at Wally World too, baby blue colored piece with carbon filter, attaches inline at the side of the camper (or the water source). I m still going to use bottled water for cooking, but the campground water is used for cleaning purposes...


 BaysideBruceWe use the blue water filter from Wal-Mart too.  I don t know how much it helps, but I feel better using it.  We too drink bottled water when camping.