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RE: Camping and the Internet

Started by mike4947, Jun 22, 2003, 02:56 PM

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 Okay, let me ask this question my kids have been asking me.  What does it take to be connnected to the internet while camping.  I saw some CGs that say that they have internet connections at the sites.  What does that really mean?  At home I have Verizon DSL.  What would I need to be connected at a CG if I have a laptop with a modem card and/or T10/100 network card?


 BaysideBruceInternet connections at campgounds won t be DSL or Cable modem. simply a phone jack to plug a modem into. And remember you re back to 56k.
 IMHO why bother going camping if you taking the house with you?
 Kids need to move around more and learn to enjoy the outdoors and not spend the camping time huddled over a laptop.


 I have yet to be at a CG with internet at each site but I have been to some CG s with a phone jack or two in or near the office.  You would need a laptop with a modem to use these.  You will also need a local (from where your camping) access number so when you dialing in from the CG there will not be a long distance call.  I would think Verizon dsl would allow you some dial in time with your service.


 BaysideBruceMike4947, I agree with you about why take the laptop along most of the time.  We are planing on an 18 day trip in August and I figured if I could connect to the internet from time to time and it doesn t cost an arm and leg why not every once in while.  When we do a 2-4 day camping trip, I would not even consider taking it along.  But since 2 of the CGs that we will be staying at claim that they have internet service at the camping sites, why not at least check it out.


 BaysideBruceUnfortunately my laptop travels with me.[&:] The good part is that my company has a 800 service dial in to our server. Bad news is it are slo-o-o-o-ow. But it is do for an upgrade. When I get my new laptop, I plan on getting the PCS AirCard so I don t have to worry about looking for phone lines. It will be a plus for the jobsites I have where there are no phone lines too. And it is about 2.5 times faster than your best dial up on a good day. [:D] Ain t technology great!?[8D]


 BaysideBruceI take the laptop with me if I m going for more than a couple of days. The kids don t get to use it anyway, it s just so I can keep my racing website updated. But like others have said, it s usually just a phone jack at the office, and you gotta have somewhere to dial-up to... I have the free version of Netzero (10 hours per month limit) which is suitable, but rarely can find a Netzero number that works on a free account away from major cities. AOL and EarthLink are the most common. I d look into the PC card, but unforunately I have a company provided Cell Phone, and there is a limit to my call times, at least right now that is...


 I have a company cell phone too...sort of. I choose the phone and service with in a price parameter and they reimburse me for it[;)] So I have Sprint PCS. However the Aircard is going to be paid for by my BB, she has started up a business that I have to ride herd on the website and emails for sooooooo I get an air card.[:D] I was using the cell phone as a modem but under the G2 it was only at 14.4 which is kind of slow. The new G3 phones are a lot faster but, Sprint charges you .20 a minute if you use them as a modem and they no longer sell modem kits for any of their phones,(at least not in this market) probably so you will buy the Aircard[:@]


 I am thinking that the Aircard is the way to go as well.  (provided you get sprint service in places you like to camp)  Please keep us updated when you get yours.  I am interested in what you like and dislike about it.


 I have " played"  with one on a very limited basis. What little I was able to tell it works great, but I was on a super strong signal. The biggest problem I have been able to find so far have to do with the cards themselves having some durability issues. But those were with the earlier versions so maybe that bug has been worked out. The main reason I don t have one at the moment is that my laptop is getting obsolete and the software that the company is testing for server access doesn t like to run on Win98 and I can t update to 2000 or XP because my AMD K-6 can t really run it. So I am in the budget for a new laptop in the near future. Plus the fact they are cross training me into sales[&:] So I have a whole nother batch of software that will need to be installed. Guys 5 gig only goes so far!
 The coverage for PCS has been growing steadily, there are very, very few places that I go in the South East that I don t get good coverage. So far all of the campgrounds that I go to have great PCS coverage.
 Just upgraded to a G3 phone and have been having a ball with it![8D][:D]
 BTW have Sprint ADSL at home so I am really spoiled. The office I work out of shares a T-1  with something like 10 others so it can be brutal at times.[:@]


 BaysideBruceI go camping to " get away" .  Maybe the children need to learn to get by with just mother nature.
 I do however take the cell phone in case of emergencies, but that is it.
 What did we do camping 20 years ago (no cell phones, no internet).
 I may not be the most well rounded (except in size), but DH and myself didn t turn out 1/2 bad.


QuoteORIGINAL:  LKaskel
 I have yet to be at a CG with internet at each site but I have been to some CG s with a phone jack or two in or near the office.  You would need a laptop with a modem to use these.  You will also need a local (from where your camping) access number so when you dialing in from the CG there will not be a long distance call.  I would think Verizon dsl would allow you some dial in time with your service.

 I would check with Verizon on this. When I had Verizon DSL and we traveled, Verizon dial up was a separate charge and account. They did not offer it to DSL customers free of charge.
 That was about 18 months ago. They may have changed their policy since.
 Also, if you need a local dial in number, you may not be in the territory that carries Verizon, or your particular carrier.


 I have Sprint ADSL which uses Earthlink for their ISP, we get 4 hours a month of dial up time if we need it.[&:]


 BaysideBruceI dumped my DSL with Verizon. Too many glitches. On cable (Roadrunner now).
 I wouldn t think of accessing the internet while camping, myself. But I do recall how cheap Verizon is and I did call them several times about dial up and they told me I had to pay for the monthly dial up, same as anyone else. The only thing I could do was access my email.
 I m not a big Verizon fan to begin with. The small independent that my husband works for is much more reliable and much less expensive.


 BaysideBruceI m confused....this is too deep for me....I guess I ll just have to wait for the day when CG s come equipped with Internet Cafes.[&:]


 I don t know anybody that likes any aspect of Verizon, cell, dsl, or local phone service[:@][: (] Our company dumped Verizion, we had all of our cell phones with them, they lost a contract worth over $60k a year. Apparently they are one of the companies that doesn t believe in customer service...wonder if they have a tie in with Fleetwood[;)]