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My Mother had a stroke

Started by birol, Nov 13, 2003, 07:44 AM

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Yesterday I learned that my mother (Who lives in Turkey with my father) had a stroke. It was such a shock to learn it two weeks fater it happened. Obviously mybrother was protecting me from the shock of it.

Looks like DM was still using salt in dishes and living very normally, trusting that the hypertension medicine she gets would protect her fully. She was found by my father, unable to talk and partially paralyzed. He somehow took her to the hospital after contacting my brother (They are both 77, which is pretty old with Turkish standards). A lot of damage to the veins in the brain, but thanks God, she can now move and can talk once again. I guess that is why my brother let me know it now.

This drives home the message so hard ! Hypertension is not something to mess with. If you have it, please be careful ............


Quote from: birolYesterday I learned that my mother (Who lives in Turkey with my father) had a stroke. It was such a shock to learn it two weeks fater it happened. Obviously mybrother was protecting me from the shock of it.

Looks like DM was still using salt in dishes and living very normally, trusting that the hypertension medicine she gets would protect her fully. She was found by my father, unable to talk and partially paralyzed. He somehow took her to the hospital after contacting my brother (They are both 77, which is pretty old with Turkish standards). A lot of damage to the veins in the brain, but thanks God, she can now move and can talk once again. I guess that is why my brother let me know it now.

This drives home the message so hard ! Hypertension is not something to mess with. If you have it, please be careful ............

Birol... sorry to hear the bad news!  Glad to hear that she is doing better.  I'll keep her and your family in my prayers.


To bad about your Mom, hope it all works out.


I pray your mother has a speedy recovery.  Thank God she had family around to help her get to the hospital in what seems like a timely fashion to minimize long term damage.

Yes, hypertension has been dubbed "The Silent Killer".  I have done many papers on this subject throughout my grade school years & college.  My father has had hypertension for the last 40 years.  Although there is no cure, there are many factors you can alter to maintain control over hypertension.


Amazing recoveries are being made from strokes.  A music making friend of ours went to have his eyes examined.  The next night he was supposed to play music at the local hang out but he and the wife didn't show up.  So on Wed, I called to see if everything was ok.  He told the story of the eye exam and how he had a headache and his vision really hadn't cleared up....well, I told him he had better call the Dr as it didn't sound right.  Next day around noon he had to be rushed to the hospital.  Yes, a stroke that had been going on for about 4 days.  Good news is that he is almost back to normal and it has been about 3 months.  Your mother will be fine.  Yes, salt is bad for you and you also must take care of yourself.


I hope she makes a speedy recovery.  It must be hard for you having her so far away.


Sorry to hear about your mother, she will get better. Several years ago my mother had a stroke and was paralized on her whole right side and couldn't talk. I think this happend in her seventies and she recovered fully and is now in her mid eighties. Just tell your bother and Dad to make sure she does what the doctors tell her to do. She will need to be pushed into exercising the arm and/or leg that doesn't want to work. My mom made herself write and doddle on a pad of paper to get her strength back in her right hand. It takes time, but it can be done.
Best of luck to your family.


Birol sorry to hear about your Mother.  Hope she recovers completely.


I am glad that your mother is doing better. It must be rough on you being so far from your family. I can not imagine being so far from my family. I hope that she continues to get better.


I'm so sorry, Birol!  I'll keep your family in my prayers.



We need to know how your mother is doing at this time.  Keep us posted.  Again, thoughts and prayers for her speedy recovery.


Quote from: B-flatBirol,

We need to know how your mother is doing at this time.  Keep us posted.  Again, thoughts and prayers for her speedy recovery.

Thanks for all the replies. She is getting better, and doctors hope that she will be back to almost normal. I still can't catch them at home to talk with them :(  So that is a good sign ......


Birol,it must have been really difficult for you.Glad to hear that your mother is doing better.Now we can send out prayers of thanks.


Quote from: forestwalkerBirol,it must have been really difficult for you.Glad to hear that your mother is doing better.Now we can send out prayers of thanks.
Being so far away from my parents all of my adult hood has been very difficult. I started to work abroad when I was 22 years old. Except a 2.5 year return back to Turkey, I have always lived outside Turkey and it is very difficult not being there to help, or receive sad news via phone. I sometimes dread the phone rings  :( Like everything else in life, we sacrifice somethings for other stuff. Sometimes I wonder if it his is worth it ...

P.S. Caught them at home .... She has recovered fully (Thanks God). Under a very strict diet and being observed by doctors weekly for the time being ....It feels good to have good news  :p


That is good news! Told ya..... :W