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Thanks to the mail man!!

Started by jpreiser, Nov 15, 2003, 12:32 PM

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Today our mail man came early!!  The new pop up times magazine was in the batch!! I actually just got finished reading the entire thing!!( kids and DH are out) Nice way to relax and spend a quiet afternoon!!


I am sure that there are plenty of folks making sure they are the first to the mailbox this week.  Nothing like someone else getting it and hiding it until it has been read.:eek: :mad:   I used to think the mailman read my issues first and then left them for me a day or two later.;)


Mine came today too. :)


As I sat here and read this thread, the thought crossed my mind... "Did anyone check the mail today" I asked the kids. NOPE! was the return answer. So I went out to the mail box, and there was my PUT Mag!!!

Used 2B PopUPTimes

I wonder sometimes if it's worth it. There's always a million problems getting the magazine ready for the printer; missing photos, wrong captions, typpoes, late advertisers, no camping tips etc., then then printer usually makes me mad because our file is missing a font or there's a low res image he can't work with or...,  then we get advance copies and a mistake jumps out at me and I just get frustrated and pray for a winning lotto ticket.

Then I sign on here and see how happy everybody is when they receive their copy, happy clients contact us for add'l copies, and of course my mom calls and says " best yet",  and then I can't wait to do it all over again. You guys are awesome.

Don't get me wrong, I'd still take a winning lotto ticket.


I haven't seen a Pop-upTimes yet but I it sounds good!


I got my PUT the other day too. It always makes my day when it comes.
I liked the log chimney and can't wait to try it.


I have mine at the bottom of the stairs. Haven't read it yet...I'm saving it for a trip this weekend! It is killing me not to be able to go read it! (Along with my Firehouse magazine, that is still in its plastic wrapper....


Mine just came today.  It looks great.