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M.J. Poll created ....

Started by birol, Nov 23, 2003, 07:34 PM

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If I start a poll on him, would that be too political/wrong  ? I don't want to do anything wrong, can Moderator1 and all others let me know please ?

Thanks for letting me know  :W


Quote from: birolIf I start a poll on him, would that be too political/wrong  ? I don't want to do anything wrong, can Moderator1 and all others let me know please ?

I assume you are talking about Mr. Jackson.  Sure, start your poll; but remember this is a family board.


Birol, I think we can discuss him here without getting too carried away.  It is very sad that some parents would still let their children go over there for overnight sleepins, knowing that there exists a "possiblity" that he has done something wrong.  He is a man of great talent and something has gone very wrong.:eek: :(


I have wondered if it was a publicity stunt, because it happens when he releases a new album, then he just pays them off.  I thought the state would take over if the plaintiff bailed out on child molester cases.


Quote from: NCSunshineI have wondered if it was a publicity stunt, because it happens when he releases a new album, then he just pays them off.  I thought the state would take over if the plaintiff bailed out on child molester cases.
If it is a staged publicity stunt, it is disgusting ! But then again, I would expect him to arrange that.

And yes, they changed the laws recently where he lives I heard on radio. State will take over child molestation cases if the plaintiff doesn't want to press charges anymore. I wish I could create a poll ....


Quote from: NCSunshineI thought the state would take over if the plaintiff bailed out on child molester cases.

The state can try to take over, but without a victim there is no crime.  Sad to say, but many cases are lost because of a vicitim not willing to testify.


One problem I have about all of this is the parents.  First you have a family that says, "Give me money." and when he doesn't they say he was molesting their kid.  Eventually they get their money out of court.  What kind of parent would ask for money to start with if something like that happened to their kid?  I'd go after them both barrels, possibly literally, but definately legally!
Then this kid.  I was reading an article on the parents of this kid and how they were acting before, after, and during this alleged incident (someone posted it on another board where we were talking about it).  It's just very strange.

I know part of it is just the way I want everyone to be innocent of such horrendous crimes, but you gotta admit this is a strange way for parents to act.
If he did it, I hope they fry him, but it's just sad the things people will do for money.


One problem I have about all of this is the parents.  First you have a family that says, "Give me money." and when he doesn't they say he was molesting their kid.  Eventually they get their money out of court.  What kind of parent would ask for money to start with if something like that happened to their kid?  I'd go after them both barrels, possibly literally, but definately legally!
Then this kid.  I was reading an article on the parents of this kid and how they were acting before, after, and during this alleged incident (someone posted it on another board where we were talking about it).  It's just very strange.

I know part of it is just the way I want everyone to be innocent of such horrendous crimes, but you gotta admit this is a strange way for parents to act.
If he did it, I hope they fry him, but it's just sad the things people will do for money.


Isnt it funny how we all keep going back to the PARENTS?  For years people have known this guy is WEIRD.  I wouldnt let my little boy within ten miles of him.  These people have sacrificed their child's innocence for money and THEY should have their children taken away by protective services right along with MJ.

And as I was thinking about this mess and watching shots of "Neverland" on the news--all the nice sparkly things that appeal so much to kids--I thought: geeze, everyone said when he built this that it was because MJ was so quirky, that he did this to extend his own childhood so he'd never have to grow up.  Now it is clear, he built it totally intended as a Kid Magnet so he could lure these little boys (and their parents) under his spell.

Maybe at first people could plead ignorance of what he was, but after that payoff ten years ago there should have been no doubt that he is very likely a pedophile.  Innocent until proven guilty?  When you have that kind of money, you can BUY innocence  (Look at OJ for heaven's sake--what a travesty of our justice system.)  :mad:  :mad:

Didja see his mugshot?  the guy is scarey as hell.  I mean, his face is melting--he looks practically demented,  even I would be scared of him. :eek:


No, you misunderstand me.  I'm not saying blame the parents and not the person who did it.  I'm saying the parents seem to be using their kids as pawns for money.  Like you said, I wouldn't let my kids have a "sleepover" with an accused child molester but these people did.  Just seems they're hoping for a cash outcome, regardless of how it affects their child.  
I'm also saying I'm not sure if I completely believe these people (regardless of how obviously mentally disturbed he is), since 1) only two kids all this time is not a normal child molester record (and yes, it's always possible he's paying all the others off), and 2) the parents of the first kid asked him for money, and when they didn't get it they ran off to the police.  What I mean here is with the history of the two sets of parents, I'm not 100% positive he's even guilty.


Right.  Even if you believe that he's innocent, would you really allow your child to sleep over?  I think parents that do are as mentally ill as he is.


Quote from: Miss-TeriRight.  Even if you believe that he's innocent, would you really allow your child to sleep over?  I think parents that do are as mentally ill as he is.
Greedy, Selfish, self Centered, Demented, Mentally incompetent, not fit to be a parent, Idiot to add a few nice words about them .....



It's hard to really prove if he did that but I think the big issue involves $$$$$ and lots of it.  It's too bad but it seems like he has gone through something similar before and it was settled out of court.


Quote from: B-flatIt's hard to really prove if he did that but I think the big issue involves $$$$$ and lots of it.  It's too bad but it seems like he has gone through something similar before and it was settled out of court.
Is this is a typical case of Money doesn't bring happiness ?  :rolleyes:  :D  :rolleyes:


Think about it, you have a middle aged black man trying to re-invent himself as a young white woman (my guess is he's trying to be a young Liz Taylor). And builds himself a huge playground.  How could anyone see this happen and not know that there is something seriously wrong with this picture??!!    I realize that it would be terribly tempting to be able to say "My son and Michael Jackson are good friends."   But, it seems that any parent with their childs best interests at heart would be totally on alert with this situation.  I just don't get it, but then, it's Michael Jackson......he seems to be able to buy his way out of his problems.
