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Food... weird thing to think about

Started by MommaMia, Dec 04, 2003, 10:44 AM

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We all have our favorite foods that we love to eat.  One of my favorites is spaghetti.  I love it and eat until I'm overfull sometimes.  But I was trying to think of the one food I love so much that I have a hard time stopping myself from eating, even to the point of making myself physically sick.  For me it would have to be Reese's Peanutbutter cups.  If I have a bag if minis or individuals, I could eat them until I turned green and was ready to puke.

What's your one food that you eat so much of until it makes you sick?


I love to cook, so you know that I love to eat.  I would say that lots of Italian dishes made with pasta are my favorites, topped off with ice cream and M&Ms.  I wouldn't eat until I am sick, though.  I can't imagine having to do without my favorite foods, though.  I'm having a hard time with got me started and now I am thinking of so many other of my favorite foods that I wouldn't want to give up.:confused: :D


Quote from: MommaMiaWe all have our favorite foods that we love to eat.  One of my favorites is spaghetti.  I love it and eat until I'm overfull sometimes.  But I was trying to think of the one food I love so much that I have a hard time stopping myself from eating, even to the point of making myself physically sick.  For me it would have to be Reese's Peanutbutter cups.  If I have a bag if minis or individuals, I could eat them until I turned green and was ready to puke.

What's your one food that you eat so much of until it makes you sick?
Shrimps :):):)


Oh, It was supposed to be just one food?!;) :( :D   Impossible!:J


Just about any chocolate will get me started to the point that I can't stop myself until it's all gone.  :eek:
Don't keep chocolate in the house for that reason!  :D
Oh, and Cheddar & Sour Cream potato chips are pretty dangerous too.  
I am SO addicted to carbohydrates....  :(

Acts 2:38 girl

I would have to say Pizza Dip.  There are other things that are my favorites, but that is one thing I LOVE!  Not to mention it's so easy to make.  I've never had anyone NOT like it when it's at a party!


Please post that recipe for pizza dip over in the recipe forum.  You simply cannot keep that for yourself.:D


Has to be Resse's Peanut Butter Cups for me, as well!


Pecan Pie
Little Debbie chocolate cupcakes
cream cheese chicken
salt and vinegar potato chips
schezuan stir fry
my DD's brown sugar bacon
what???   I eat them one at a time.....
I have more, but....


my weakness is brownies, but I only like to eat them after they've been out of the oven for about 5 minutes!  I love them all warm and smooshy!!  I have to fight to control myself to only eat 2!! Then I put the rest aside to cool for the kids to have!  They just aren't as good as when they are all cooled down...luckily for me, because then I'm not eating them!!!!!!!!!

Acts 2:38 girl

QuotePlease post that recipe for pizza dip over in the recipe forum. You simply cannot keep that for yourself.

OK, it's there!  :


Snyders of Berlin BBQ Potato Chips
Tomato Juice
Pasta of all kinds


Home made cookies (or brownies) still warm from the oven. :)


Yep...Reese's PB Cups for me too. Seems popular.

After our wedding we had 10 billion Hershey bars (OK, only 9 billion) left know...the kind that has a label with our first date/wedding date/engagement date/"ingreadients" on it....

Anyway, I gained a few pounds by eating Hershey bars and PB with a fork.



Cindy-- you are a really really baaaad influence on this board.  My favorite sinful food is (oh, dear this is SO embarrassing) CHOCOLATE COVERED GUMMY BEARS.)  I  know this is  an awful thing for a "dignified" (?)  grandmother type to crave but I love those darned things, and when I go to the big city, I buy a big bag at the candy store in Lenox Square Mall.  (They are usually all gone by the time I drive the 90 miles back home.)