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Saddam captured!!!

Started by brainpause, Dec 14, 2003, 06:19 AM

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Have you turned on the news????

Saddam was captured...confirmed by DNA!!!



Wow,,, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!!!!


As R. Lee Ermey from the History Channel would say. HOOO RAAA!!!!


Now that we have him, some of terrorists will go back in hiding and stop killing our boys over there trying to keep the peace. This is a good day.


Guess he thought our boys wouldn't recognize him with that shaggy beard!!! Pulled him out of his rat hole, very fitting for the crud that he is. He looked rough, but perhaps now his followers will try to fade into the woodwork.


Great news to be sure.  Capturing Sadaam is like cutting off the head of the snake;  the death throws are likely to be very violent and unpredictable.  'Course until you cut off the head you can't kill the beast!


I bet he heard that the 3664th Maintainance Co. left Pt. Pleasant WV Wednesday to be deployed. He knew better than to mess with a bunch of WV boys (and girls).


The rat was caught in his hole, hooray!!  I've heard from subsequent news reports that he has been sarcastic and justifying he was a strong ruler.  But yet he was caught alone,filthy, bedraggled  in a hole in the ground.  Too bad they couldn't have just filled him in the hole with some cement, then he could be his own statue!!...maybe later once the Iraqi's get near him!!

Seriously, however, kudos to the military and Iraqi's who have worked hard to hunt him down.   Hopefully the Iraqi people will now shed their fears and squash down on the very people who are still hurting them thinking their precious Saddam was coming back to lead them.   I wish our troops continued safety as they work to restore Iraq to a land of humanity.


Yay, they finally caught the SumBitsch!  And  caught in a HOLE in the ground where he belongs  like the COWARDLY RAT he is!  Thank heaven he wasnt killed so he cannot become a martyr for those hate-filled sickos who continue to follow him.

Did anyone else but me notice his resemblance to Charlie Manson?  The same glittering  eyes of a  madman.

Billy and I were talking about it at breakfast and I said, just give him a beatup shopping cart to put his crap in and he'd look right at home under the bridges and overpasses of any big city.

Unfortunately, my guess is, THIS WILL NOT STOP THE KILLING OF OUR TROOPS!  This  is a much more complicated mess than just catching one man no matter how  despotic and sick  he is.


But, I DO  really love Camperoo's idea of making saddam into "his own statue"  what a fitting end after the trial is over.  Actually, after the trial is ended, we should turn him over to the families of the Iraqui's he tortured and  killed. THEY know how to deal with people like that!   :J


First, Let's get up several loads of  " girls"..remember the ones who dealt with the flasher guy at their school.  That would be for starters.  Just kidding.  So, what's to try.  He tortured and murdered and this went on for 25 or more years.
Next, what about Osama Bin Laden?
HooRay for our heroic and brave troops.  God bless them all!  Keep them safe and may our freedom be protected.


Isn't it cool to think that all this time he's been holed up in various teeny tiny holes hiding?  Definately serves him right.  What good did all that money they found with him do him?  No plush castles, just dirt walls.  Then when they capture him he doesn't even use the pistol he has.  Sounds like a coward to me.  After all, he tells all his minions to do suicide bombings, etc, then he won't risk dying himself when they capture him?


yeah, well......a bunch of the Iraqi geniuses are now claiming that the United States knew where Sad-dam was all the time, but that we delayed "finding" him so that we'd have a good excuse to invade Iraq.  Makes my blood boil.

Unh hunh, sure!  We had nothing better to do during an economic downturn with our troops' lives and our billions of dollars than to invade their giant sandbox.

I suggest we UNINVADE them immediately, bring all our troops who are trying to re-build the damn place and keep order, AND our money,  back home and let all those various tribes (who have been at war with each other for hundreds of years) HAVE AT EACH OTHER until they are like the Gingham dog and the Calico Cat of our childhoods who fought until 'they ate each other up."

We are wasting American  lives and money in an endless pit where the majority of the people have conceived an unending hatred for us.  I dont think ANY amount of sacrifice on our parts will ever make them forget their own loss of life, their  "humiliation" (THEIR word!) or move on and join the rest of humanity in trying to live peaceably.  Even those who hate Sad-dam have said  that although they are glad he is caught, they  are humiliated that it was the Infidel Americans who did it.  We will never achieve anything in that 'forsaken place which even vaguely resembles victory or success.

Sorry I sound so cynical, but this is going to be a disaster--worse than Nam--and the big  mistake we made was in misjudging the situation, thinking that we could "help" make things better by getting rid of their madman dictator.   These people do not look at life like we do.   If I thought we could improve things permanently, or the majority of Iraqis  would ever have any lasting gratitude for our losses, I wouldnt feel this way, but I have run out of any hope that  we will look back in 25 years and conclude that it was worth all the misery and cost in lives and money.

If I sound bitter, it is because I AM!


I am proud of our troops, our President, and I am proud to be an American!!!

May this victory be the begining of a blessing of peace that spreads like wildfire throughout the Middle East!


I'm glad he was caught and hope the fire is stoked way up when he arrives at at his final destination.
I feel the same as Elisa concerning the "helping" of other countries. During the 200+ years that the USA has been the USA, every war the government has put us into results in the countries we "help" hating us even more....(except for England who's always happy we beat up other countries up for them and who still consider us to be one of their colonies). I'm waiting for the day the people in Iraq, Afghanistan, France, Phillipines, etc. wave our flag & thank us.