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Do you bring a telescope?

Started by Biskit4Camping, Dec 30, 2003, 09:26 PM

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Does anybody here do any astronomy while camping?  Telescope?  Binoculars?  How do you store your scope?  Is it hard to get into the popup?

Any thoughts?

Lemme know!



We always keep a pair of binoculars in the TV.   :)


I'm sad to saythe teescop asn'tlt he house for man years :(

The nly thingwe do thes days is look at the moon and stars while sittig by the campfire.

We did do a trip in November 2001 to view the Leonid meteor shower  :)    What a beautiful sight!


Quote from: tlhdocWe always keep a pair of binoculars in the TV.   :)
I like to use Binoculars to veiw the night sky while camping.


The telescope we found too difficult to deal with, by the time you located what you were looking for, and managed to get it focused in, it would disapear as the earth just won't sit still long enough for us to get things line up right!!! ;)

We do however, bring 2 binoculars and one monocular with us, and if I ever get enough money...I'll get a scope with computer tracking on it!
Don't know how much of if you follow, but a great place for information that is updated weekly is
Keep Looking Up!!!


I love astrononmy! and belong to a small local astronomy club (Crossroads Astronomy Club). I am the secretary/newsletter editor. We have a once a month meeting and club star gazes. It is loads of fun.
When we go camping, there are times when I only take binoculars due to a lack of space- storage and/ or a chance of cloudy skies (He He!) Other times I take my Celestron NexStar 8 (8 inch telescope). I just store it in the back of my jeep. It doesn't take long to disconnect from the tripod. The telescope has tracking and a "go to" system to help find any sky objects in its range, so I enjoy this a lot. A big plus is that the scope is light enough for me to carry short distances and move around.
If I have my scope out it always draws a crowd of campers and I have an impromptu star gaze. At least once a year my club puts on a public star gaze at the SP and some of the club members camp there for that weekend.
If anyone is having problems using their scopes or need information to get started in astronomy look up  and find your nearest astronomy club. I'll bet those folks will be glad to help you. You can locate clubs through the Astronomical League website
The best way is to start with the basics- a book of constellations and your naked eye. There is more to see that way than you think. Gradually move up to binoculars then later get a telescope. Learn your way around the sky before using a scope or you'll get lost and confused and give up.
Camping is a great opportunity for some dark sky viewing, especially if your like me- I live 1/4 mile from a football stadium. mega lights! Can't see the milkyway most nights.
Astronomy is a fun and rewarding hobby.
Clear Skies!



Since I was a good boy this (last) year, for Christmas I got an Orion 130mm f/7 reflector EQ2 telescope.  So far it has gone out in the backyard about 8 times, and friend's house once, and to a club stargazing once.

Since it is large and heavy (kinda like me), I wondered about bringing it with us in the TV or camper.  Some CG's we go to offer amazing night skies, and others have so much light in them to make good views a challenge (pronounces hassle).  Ever notice some of the bright lights on poles in CG's?  ... very unkind to night viewing...

We have used our 7x35 binoculars a few times for stargazing while camping.  Fun and easy to use... we are looking to upgrade these, though to a good pair of 10x50's or 63's.  I also bring along a planishere, red flashlight, and charts.

Now I've already brought along everything BUT the telescope, I'm wondering what it will be like to camp -n-scope on the same trip.

Will letcha know how it goes!!



Quote from: tim5055I'm sad to saythe teescop asn'tlt he house for man years :(
The nly thingwe do thes days is look at the moon and stars while sittig by the campfire.
Hey Tim, try to lay off the booze before posting! LOL ;)
I always wanted a telescope, but never got around to getting one. Binoculars are the only thing we carry these days.
P.S. Good to see you back on the board! ;)


I have a telescope but it is too heavy and probably doesn't need to be towed around in the popup or tow vehicle. I have never really thought about taking it camping, though.  It is fun to star watch out my back porch though.


wow... it HAS been a while since Patty or I have posted, hasn't it?  I'm suprised you remembered us, but thanks for doing so :)


Quote from: topcat7736Hey Tim, try to lay off the booze before posting! LOL ;)
I always wanted a telescope, but never got around to getting one. Binoculars are the only thing we carry these days.
P.S. Good to see you back on the board! ;)


Stargrazing is my hubby's favorite hobby besides camping so we combine it as often as possible. We camp at the "Star Parties" with many other astromers and have a great time. Light pollution at CGs is a major problem, too many campers feel that they have to light up their site like the local mall parking lot instead of enjoying the darkness and the night sky that goes with it. We have found that if you speak to the park ranger or camp manager they will many times let you set up your scope away from the light (like the ballfield or distant overflow parking lot).
This works for me, a non star gazer, I get to watch my movies or read a book while he enjoys his nite skies and then we go to bed in our snug little camper to enjoy another day.
Lugging the scope and the equipment that goes with it is a hassle, hence the reason for the pickup truck but all in all well worth the effort. Anyone with a scope and a camper feel free to e-mail me, maybe we can get together some weekend!


I have an 8" Schmidt-cassegrain which I have taken camping about 3 or 4 times and used once because it is too big. I just got a new Meade ETX125ec (5") which will be much more manageable, plus computer driven, which my other one was not. Stargazing is one of the things I love to do while camping, and the dark skies over Allegany state park are so rich with stars compared to my suburban back yard. There is also much to be seen with the naked eye and star chart or a pair of 10/50 or larger binoculars.


Quote from: Biskit4CampingThanks!

Since I was a good boy this (last) year, for Christmas I got an Orion 130mm f/7 reflector EQ2 telescope.  So far it has gone out in the backyard about 8 times, and friend's house once, and to a club stargazing once.

Since it is large and heavy (kinda like me), I wondered about bringing it with us in the TV or camper.  Some CG's we go to offer amazing night skies, and others have so much light in them to make good views a challenge (pronounces hassle).  Ever notice some of the bright lights on poles in CG's?  ... very unkind to night viewing...

We have used our 7x35 binoculars a few times for stargazing while camping.  Fun and easy to use... we are looking to upgrade these, though to a good pair of 10x50's or 63's.  I also bring along a planishere, red flashlight, and charts.

Now I've already brought along everything BUT the telescope, I'm wondering what it will be like to camp -n-scope on the same trip.

Will letcha know how it goes!!


I have a couple of refractors...a 4" and one of those famous ST80's. I always take, at the very least, the ST80. It can be mounted on a photographic tripod and it takes up no "space". (Pun intended)
FWI, the ST 80 scope is only 15 inches long.

This little scope is limited to about 80X total magnification, but for wide field views, it's hard to beat. And better yet, you can find them all the time used on // They ususally sell for $100.00 to $125.00.

When I know the viewing should be good, depending on where we are going, I'll bring the 4" and a SVD EQ mount. Not really that much more to bring.

Clear skies!

Bob Pitney