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In Time for Warm Weather....Skunk Potion...

Started by Camperroo, Mar 02, 2004, 04:13 PM

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Well since I smelled a little critter last night and it was nice and warm today...I figured someone will need this eventually....hopefully not me!!!  It does work great however, even on my brother and dog was the one who got it good from a skunk and we even doused him with this stuff!!!!

Skunk Potion

1 Pint Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 Tblspn of baby (tearless) shampoo

Mix ingredients well and put into a spray bottle.  Spray pet liberally and massage into fur.  Let set for 15-20 minutes and then rinse pet well.  Repeat if necessary...but one time around usually does the trick!!


While doing the newspapers in the morning, I see so many of them SKUNKS !!!! I will keep this formula somewhere in case I get sprayed :( I sometimes can't go to some houses because the animal just won't move away ! It is not a matter of "if", it is a matter of when with me  :eek:

Acts 2:38 girl

I thought this was a recipe to keep skunks AWAY from your property!  Does anybody know anything in that line?  I want something that will make them feel unwelcome.  There has got to be a certain type of plant, or spray, etc that will make them stay away.  Last fall - right after we moved here our dog got sprayed GOOD!  I went to Pet-ca and bought "Natures Miracle" -the only product with a money back guarentee.  It really was a miracle how effective it was. (Boy, does that sound hokey!  :D ) I bought two bottles and only need half of one.  
If anyone knows how to keep skunks away - let me know!!


Quote from: birolWhile doing the newspapers in the morning, I see so many of them SKUNKS !!!! I will keep this formula somewhere in case I get sprayed :( I sometimes can't go to some houses because the animal just won't move away ! It is not a matter of "if", it is a matter of when with me  :eek:

Don't bother mixing it up ahead of time.  Hydrogen Peroxide doesn't keep well, and when mixed with other things breaks down very quickly (like hours).

The most effective thing for cleaning skunk odor (I've heard this from vets, pet stores, and neighbors with experience) is Massengil Feminine Douche.



Quote from: Acts 2:38 girlI thought this was a recipe to keep skunks AWAY from your property!  Does anybody know anything in that line?  I want something that will make them feel unwelcome.  There has got to be a certain type of plant, or spray, etc that will make them stay away.  Last fall - right after we moved here our dog got sprayed GOOD!  I went to Pet-ca and bought "Natures Miracle" -the only product with a money back guarentee.  It really was a miracle how effective it was. (Boy, does that sound hokey!  :D ) I bought two bottles and only need half of one.  
If anyone knows how to keep skunks away - let me know!!

In CT I was licensed by the DEP as a Nuisance Wildlife Control Officer.  

The #1 tip to keep skunks away from your property... Treat your lawn for grubs!  Grubs are the skunks #1 favorite food and if your lawn has grubs, you'll be likely to have skunks visiting your yard nightly for those yummy grubs.  Skunks are motivated by their stomachs... if there are no grubs in your lawn, they are less likely to come nosing around at night for their midnight snack.


Austin, I was going to say something about that formula and the skunks, but this is a family board! ;)  :D  :rolleyes:  :eek:  :Z

Acts 2:38 girl

QuoteThe most effective thing for cleaning skunk odor (I've heard this from vets, pet stores, and neighbors with experience) is Massengil Feminine Douche

Yeah, but how many do you need?  Just like tomatoe juice too, but it's $3.50 a can!  It would be to expensive!!


Quote from: Acts 2:38 girlYeah, but how many do you need?  Just like tomatoe juice too, but it's $3.50 a can!  It would be to expensive!!

Our neighbor had to buy a whole case.  Both times.  This dog didn't learn from experience.  If it had been us, the ladies in the family would have bought one each in every drugstore in town rather than face the unspoken question of "What on earth does she need a whole case for?"

I once saw a female checkout clerk at a pet store try to explain over the phone to a male caller that it was something he needed to get at a drug store, not a pet store.  Before hearing any key words, PJay and I looked at each other and said "skunk".



My neighbor has a skunk that likes to climb under her shed..she was told to take a couple of socks and put some moth balls in them, tie up the socks and toss under the shed or porch...worked...skunks took up residence in the shed across the street!!


:Z This sounds like a good way to get rid of bad neighbors. ;)  :D  :J  :Z

Acts 2:38 girl

QuoteIf it had been us, the ladies in the family would have bought one each in every drugstore in town rather than face the unspoken question of "What on earth does she need a whole case for?"

I'm dying laughing!!!!   :D  :D

Also - What is a good way to get rid of grubs?  We walk around barefoot so is there a safe type of chemical to put on the ground??  Or - even better - a natural prediator of skunks?


I can't guarantee it for skunks, but there's a product I once sold called "Get Off My Garden". It is little pieces of a jelly crystal substance in a bottle. You hose the perimeter of your yard, sprinkle the jelly crystals around the wet area and they spread out creating a barrier that repels critters like dogs & cats.

Don't use it directly on food plots and don't sniff the concentrated crystals in the bottle (will affect your lungs).

As for Natures Miracle, here's my thoughts. NM is a bacteria enzyme with mask product which means the enzymes in it break down the wet urine, the bacteria eats it and the citrus mask hides from you the fact that it really didn't work (which is why it's a good SELLING product)! Reading the label, you will find it says that the product could take up to two weeks to completely remove the urine. This means the area must be kept wet for that period of time (which is absurd). Once the area dries and it becomes humid again, the smell returns and on goes another bottle.

Better alternatives, (although harder to find), are available through veterinarians only. They are  manufactured by Thornell Products and called "Cat Off" and "Kennel Odor Eliminator". Cat-Off is a soaker for rugs and furniture and KOE is a concentrate added to wash water or used on solid surfaces. Both remove urine by forming a molecular bond with it, on contact, and changing it to something we can't smell. When you pour one of them onto a urine soaked area, there is an extremely great urine smell that rises. About 5 seconds later, there is no urine in the area and it can be dried. If there's any smell left after drying, you missed a spot so just retreat it. Don't be detered by the name "Cat Off". Tomcat urine is one of the most extremely potent urines in nature. The product removes the smell instantly.