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I Thought Flue Season Was Over...

Started by angelsmom10, Mar 18, 2004, 07:55 AM

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For the past 2 weeks oldes DD has been feeling crappy and coughing constantly, but being young and knowing it all, won't take a day or 2 off and rest, so she is continuing.  But, of course, who catches it....ME!!!..
Left work Fri at 2pm crouping and coughing up a storm.  Spent the weekend in bed with crouping and coughing constantly with a fever of over 101 and feeling weakness in upper arms and general aching.  Attempted to come to work (25mile drive one way) Mon... was able to stay for about an hour.. but had to leave.  Spent the rest of Mon and Tues in bed.. Finally had to come in yesterday, but I still think it's just too early.  Still crouping and coughing, but no fever...
This really S^cks!
This is really hard when you get old.


Sorry to hear that you got it ! Please take care of yourself. Wife had it for the last month or so, and she is just starting to get better. The cough still persists ....


Oh YUK!!! I'm so sorry you feel bad!!! I too thought I'd made it through the flu season this year. I had my shot (along with most of the office) in October but a good deal of our employees got it anyway this year.  I was feeling so relieved to have made it through the holidays without getting it...and WHAM...a couple of weeks ago I just all of a sudden started feeling awful on a Sunday...Monday was a holiday so I basically rested.  On Tuesday I felt even worse, but MADE myself get up and go to know how those phone calls sound when you call in after a three day weekend!  LOL.... By the end of the day I could barely drive home. I thought i had a bad cold until I finally called the Doctor... I honestly am not sure I've had a real case of the flu in past years until this one!!  I know I've had awful colds before, but nothing that felt this bad..I couldn't even read because my head hurt so bad..and anyone who knows me at all knows I'm NEVER without a book.  I told DH even my eyelashes hurt!  ;>  It's no fun!!  Take care of yourself.....let the family take care of you for a few days!  DH was pretty worried about me..I'm just not one who can be down for that many days!

Sending get well wishes...You need some chicken soup, juice, and (my kiddos favorite when he was sick)...a "bendy straw" to drink from!


I'm just getting over it.  I was sick all last week.  Tuesday night both ears suddenly clogged, and in the middle of the night, I thought both ear drums would rupture.  I got to the doc the next morning, and took two kinds of antibiotics.  Got the sinus and ear infections under control.  Still deaf as a post, but my hearing is slowly coming back.

The youngest of our crew also got an ear infection.  He went to the doc immediately on Monday.  His is under control.

I hate being sick.  I got the flu shot, but had two rounds of illness this season.  Probably due to having two young kids in school.  If there's anything out there, they get it and bring it home... as do all the other kids in the school.

Blah!  Ain't fun.   :Z


i got it in December and again last week.  came to the conclusion that since I've been lazy over the past 6-8 months and hadn't taken any supplements my immune system was waay too weak.


Yuk, yuk,'s STILL going around the office...for what it's worth, I try to remember to take Echinecia and my Vitamin C and hope that we stay healthy and no one gets in anymore!!

How are you feeling Angelsmom????


Still got the croup.... boss told me Friday he wanted me to stay home in bed all weekend to get rid of it; but in the next breath told me that he needed me to get a vacuum cleaner for one of our stores.  How does he expect me to stay in bed, but still get the cleaner????  typical male!
Oh well, didn't get the cleaner nor did I stay in bed..... I had to work an auction Saturday...shhh don't tell the boss.. we need all the extra $$ we can get.


LOL...hey, at least an auction sounds like more fun than getting a vacuum!!!  ;>     That nasty cough seems to hang around for WEEKS !  Took me awhile to get my energy back too.  

Take care of yourself!


My wife still has the cough, after 1.5 months, not as bad as before, but, mn, that IS one nasty cough still ! When she gets it, I sure wake up .....


Quote from: vjm1639LOL...hey, at least an auction sounds like more fun than getting a vacuum!!! ;> That nasty cough seems to hang around for WEEKS ! Took me awhile to get my energy back too.
Take care of yourself!
Sitting here at work reading the posts and what happens, boss calls...
boss: How you feeling?
me:  I'm here,
boss:  Did you forget about the vacuum cleaner?  I'm here at the store and told them they need to sweep, but they still don't have a new cleaner>
me:  I'll go out this morning... haven't been anywhere!
How does he expect me to get better if I'm constantly running errands?
So, off to Target or WalMart!


He expects you to buy a vacuum cleaner on your day off ? Hmmmmm  ......

Quote from: angelsmom10Sitting here at work reading the posts and what happens, boss calls...
boss: How you feeling?
me:  I'm here,
boss:  Did you forget about the vacuum cleaner?  I'm here at the store and told them they need to sweep, but they still don't have a new cleaner>
me:  I'll go out this morning... haven't been anywhere!
How does he expect me to get better if I'm constantly running errands?
So, off to Target or WalMart!


Oh my gosh...LOL... well, I did have to run oer to our other building yesterday, to what is "affectionately" known here as "The Ripoff Cafe" to get our company's owner (who was here on one of his rare visits) a Welch's Peach soda and a slice of lemon pound cake! (gag, what a combo...) what WOULD they do without us?
Good grief...I'm guessing it would have been too difficult for him to pick up a vacuum on his own?? ;)


For some, the symptoms might be flu but for others it might be some kind of sinus and throat infection making a person feel draggy, feverish, miserable all over.  Allergies can really drag someone down.  I guess going into a lot of older homes lately has gotten the best of me....and now a round of antibiotics is helping so much.  I am beginning to feel better and get some things accomplished.  It took about 3-4 days for the meds to kick in and really do the job.  I would not even be trying to work but getting some rest so I could get well.  I certainly wouldn't feel like getting a vac. :eek:


So, did you buy the vacuum ? I am just curious ....


Actually, I was able to get our warehouse guy to go. Last week when he brought it back up again and I said I was going to go that morning, I went out to tell the warehouse guy what I had to do, he asked me where I was going and I told him either WalMart or Target and he suggested Sam's; but I had to let my membership lapse as we didn't use it very often and really don't have the $$ to renew this year.  He said that if I wanted, he would go and use his card.  I almost passed out.... whenever we need anything, he asks me ,,,, the next time you're out, can you pick up ...(such n such).  Which really gets me mad as it seems I'm the only one who goes to the grocery store or where ever.  He went and did get it.