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Not a good thing at Disney World

Started by Camperroo, Apr 02, 2004, 08:18 PM

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Great now our kids can't even be safe going up to hug "Tigger" at Disney!!!!

"Disney character accused of fondling
Friday, April 2, 2004 Posted: 7:44 PM EST (0044 GMT)

(CNN) -- A Walt Disney World employee dressed as the character Tigger at the Orlando, Florida, theme park was arrested Friday on charges of molesting a minor and committing battery against her mother while the three posed for a photo, according to a police affidavit.

Michael Chartrand, 36, was booked on $2,500 bond, according to a spokesman for the Orange County Jail.

Chartrand is accused of fondling the breasts of a woman and her 13-year-old daughter as he stood between them posing for a picture at Walt Disney World's Toontown February 21, according to an affidavit.

Neither reacted at the time, but the girl later told her parents she had been fondled, and eight days later the family filed a report with the Orange County Sheriff.

During an interview with police, Chartrand said he may have inadvertently touched the girl's breast, and added that he suffers from dyslexia, which impaired his memory.

According to a spokeswoman for Disney, Chartrand has been suspended without pay pending an investigation"

Guess no matter where you are, even in line to hug a beloved children's character...keep your eyes glued to your children.


Dyslexia my "..." Perverts everywhere ! Keep your eyes glued to your children !

What a think to read to come back from being out all night and read .... he could have at least say something like, the paws are too big and it might have touched accidentaily or something, not that anyone would believe that ! Dyslexia ! M.J. Needs some of that too when his court case starts  :D

Looking at it from another perspective, I mean mom was ok with being fondled I guess ???? Come on now, till her daughter brought it up, she didn't even mention it, sorry but I couldn't help noticing that :)

Quote from: CamperrooGreat now our kids can't even be safe going up to hug "Tigger" at Disney!!!!

During an interview with police, Chartrand said he may have inadvertently touched the girl's breast, and added that he suffers from dyslexia, which impaired his memory.

Guess no matter where you are, even in line to hug a beloved children's character...keep your eyes glued to your children.


WOW, some people.....


Is this directed at me ? Did I say something wrong ?  :W

Quote from: jpreiserWOW, some people.....


Quote from: birolIs this directed at me ? Did I say something wrong ?  :W

  No directed at tigger.....


Oh, ok, I agree, some people !
Quote from: jpreiserNo directed at tigger.....


Birol has sharp eyes.....well if the paws were too big, well yeah it could happen.  Yeah I guess maybe dyslexia might make his attempt to put his paws on their backs to end up different. ;)  :eek:  :D . (Just kidding.) To wait 8 days to file a complaint tells me those folks are the owner of a problem. :mad:   Some people!


I guess this proves that in any large group of people you will have good & bad.  Disney employs tens of thousands of people, so I'm actually surprised is hasn't happend sooner (or more often).


Quote from: Tim5055I guess this proves that in any large group of people you will have good & bad.  Disney employs tens of thousands of people, so I'm actually surprised is hasn't happend sooner (or more often).

It has countless times...I am suprised that they got the Orange County sheriff to respond...Usually DW handles it internally to avoid the publicity. I will have to search for the link, there was a story done on it a while back.

Aaron :cool:

gsm x2

Do the words "Innocent until proven quilty" have any meaning in America?

I thought they did.
Especially when the eight-day factor is factored in.
gsm x2


wahoonc you are absolutely correct.  Disney hushes this kind of thing up all the time.  If you pick up a pay phone at Disney and dial 911, do you get emergency dispatchers?  NO, you get Disney employees.  Until a few years ago Disney didn't even do background checks on their new employees.  What a great place for a mo to work. :mad:

Acts 2:38 girl

I think it is a little wierd that they waited 8 days. If anybody ever touched my daughter or sons, I'd be making a spectacle of myself and their behavior. Why wait so long? Did they doubt her? Did their lawyer recommend it? Makes you think.
According to FOX network, he also did the same to the Mom!??  HELLO??  Ever hear of a quick knee and a set of vocal cords??


$ounds like they want to get $omething.


Innocent until proven guilty.....YES
13yr not reporting......YES
mother not reporting for 8 days......NO
Especially in these times, I would have opened my mouth immediately, if not doing something as soon as he touched me.


I can NOT imagine a thirteen year old girl not screaming the moment someone touches them somewhere inappopriate ! I look at my daughters friends and how they are, how we keep brainwashing our own daughter on what is acceptable or not, and I just can not believe that a 13 year old will not scream when someone fondles her ! Unless, there are other issues she is used to it, or she doesn't care, or she is little bit slow in certain areas or have some development delays.

As for the mother, Come one now ! 8 days !!!!! She maybe didn't realize that she is being touched ? 8 days !!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease ! And then they decdie to press charges !

I am sorry but the more I think about this, the more I am starting to believe that this is nothing but a money grab. I guess innocent until proven guilty is a good approach !

How did they realize that they were touched ? Was it a conversation like this , after 8 days ? Both are plauisable I guess  :

Mom : So xxx did you like the disney world ?
Girl : yes mom, it was awful
Mom : What was the best part :
Girl : The tiger, he was so strong
Mom : He looked strong right ?
Girl : No mom, when he squeezed my xxx, it almost hurt
Mother : come to think of it , mine almost hurt too !
Girl : MOOOOM !
Mom :  XXXXX !
Mom : Oh my God ! the pervert , he touched both of us !
Mom : I am calling the police

or more like this :

Girl : Mom, when can we go to Disneyworld again, it was awesome
Mom : I don't know dear , we are poor, I don't know how I will pay the visa bill for that trip
Girl : awwww, I really like it too, look at that picture of us and the tiger !
Mom : I GOT IT, we will say he fondled us, you just tell the cops he touched your xxx. This way we might even get a free life pass to disney world  and some hush hush money to boot !
Mom : calls the police

Disclaimer : I was bored and got upset with the story, if the guy is guilty, that is bad, if they are framing him, that is bad too. Why are we like this ???