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Name question ?

Started by birol, Apr 27, 2004, 10:39 AM

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MommaMia or anyone ......

Is Cindy a full name or nick name like Bill is for William ?  Curious ......

Naive Birol talking :)



Quote from: birolMommaMia or anyone ......

Is Cindy a full name or nick name like Bill is for William ?  Curious ......

Naive Birol talking :)


Cindy is usually a nick-name for Cynthia, but in this case. Cindy is my given name.  Actually, no, it's not.  I just found out a couple years ago that when my father named me, (yes, my father insisted that he gets to name the kids, regardless of what my mom thought of the name) dad intended for my name to be Cindy-Lee, with no middle name.... but when the birth certificate was typed up and submitted by the army hospital, they put Cindy as the first name and Lee as my middle name.  So dad din't end up actually naming me after all!


I'm a Lori--not a Laura or Lauren or Laurel, or Lorraine, or Loretta.  Just plain ol Lori.  I guess my mom didn't have a lot of faith in how smart I might be and thought she'd better keep it simple, just in case. ;)


Our youngest DD, I wanted to name JenniAnn (1 name), but DH didn't like it, so I had to settle for Jennifer Ann.  Since she has gone from Jenny to Jenny Ann to Jennifer back to Jenny and now Jenn.

and the sure get birth certificates wrong.  FIL was supposed to Harvey William, but they typed his first name as William, so legally he had to go with William, but the family always called him Harvey; so at family things you had to know who you were talking to as to how you would reference him :eyecrazy:


My ds's original birth certificate merely says "baby boy" for his first name--his birthmother chose to not give him a name because she wanted to let us name him.  (The birth certificate issued after his adoption was final lists his full name given to him by us.)


Talking about names, both kids are considering a legal name change, Turkish names are difficult to pronounce and stand out too much. DD has already adapted Karen, and DS is undecided, but maybe Jack ....... Time will show I guess. I love it when they ask us if it would be ok with us when they decide to go ahead with name changes. It is not like we will say no, and they would not listen to us if we said no anyways, they will  probably adults by the time they get around to it.

You can always call me Birol  ;)


Cindy, that's pretty funny. I had a stuffed cat when I was a little girl because I was allergic to live ones, and I named it Cynthia after my babysitter down the street (although I pronounced it "Thynthia".) My sister's name is Judy, not Judith, but often people think her given name must be Judith. My dad had a really long name, he was the 7th generation with it, but his mother always wanted to name him Bill. So Bill was his nickname, and sometimes he would get junk mail addressed to William, even though his given name was Sylvanus. My mom's given name is Florence, but everyone calls her Betty (short for Elizabeth, her middle name), because her mother was a Florence also. My in-laws are Val and Sig - Val is my FIL and Sig is my MIL, but often people assume it is the other way around. Val is short for Valentino, which he had legally changed to Valentine decades ago because he was tired of being ribbed about it, but old relatives still call him Tino. My MIL's given name is Sigrid. Birol, are you confused yet?  :eyecrazy: BTW, my Turkish neighbor's name is Yuksel - cool name, easy to remember. I don't think he has a nickname (although maybe his wife has one for him  :rolleyes:  !)


My dh's parents were abit short on creativity when they named their kids.
DH is Carl David after his father and grandfather, but he goes by Dave, which doesn't make sense since his father (to his own family) did too, but he was Carl at work .  DH's sister is Dessie Lynn, after his mother, who is just Dessie--no middle name. DH's sister goes by Lynn at home and Dessie professionally (explain that to me!:confused: )  Dh's brother is Clifford Kevin. After they had to come up with a name on their own, they stopped having kids! :J


PJay once cut checks for a company with an employee who's parents had just arrived in the US when  she was born.  Either they liked the preliminary name, or they didn't know how to get their chosen name on the birth certificate, but this girl went by Female.  She pronounced it FEM-a-LEE.  It was on her birth certificate and social security card.



AB, you have a knack for coming up with the weirdest stuff !


When my parents adopted me, they got the call on a spur of the moment.  They hadn't picked out a name, but my Dad and Mom both had brothers that they were very close to.   So, I was named after them.  Toni Dale. :(  Dad's brother was Tony, Mom's was Dale.  (believe it or not, I had a perfectly good name to start with, Marlene.  Altho now I just can't picture myself as a Marlene:confused: )   Then I met DH, and his name is Richard Dale, and our DS is Richard Dale Jr.  Several years ago, I found my biological sister,:-() and she has an adopted brother whose name is Dale Richard.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:  As I was growing up, the boy next door was named Tim Dale, and my DD married a guy with a brother named Dale.  The funniest is that I have a cousin Richard, and he married a woman named Toni.  You should see the confusion at family get togethers.:eyecrazy:


Had a friend in high school who was named Kathy, she got so tired of people telling her she couldn't put a nickname on an official form.  She hated her name.  Her daughters are Katherine, Elizabeth & Victoria - all full names!



I hate when people call my husband Tommy!! His name is thomas, or Tom not TOMMY!!!! Even some of the other police officers call him Tommy... Cracks me up officer Tommy sounds like a name off of a kids show. His family also calls his brother Andy not andrew (his given name) .
 I made sure my kids had names that could not be "changed" :)


Quote from: jpreiserI made sure my kids had names that could not be "changed" :)

Had to laugh ~ my sister did just the opposite!  Wanted her kids to be called Cole and Kate ~ BUT you can't name them nicknames so they are Colin and Katharine ... just don't ever call them that!


Judging by our posts, it seems clear that a person's name and the process of naming one's children are tremndously important to us as human beings.  Just look how many factors are taken into considerations in the process: should it be a formal name with a nickname, should we just skip directly to the nickname and leave the formal name in the baby book where it belongs, should it be a formal name with nicknames discouraged, should it be after a relative/mentor/celebrity, should the spelling be traditional or tweaked, should it honor our ethnic or cultural get the picture.  For me, the two overriding concerns when naming my ds were that 1) young boys would not be able to come up with an effective scatological slur out of it, and 2) the name was unique enough so that there wouldn't be 4 other boys in my son's classroom with the same name, and yet not too unique that he got the snot beaten out of him at school.  :)

DH and I went around and around on names for our ds before I finally had to drop the atomic bomb of reasons why I should get to name our child.  Aaaahh, there's nothing like a name battle to put a little black cloud, albeit temporarily, over the excitement that a pregnancy brings.   :p :D ;)