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If there is one peice of advice you could give

Started by David Roder, May 15, 2004, 11:02 AM

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David Roder

What would it be?  I ride motorcycles and one thing I always ask any other rider I come across is, if there is one piece of advice you give for riding, what would it be?  
So I figured we could try this for camping and see how it goes. I like to get these opinions from everyone possible because you never know when you'll be in a situation where this info could be useful.
So, If there is one piece of advice you could give for camping, what would it be?

No matter how nice your tow vehicle is, have a set of jumper cables with you.

ok, so I'm outta here, off camping for a few days, and I'll check this when I get back Tuesday.  see ya


Quote from: David RoderWhat would it be?  I ride motorcycles and one thing I always ask any other rider I come across is, if there is one piece of advice you give for riding, what would it be?  

I'll answer the motorcycle question for you, since both Blaise and I ride our own bikes-

When riding, always think that you are invisible to other vehicles on the road. This is something they taught us in our MSF course and I've always repeated it to myself before getting on my bike and while riding my bike.

As far as camping goes, for us, it's don't sweat the small stuff. We're camping to enjoy it.


Have a sense of humor.  It always helps. :)

Starcraft Dad

Practice backing the thing up.  OH GOD, practice.   Don't ask.:eyecrazy: :yikes:


First time out, stay close to home.  You don't want to have to drive six hours to go home and get (or go out and spend $$$ to buy) that vital blivit that you forgot.



Quote from: AustinBostonFirst time out, stay close to home.  You don't want to have to drive six hours to go home and get (or go out and spend $$$ to buy) that vital blivit that you forgot.


Whoops!  Goofed on this one  ;)   Drove five hours ~ redeemed myself by camping next to my dad.  He brings everything!!  (There's some advice ~ camp with people like my dad! LOL)

Real Advice ~ Be flexible.  Things rarely go exactly how you plan ~ be ready with Plan B (or C or D or E or ...)

Ab Diver

Park and level trailer, crank up top, THEN  crank down the stabilizering jacks.

Related tip: Bunks out and bunk supports in place?
Trailer stabilizering jacks down?
Ok, NOW you can crawl onto the rear bunk.
DAUHWKT :yikes:


My wife would say to remember to bring the marshmallows and graham crackers. I always forget.

I would say to get a checklist of appropriate clothing. More than once we have gone to a local store to get ME (not Holly..she packs well) some warm clothes, some underwear (TMI), or something.



If you're cranking it open or closed, sliding the bunk ends in, etc, and it doesn't want to go, don't force it.  Look and see what's stopping it.  ;)


If there aren't too many of you camping, try to wash dishes only once a day.  We wipe dishes, pots and pans, etc, with paper towels immediately after use.  Then we hide everything away (usually in the dishpan or the worthless sink!) and usually wash everything after breakfast.  Saves time, soap, water and bother...and keeps Mom from feeling like she's forever cleaning up...


Make sure you chock the wheels BEFORE you unhitch the coupler!


We have a rule:

Whoever starts uncoupling, or coupling, FINISHES without ANY distractions, and as Gone-camping said, making sure the chocks are in place.  It is so easy to be distracted and forget something vital still attached, or not!!!!

Of course the rule only came after some interesting stupid pop-up tricks!


Quote from: jstaddwtrWe have a rule:

Whoever starts uncoupling, or coupling, FINISHES without ANY distractions, and as Gone-camping said, making sure the chocks are in place.  It is so easy to be distracted and forget something vital still attached, or not!!!!

Of course the rule only came after some interesting stupid pop-up tricks!

(Am I alowed to post a second?)

We have a rule related to this one.  "The person in the driver's seat is responsible for checking the hitch.  If you didn't check it, don't put the van in gear."
