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What Birol should have done.......

Started by CAPEd CODger, Jul 01, 2004, 03:18 PM

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Quote from: Acts 2:38 girlThe other day I changed the oil im my FIL's car.. but it was dirty and scuffed up, so I just had to run the buffer over it!!

Wow, you buffed the oil.  :yikes:  I thought my husband was bad. ;)  :D


You buffered what ????

Quote from: Acts 2:38 girlWhow.. If I didn't know better I would have sworne you know me better than you do!! LOL.. That fit's me to a "T"  The other day I changed the oil im my FIL's car.. but it was dirty and scuffed up, so I just had to run the buffer over it!!


Quote from: Acts 2:38 girlThe other day I changed the oil in my FIL's car.. but it was dirty and scuffed up, so I just had to run the buffer over it!!

I'm confused Andrea.

Did you just drain the oil, buffer it up, and then replace it in the car?  ;)


LOl.. That is my wife for ya, give her an oil change to do and she buffes the car instead..  :lee ducking:
No, I ment to say is that after changing the oil, I then gave the car a quicke buffing to clean it up, just because..


Boy Lee I am glad that you explained that to me :eyecrazy: , I was getting worried about you. ;)  :D

Acts 2:38 girl

We're ALL worried about him!  

Gee wiz babe, check the page before you post - I think I've only posted under your name twice!;)


Quote from: aw738Birol as far as I'm concerned with gene, good ridance. What was said yesterday just went right through me. :mad: You haven't done anything anyone else hasn't done. As far as questions or opinions go ask away. You paid your membership and are intitled to if you ask me.
I'm sorry if I take offense to what you said about Gene. How well do you know him? I know him pretty darn well and met him through these boards. I went to the 2002 Eastern Rally and met him and his family personally and have camped with them since.
I guess this should not have bothered me as much as it did because it was "as far as I'm concerned" and I don't know you nor do I really feel that your "concern" is of any value to any of us that know Gene. His integrity is impeccable and he has high moral values that may be beyond the ability of some to comprehend or interpret.
If you would like these boards to stay unoffensive please do not be offensive to my friends or anyone elses.


Charlie, you mean Gene from NH?? Heck yea, Really nice guy.. They were right beside us at the 02 Rally....


Quote from: chasd60I'm sorry if I take offense to what you said about Gene. How well do you know him? I know him pretty darn well and met him through these boards. I went to the 2002 Eastern Rally and met him and his family personally and have camped with them since.
 I guess this should not have bothered me as much as it did because it was "as far as I'm concerned" and I don't know you nor do I really feel that your "concern" is of any value to any of us thatr know Gene. His integrity is impeccable and he has high moral values that may be beyond your ability to  comprehend or interpret.
 If you would like these boards to stay unoffensive please do not be offensive to my friends or anyone elses.

Sorry Chas, but yours is also an offensive post.

I've always liked and respected Gene too. I wasn't privy to seeing the thread that was posted. For whatever reason, it seems that when the time comes to leave, there are those who go quietly and those who must begin bashing everyone and everything.

Sometimes we post things that are taken out of context or are misplaced. We can correct ourselves or apologize when our leveler head prevails but, in Genes case, he's no longer able to do it himself as he's now gone.

Strange that so many people, who departed in November, found their way back on the eve of the ending of their subscriptions. While I miss some of the departed, I don't miss disparaging remarks made by anyone.


Quote from: topcat7736Sorry Chas, but yours is also an offensive post.
I've always liked and respected Gene too. I wasn't privy to seeing the thread that was posted. For whatever reason, it seems that when the time comes to leave, there are those who go quietly and those who must begin bashing everyone and everything.
Sometimes we post things that are taken out of context or are misplaced. We can correct ourselves or apologize when our leveler head prevails but, in Genes case, he's no longer able to do it himself as he's now gone.
Strange that so many people, who departed in November, found their way back on the eve of the ending of their subscriptions. While I miss some of the departed, I don't miss disparaging remarks made by anyone.
Thanks for pointing that out Al, I have corrected it so as not to point to anyone directly.


I have to say something here.  I remember when we all voted to have GeneF as the Mayor of PUT.  He was one of the most mellow, fairminded and friendly people on this board.    His advice was always right on, and he would jump right in to remind us to play nice when we got unruly.   I was among the folks who really respected him.
  But....for some reason, on the very last night of his membership, he placed a post on this board, and I was able to see it before it disappeared.  It was one of the nastiest, small minded, petty and offensive posts I have ever seen here, and totally unlike the GeneF we all knew and loved.  It was directed at B, and suggested that he didn't have any business posting about his adventures with Finally, among other things.   My first thought was that it wasn't Gene that wrote it, but I can't say for sure.  Anyway, it was posted at a time when there would be no way for anyone on this board to object or respond to it, and that made it even more offensive.   If Gene was that upset about how he sees things here at PUT, then the others are right, he needed to go elsewhere, not for our sakes, but for his.   I'm sorry to see things get to that point, and hope that he has better experiences where he is now.


A few days ago, on one of my rare brief  "reading"  visits to the board duriing this long trip I'm now on, I am sorry to say that I did see GeneF's shockingly  ugly   parting shot about Birol.  (What has Birol ever done to anyone to deserve the criticism heaped upon him by some departed members anyhow?--I dont ever remember him saying an unkind word about anyone or attacking anyone or making any kind of trouble.  He is a gentle, and often-funny, soul who loves camping and this board and brings smiles to all of us and reminds us of our own days as novice popup owners.))
Toni and I had the privilege of spending time with Gene and his wife at the '02 rally and found them both delightful.  It is difficult to  reconcile those unfortunate last-minute words of his with the person we were so fond of here when he was elected Mayor of the place.  I miss the old original GeneF.


Hi Elisa!!! Enjoy that vaction!!!!

As for the post, guess I'll have to take everyones say-so on this. Since he's now over at the campground I moderate at, guess I'll just have to watch and see....


Like Toni, I wondered if the post was written by someone else who assumed Gene's name, knowing that Gene had departed. The post's tone was certainly out of character for the Gene that we have gotten to know throughout the years.

And Birol, don't take it personally. I believe there were lots of comments before you came to PUT about this board being too chummy and the topics being too personal and "off topic". I guess some things don't change. Many of us have been around for years, even from the old coolboard, and so naturally, the conversation has moved on from basic camping info to informal chats. That doesn't mean we don't enjoy chatting about the whys or hows to camp. We just need a novice to ask those questions to bring the conversation back to the basics. This isn't middle school where the new kids are often left out; everyone is welcome to pull up a chair and sit a spell.

In Charlie's defense, I think he just reacted to the bashing that Gene received since he considers Gene a friend. Charlie has always been a friend to this board so let's just all take a deep breath. Maybe someone should ask Gene if the comments were his. And Charlie, I'm sorry you can't make this trip. It's not like you to miss one.



Quote from: NightOwlI am sorry to say that I did see GeneF's shockingly  ugly   parting shot about Birol.  (What has Birol ever done to anyone to deserve the criticism heaped upon him by some departed members anyhow?--I dont ever remember him saying an unkind word about anyone or attacking anyone or making any kind of trouble.  He is a gentle, and often-funny, soul who loves camping and this board and brings smiles to all of us and reminds us of our own days as novice popup owners.))

I saw it too and was also quite shocked by his attitude.  So much so that the only thing I could say to him in regards to what he said was "Shame on you Gene".

I too remember Gene as being witty and charming... an all around likeable fellow.. I rememer him as quite a gentleman.  Interesting to talk to (spoke with him at the fireside chat on many occasions) and he always seemed interested in listening to what others had to say.  

It seems that while there has been a little bit of bashing (bashing may be a little extreme of a word... maybe thumping is a better word) PUT over at PUX, Gene has had the restraint to be very diplomatic in his comment about PUT.  He could have really opened up about the negative way things ended for him.  Either he doesn't want everyone there to know how off his parting was here, or he's regained his composure and gotten back to his old self.   I am hoping for the latter.