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Started by Used 2B PopUPTimes, Jul 07, 2004, 07:25 PM

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Used 2B PopUPTimes

Here's a few update about Pop UP Times -

I've been contact with several new writers and I'm excited about publishing their articles. Cool stuff.

We have a new sales guy - Sam Garrigues. Sam's a 14 year veteran with Woodalls Camperways and says he'll make things happen so we can afford to add more pages, but don't be surprised to see more ads.

We're working on adding a section that will include articles on other type of RVs like travel trailers, toy haulers, hybrids, and maybe even a motorhome from time to time for those of you who may be ready to change your style of RV'ing. We intend to start having dealer ads appear in this section as well.

We'll also have a destination section for campground info and ads.



Great news, Dave! I enjoy reading about the other RV's too, as long as there is info about popups too!



I agree, as long as it is directed at pop upers, info on other types of Rvs is nice.  As much as I like reading other RV magazines, anything having to do with pop ups is either a second thought or an ad.


Great news!  I like looking at other types of rv's too, may even find myself in one someday.


Sounds like good changes for the future.  Great job!


This is good news. I've noticed even in the last several issues that the content is getting more interesting. The guide to identify tree's in this months issue is great, and will go into the trailer as a reference tool. I'd like to see another one like that, identifying not so friendly plants....Poison ivey, sumac, and oak come quickly to mind...I'm sure there are others...


Quote from: Gone-CampingThis is good news. I've noticed even in the last several issues that the content is getting more interesting.
Thanks, Cliff!:D
Dave, sounds like some interesting things on the horizon! If the extra ads support more content (or is that vice versa?) then thats good to hear.
Welcome aboard, Sam, the new Sales Guy!


Kudos, Dave!  All the new  plans for the magazine  are very good to hear,   and although popups will always be a very strong interest for me, I see no reason why information about other types of RV's shouldnt be included now and then.  It's always worthwhile to learn about them and changes in the industry.  Besides,   many of us will be moving on to other other RV's eventually and will appreciate  having some information about them in advance.  
I havent seen the latest issue (I was gone before it arrived) but like Cliff, the idea of  plant and tree identification articles appeals to me.  And yes, a lot of us live where there are unfriendly flora, so it helps to have our memories refreshed about what to avoid.
There's an increasingly  broad horizon out there for all those interested in "outdoor living"  now and I think it is  only sensible   of you to take advantage of that and provide us with any  new ideas and fresh approaches you might want to include in the magazine.


Quote from: NightOwlKudos, Dave! All the new plans for the magazine are very good to hear, and although popups will always be a very strong interest for me, I see no reason why information about other types of RV's shouldnt be included now and then. It's always worthwhile to learn about them and changes in the industry. Besides, many of us will be moving on to other other RV's eventually and will appreciate having some information about them in advance.
Glad you said "moving on" vs. "moving up"!:)
PUT is the ONLY magazine dedicated to this niche market, a true asset.


Quote from: SkipPGlad you said "moving on" vs. "moving up"!:)

AHA!  SOMEone is paying attention.  Thanks Skip--I did indeed choose the preposition "ON" on purpose  in "moving on" since I do not think that a change to another type of RV is moving "up"  Call me a sentimental fool, but I think there is nothing more wonderful than campiing in a popup.  As far as I'm concerned it is the pinnacle of camping experiences.  All the benefits of tenting without the disadvantages of it (and, alas,  we ALL know what they are.)
And  like you, I think PopUpTimes fills an impportant niche in the camping world  :W   :S

Joe Buskirk

I was debating whether to renew my membership or not since I have sold my PU and have purchased a TT. Since there may be some articles that pertainin to a TT in the future, I thought that I would renew.

Wild Wild Qwest

Good news!

An article on the various highwall units would also be interesting. A comparison chart with the specs would be helpful for members who are considering a purchase.

Keep up the good work!

LCMS pastor

Quote from: Wild Wild QwestGood news!

An article on the various highwall units would also be interesting. A comparison chart with the specs would be helpful for members who are considering a purchase.

Keep up the good work!

Definitely on this... just looked at the Sequioa and felll in love with it.  Is there anyone besides Fleetwood moving towards these?  The are so much nicer than the hybrids.