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Ivan Reaches Out To Touch Someone

Started by NightOwl, Sep 16, 2004, 08:05 PM

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I am writing this on battery power--about half an hourago, after two hours of unrelenting wind and torrentsof  rain--our power went out.  A few minutes later, Iwent to the back porch to get our dog Shadow in and found  myself staring at part of a tree protruding onto theporch through our open patio door.  It is a rather large white  oak and it extends to the main porchentrance door near the garage--part of it rests on theroof of our covered walkway, and the rest is on theground..

 We have no idea of what damage the tree may havedone--if any --since it is pitch black out there, but nothing on the porch or that side of the house seems
damaged from what we can tell.   (of course, with all the trees around the place, we may find other little  surprises come daylight.We never felt the tree hit, either, but a log house  with 800 pound sill logs top and bottom  probably
doesnt shake much. ( Billy is afraid the oak probablytook a nice dogwood and a big holly with it and he pointed out to me a few minutes ago  that  it just missed our attached greenhouse by about five feet.)

We are fine but the wind is annoying and the rain is a PITA and we'll be very grateful when we get our juice back on.  (We're also under a tornado watch :()

My heart is with the power company guys who ride the"trouble trucks" and try to get the lines back as sooas possible.   They always do a FANTASTIC job and they are just great guys.

Looks like I will be reading by candlelight tonight.  And no more PUT for now.

sweet dreams to  all.


Wow glad you are ok, Glad the pooch did not get hurt either....


Hang in there Elisa, at least you're far enough north not to have to deal with stuff like storm surge etc... Be prepared for the power to stay out for a while, power outages are probably widespread, and it could be hours or even days before you get the lights back on!

Good luck!