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Hurricanes....then snow!!!!!???

Started by Camperroo, Sep 24, 2004, 07:26 PM

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I've heard that whenever a hurricane season has been so active it is usually followed up with the NorthEast receiving a lot of snowstorms during the winter months.  Around here the squirrels are going beserk, running from place to place, I see them everywhere I go!!  Oldtimers round here are telling me that when you see so much activity with these critters so early in the season, we're in for a ride this winter.  Last winter was so bitterly cold here it hurt to go outside.  Now that may be made worse by getting snow dumped all over us with it!


I love the snow... The more the better.. Last year we got a snow blower and it hardley snowed... So we are hoping for a snowy winter!!!


The old folks say that down here too, after hurricaine season, we have had snow in North FL and some freezing temps for days on end.  I have been through it twice, I'm waiting to see if it happens again.


Hmmmm, all I can say is 'Oh Boy' we're gonna get some snow!!! (at least I hope so), seems here on the Virginia coast we generally limited to a dusting or two each year. Except perhaps 1980 when we got 17"  of the stuff, crippled the place for days!!


I only like the first snow of the season because it's pretty after that I hate it because it gets colder, constantly shoveling/snowblowing and then it gets stained all brown and ugly from cars!!!!!!!  Yuck.....

Acts 2:38 girl

Personally - I hope we get a lot of it!  I've spend some considerable time putting in a new garden at our house and probably have about 50 new plants.  They need a good hard snow to stay insulated for the winter!  I can't tell you how many people came to Home Depot looking to replace plants they lost last winter - not enough snow!


I have to drive 60 miles a day :eyecrazy: , even when the Governor declares the roads shut down, so I don't like the snow unless it falls when I have days off.


Quote from: Gone-CampingHmmmm, all I can say is 'Oh Boy' we're gonna get some snow!!! (at least I hope so), seems here on the Virginia coast we generally limited to a dusting or two each year. Except perhaps 1980 when we got 17" of the stuff, crippled the place for days!!
How funny....I remember THAT one Cliff!! We were living in Virginia Beach at the time and the storm came just a couple of weeks after I had my son. We were all stuck inside in our houses living on the Army base there.  It was so much fun!! We had several other young couple friends and we cooked big pots of soup, rocked our new babys, and played cards for days. They wouldn't let us on the roads for several days.  :>


Yep, you know they are ill equipped for snow when 5 days after the storm they finally plow your street...using a huge construction grader!!! You'd think by now they would buy a few more snow plows! :D


Quote from: Gone-CampingYep, you know they are ill equipped for snow when 5 days after the storm they finally plow your street...using a huge construction grader!!! You'd think by now they would buy a few more snow plows! :D
Hey...on a side note....are you going to Prince William Park over the Columbus Day weekend?


Looks like I'm going to have to cancel that. Talked with my brother about it yesterday. The rear end in the Jeep is making too much noise, I think it's on it's last leg...sure can't figure on towing a 4300# trailer 4 hours in each direction with the differential making all that noise, something would be sure to sieze or lock-up on me.


yikes....nope, that doesn't sound good.  We've had to cancel our big trip (12 days) for October this year.  We're hoping and praying that all goes well with the house selling and buying procedures and if so, we are moving at the end of October.   We decided we just might need those "vacation" days to move and for running back and forth to Baltimore after finding out Bill's mom is so sick.  Again thought maybe we'd just go to PWP for the Columbus Day weekend just to get out but I can't justify spending the time packing for the trip, being gone for three days, unpacking and cleaning, when I should be using that time for packing up the house!  not quite as much fun....not quite as relaxing....but I'll sure be happy when the move is all over!