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Prayer request

Started by jpreiser, Sep 28, 2004, 10:53 PM

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For those who pray.. Please remember me thursday a.m. as I go for my cardio cath, they may be placing a stint in or some other surgery depends on what they find.  They belive the damaged  part is from the chemo drugs or the radiation i had. thanks  Janet


We always have room on our prayer list and will be honored to pray for you.

My mom had a heart attack at the end of January this year and then triple bypass surgery this past April at the ripe old age of 78.   She is better now than she has been for years and we joke that it was the best thing that could've happened to her! :)  It's amazing what doctors can do nowadays (they didn't even put my mom on the bypass machine to do her surgery!) so keep the faith and know that you are in God's protection.


Our thoughts and prayers will be with you both Thurs and the weeks following.


You are in my thoughts.  I just KNOW everything will go smoothly and you will feel much better after it's all done.


I'll be thinking of you!


I will pray for you ....


I will definitely keep you in my i'm also praying for my mother in law and DH's family. We were just told that my MIL has lung cancer that has spread to her liver...apparently, the fast growing kind.  It's not looking good right now.

Best of luck to you Janet....I will be thinking of you!


when I see a thread like this, it reminds me again how close we at PUT have all grown in spirit and how much we  depend on each other for support and comfort. Janet, you are in my prayers just as you are in those of all your friends here.  Please let us hear your news so that we will know whether to rejoice or whether to pray even  harder! ;)


I'll keep you and Vicki's DMIL in my prayers.  Keep us updated, Janet.


You are in my thoughts and prayers.



Everyone cares, so please let us know how you are.
Here's praying for you.


my DH just had it done 15 days ago after his heart attack, and he is doing well and so will you, we will think good thoughts for ya!


Well  I am back home... after haveing the cath they found on of the arteries 80% blocked, so after doing the balloon thing to clear it they inserted a stint to keep it open. They belive it is not from the radiation or chemo but because i have a family history.  Hopefully this is all i will ever need other then now taking some meds every day. Thanks for all your prayers,  Janet


Thank God all went well.  I've been checking back frequently since yesterday.  My DH underwent a cardiac cath on Wednesday.  Cardiologist said, "His arteries look great.  I hope mine look that good at his age (67)."  So, the cause of three years of chest pain on exertion is still a mystery.  He's down to almost no physical activity--and he used to run marathons.  We're going on a little vacation and then will start in again on trying to figure all this out.....I'm hope your problems are all fixed now.  You've had enough!!


glad you came through your cath well.  Hope you're feeling 100% soon!  CB has the cardiologist checked your husband for cardiomyopathy.  My uncle was diagnosed with it last year and is doing much better now after being put on the proper medications and going through cardiac rehab.  He used to be able to walk and walk and walk and golf every weekend, and then he started becoming exhausted.  He had a cardiac ultrasound which showed damage to the heart muscle, most likely the result of a virus that settled in the heart itself.  He became very weak. Can also happen from having dentristry and getting an infection from not using an antibiotic before having cleanings, etc.