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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

 griffsmomExcellent choice Georgeanne!  Especially since you will also benefit from them.  I won t beat a dead horse, but (haha) they really are worth their weight in gold.  Of course with Amy s " prove it"  scientific nature, we had to do a test with one bunk covered and the other bunk exposed.  Late last July near Truckee with the outside temperature at 97 degree s, there was AT LEAST a 20 degree difference in the bunks.  One shepherd s pole was mildly warm and the other was almost too hot to touch.  Side benefit is that they keep bird and tree stuff off the canvas too!
 Btw, did you wear " Diva Dare"  for him today?  Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
 Tell Scott he s hired!  Don t I still owe you guys a full tank of tax-deductible gas anyway, ha?  Kind of sad how we work on our birthday s isn t it?  Unless they fall on a w/e, I prefer to let mine slip on past.


 Red neff Barchetta
Quote, I prefer to let mine slip on past.

 Birthdays and I have seen a parting of the ways.  Mine is just before Christmas and more of a hassel than a celebration these days.  
 As the reigning Dragon (the position acquired by longevity, not by any other achievement)  I have decided to celebrate every 12 years.  
 Thad d make it  12/22/2012 before anyone need send cards[:)]
 save your pennies.
 We got an outdoor mat, level indicators, and something else I m blanking on this month.  I m thinking of the solar covers too.  They help in the rain too.  

gsm x2

 griffsmomI love birthdays because:
 They beat the alternative.
 I would much prefer to say, " I am 51 today"  than to have Georgeanne say, " Scott would have been 51 today."
 Bring those birthdays on.
 Can t wait to try MY new bunk end covers at Gold Coast.  We ll have to do Jeff s desnitzification with the velcro.
 gsm x2

Chez Way

 griffsmomHappy birthday, Scott!  I the alternative.  Love your attitude, hope you are having a wonderful day.

gsm x2

 Chez Way
QuoteORIGINAL:  Chez Way
 Happy birthday, Scott!  I the alternative.  Love your attitude, hope you are having a wonderful day.

 Thank you Jeanne,
 OK, I just have to share something that happened today because I know that my friends in this room will care.
 So it s my birthday, and I am working, and after work, I have to go back to work for a 7:00 p.m. Board Meeting in which I know that there are going to be some Harbor Patrol issues discussed.  Get the feeling this may not be the best of days.
 So about an hour before I get off work, my boss asks, " Scott you got a second?"  as he heads for his office.  I follow him in and he hands me a letter.  It s dated April 9th, but this is the first time I have seen it.  He says, " We are going to make a special presentation at the Board Meeting, so I wanted you to see this beforehand."
 It is addressed to me from the Department of Boating and Waterways.  It says, " Congratulations Scott.  The Department of Boating and Waterways has selected you as the " Boating Safety Officer of the Year."   You are invited to attend the awards ceremony in conjunction with the Boating and Waterways Commission Meeting in Sacramento on May 29, 2003.
 OK---this is kind of a big deal.  There are about 165 agencies in California that provide boating safety and enforcement.  The Department of Boating and Waterways doesn t really oversee them, but they do provide money, training, and other services to these agencies.  And they have picked me as the " Boating Safety Officer of the Year"  for the entire state.  Kind of made my day.  [:D]
 Oh--before I forget.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteThe Department of Boating and Waterways has selected you as the " Boating Safety Officer of the Year.



 gsm x2It s been sooooo quiet here lately, it s time to see the posts flowing again.  
 So, after this @#$%^&*!!! pulls out in front of me today (as I m accelerating) and proceeds to go all of 20mph down the street (a main road)[:@], I m prompted to ask:
What driving habits irritate you the most?

Ab Diver

 griffsmomScott-  A belated Happy Birthday from the Ab Diver s![:D] My ISP wouldn t let me read the internet last night, or this wouldn t be late.[:@] Ain t B-Days fun? Our little family has three (yes, three out of four members) B-Days during the next 8 days, and not a one of them are mine.[:(] In another week I ll be so sick of sugar-frosting, the mere mention of cake turns me green.[: (][;)]
 Again, Happy B-Day!


 Congratulations! [:)] That s quite an accomplishment. Good guys *do* finish first.


 SactoCampersBelated birthday HUGS to you Scott!!
 And The Department of Boating and Waterways " Boating Safety Officer of the Year"
 WOW we re impressed,
 honored to have you as part of our group


QuoteSo, after this @#$%^&*!!! pulls out in front of me today (as I m accelerating) and proceeds to go all of 20mph down the street (a main road)  , I m prompted to ask:
 What driving habits irritate you the most?

 When you are trying to find some address,
 and you pull out on a street,
 and the person on the street starts to accelerate,
 and then as the kids start to act up,
 as you drive along looking for the address,
 the person decides to tailgate you...[:@]
 Sorry ~Patricia~, couldn t resist.[;)]

gsm x2

QuoteSo, after this @#$%^&*!!! pulls out in front of me today (as I m accelerating) and proceeds to go all of 20mph down the street (a main road) , I m prompted to ask:
 What driving habits irritate you the most?

 I hate it when I turn on my turn signal to indicate that I am going to change lanes on the freeway, and the person in that lane accelerates to get in front of me.
 But tailgaters have driven me to both passive/agressive and agressive behavior, so those must be the people that irritate me most.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteAnd they have picked me as the " Boating Safety Officer of the Year"  for the entire state. Kind of made my day.  
 Oh--before I forget.
 gsm x2

 I Believe it!  and well they should have!


 gsm x2
QuoteWhat driving habits irritate you the most?

 I m figuring the automotive industry will stop putting in turn signals as thier next cost-saving measure.
 People either don t use (becuase thier hands are busy with phones, make-up, address books, kids, coffee, etc.)
 or the ignore mine; Like that fool behind Scott.
 Also I hate those 92 lb ditzes driving the big SUV s.  But that is probably a body image issue.  hahahahaha


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 And they have picked me as the " Boating Safety Officer of the Year"  for the entire state.  Kind of made my day.  [:D]
 Oh--before I forget.
 gsm x2

 Believe it!  and if it didn t happen, then it should--to whom do I write to let them know?!!
 We don t own a boat, but if there s ever a flash flood or torrential downpour and our pop-up starts floating, I ll feel safe knowing you re there![:D]