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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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Ab Diver

QuoteWhooHooo, whaddid I win? Whaddid I win???

 Larry, you are awarded one " Atta-Boy" ! One thousand " Atta-Boy s"  qualifies you to be a leader of men, the pillar of your community, and have the love and admiration of your peers. We re working on your plaque in anticipation of when you attain that lofty goal.
 Note: One " Ah, Sh*t!"  (spelt: s-h-o-o-t) wipes the whole slate clean and you have to start over.
 Dave--- who s own slate has been wiped clean many, many times. [:@]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 Hey everyone, hope you had a nice wet weekend.  I had a pretty cool weekend.  Started out Friday afternoon when I traden by piece of junk  88 Izusu Trooper in for and  88 Pontiac Fiero in perfect condition and half the miles of my Trooper.  Its a great commuter car and fun to drive.
 We went to the Pleasanton RV Show on Saturday and were pretty disapointed.  They had advertised to have Coleman, Starcraft, Forrestriver and Jayco PU s but the only ones that came were Coleman from Alpine RV.  That new Monterey is pretty cool!  Of course the Trail Manor was there.  They are indeed nice but a little out of our means right now.  I did like the $420,000 diessel pusher though.  I could live in that thing.  It even had a 42 inch plasma screen that droped out of the ceiling.
 Anyway, we looked around for a few hours then it started pouring, I got soaked and we left.

 I was going to go to the Pleasanton RV show, but I figured that the weather was not going to make it a " pleasant" on experience, so we stayed closer to home.  I did watch Holly on the RV 2003 re-run though, and besides the WONDERFUL TrailManor on there, I was impressed with the mere $260, 000 MH that they opened the show with.  How sad is that?
 It is really amazing what they will put into those MH s to get you to part with your cash isn t it?  
 As for the Monterey, I liked it too, but I still wish they would have put a shower inside that thing....the only complaint I had though, I was impressed.


 Civil_War_BuffLook, I found a picture of myself on the Web!   [image][/image]  <--me 24/7

Red neff Barchetta

 Civil_War_BuffDave, Tania, & (maybe) Dianne -
 Well, if June 7, & 8 are still being kicked around, you can add 3 more to your mini-rally.  Might even consider arriving late Friday (6/6) afternoon.  That happened to be the only possible w/e that might work for us between now and Plymouth.  Amy can t make it though, as she will gallantly stand in for all of us at 2 prior engagements.  What a terrific woman!
 If this does happen, maybe Wagonmaster Dave could start a thread?
 I m with Dianne, the all-of-a-sudden rallies are fun.  The January rally at Chabot came about that way with Nick & I chatting about camping.  Next thing you knew, a rally was born!  That one had an excellent Wagonmaster as I recall.
 Larry/CWB & Mike/Nick -
 I like the Monterey too, but a drill is much less expensive.  Besides, I would worry about all of those moving parts wearing out or having trouble within 2 years or so.
 Larry/CWB -
 We will be in Monterey (the city, not PU) Memorial w/e (in a Motel), but already have a full w/e planned.  One of the highlights in fact, will be spending time with 2 fellow NNC ers who happen to live in Santa Cruz.
 Have a " killer"  time, ha!
 I will pass along your pop quiz to the kid and have him send you an answer.  I know he ll be excited to give you his answer.
 Btw, " April 1865"  was a good read.  You should check it out if you haven t already.  Some pretty grizzly scenes were described.  The carnage from that war is just horrible!  I liked how the author described the chess-match like moves of Grant and Lee.
 Brian -
 We would have loved to come out and visit (or is that bother?) you guys at Wright s Beach, but as already mentioned, we will be looking deeper into this sea-otter mysterey.  We did some work out there (the coast) 2 weeks ago and it was absolutely beautiful.  Have fun!  If you d like some retaurant recommendation s, just ask.


QuoteFor anyone who will be in the Felton/Santa Cruz area over Memorial Day Weekend, I will be doing my Civil War thing there that weekend! I know that how much everyone loves it when I get started with my Civil War stories and now you can see me live it! How exciting is that? Anyhow, we are at Roaring Camp in Felton, and I will wear Bluejeans on Friday, Grey on Saturday, Blue on Sunday, and Monday for the beautiful Memorial Celebration, I will!

 We will certainly be there.  We are about 15 mins. from Roaring camp.  Probably see you on friday and then again on Monday.  Our Address and phone # is on the contact list G-Whiz did for us!.  We should plan something for Monday: Jeff is in the area, Kevin and Larry and Duane Family are just down the road, Ray is EVERYWHERE, and we are just around the corner.  Let s try it!


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
QuoteFor anyone who will be in the Felton/Santa Cruz area over Memorial Day Weekend, I will be doing my Civil War thing there that weekend! I know that how much everyone loves it when I get started with my Civil War stories and now you can see me live it! How exciting is that? Anyhow, we are at Roaring Camp in Felton, and I will wear Bluejeans on Friday, Grey on Saturday, Blue on Sunday, and Monday for the beautiful Memorial Celebration, I will!

 We will certainly be there.  We are about 15 mins. from Roaring camp.  Probably see you on friday and then again on Monday.  Our Address and phone # is on the contact list G-Whiz did for us!.  We should plan something for Monday: Jeff is in the area, Kevin and Larry and Duane Family are just down the road, Ray is EVERYWHERE, and we are just around the corner.  Let s try it!

 Unfortunately, we will be going in pretty much the opposite direction that weekend [:(] I would have liked to have seen that CWB! You ll have to be sure to post some good pics that I can show my class....speaking of which, if you re ever in the Sacramento area, and have your " gear"  with you, I know my class would LOVE to see it and ask you about a million questions.  We no longer teach a Civil War unit in fifth grade, but my classes have always loved it so much, I manage to sneak it in anyway (shhhhh...don t tell the district spies....I don t always follow their directions to the letter [:o])


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
Quotethat is Memorial Day weekend

 oops!  How s that for being out of touch with the calender? Prolly not a good weekend to plan anything for a group of folks, cuz the big holiday weekends get a lot of divers up here and they fill the campgrounds.
 Anybody else up for June 8th? If it s too close to the Rally for anybody else, that s completely understandable. So, Tania--- can two NNC members make a mini-rally? With 3-4 members, I could actually justify capitalizing the *m* in " mini" .[:D]
QuoteORIGINAL: Red neff Barchetta
 Dave, Tania, & (maybe) Dianne -
 Well, if June 7, & 8 are still being kicked around, you can add 3 more to your mini-rally.

 It looks like Mini-Rally it is!


QuoteORIGINAL:  Ca-girl
 We no longer teach a Civil War unit in fifth grade, ...[:o])

 That is such a sad commentary on our nation in general but especially California.  I have see more and more of the foundational events in our history as a nation removed from the cirriculum because " someone might get offended" .  If we don t learn from (or about) our history, we are truly destined to repeat it.
 I have always felt that school vouchers would be a kiss of death to the public school system, but now I wonder what I was least the private sector isn t held hostage to the State is beginning to sound more and more like the " education"  part of public education is only accomplished when bold teachers (like yourself) put yourselves at risk by teaching in opposition to the " board" .  
 I salute your  fortitude, and I would be honored to speak to your class, and I could/would arrange to be in the area sometime...let s talk at the rally.

 Civil_War_BuffSounds like a Mini-Rally is in the works.  Maybe I can go to that one.
 As I have reported, I ve been pretty busy at work, good news during a weak economy, espcially for an independent businessperson, and have also taken up biking in a big way, so things have been packed.  But the sad news is, I think I have to back-out (pull a Sacto) of the Superbowl of Rallies, the Gold Rush Rally.
 I submitted a bid for a job and just be careful what you wish for, we won the job and to think, we were the complete underdogs.   Unbeknowst to me, the actual days of production are June 20th and 21st.  The following week, I have to be in Fla-ree-da which doesn t leave me with much room at all.
 Regards from a very sad Surfcal

Ab Diver

QuoteIt looks like Mini-Rally it is!

 Well, all the way up here in the wild, wild north...who d a thunk it?[:D]
 Okay-- my dear, wunnerful, and luverly other half will today contact a private campground just north of Ft. Bragg, and see about reserving 4-5 sites for that weekend. Question: Who needs Friday night, and who needs Sunday night? We ll be there for Friday night, and Saturday night is a " given"  for all. Sunday night is out for us, cuz I gotta work Monday morning.
 Although the state parks are nice, they don t have W&E at the sites, and I m guessing that s a requirement, correct? The campground I m thinking of is not " on the beach" , but among sheltering trees about 300 yards from the ocean, with large sites and plenty of elbow room. $20 @ night for a site with W&E. So far we have the Ab Diver s, Ca-girl, and Red neff Barchetta. I ll call my brother and see if he (they) wants to join us, since he has access to our old Starcraft pop-up.
 Otter? Surfcal? Anybody else? ( Beuhler?... Beuhler?)
 Lemme know if that sounds about right, and I ll start a thread with the particulars tonight.

Ab Diver

QuoteI submitted a bid for a job and just be careful what you wish for, we won the job and to think, we were the complete underdogs. Unbeknowst to me, the actual days of production are June 20th and 21st.

 Wow, bummer, big time... I hereby motion to move the whole dam* Gold Country rally to Ray s place so he can participate.
 Hope you can make it to the coast with us, Ray.

Red neff Barchetta

 Civil_War_BuffDave -
 Sounds great!  Just let me know how much $ to send you.  We ll be there for 2 nights (Fri. & Sat.).
 Ray -
 You ve forgotten the rules my " Deliverance"  quoting friend;
 Pulling a Sacto for a Sacto led rally is outlawed in many states, including California.  Although, through a little known loophole, if you can prove at least partial residence in Tennessee, then even though you are in essence, divorcing Sacto, you 2 can still remain first cousin s.
 This would allow you to arrive on Sunday, 6/22 and stay until Monday with many of us.  Just remember, I am married and my PU door will be locked!
 See you at the June rally!  Glad I could help.
 Btw, if anyone reading this is related to Al Gore, er I mean from his state, I hope I didn t offend you.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
 Sounds like a Mini-Rally is in the works.  Maybe I can go to that one.
 As I have reported, I ve been pretty busy at work, good news during a weak economy, espcially for an independent businessperson, and have also taken up biking in a big way, so things have been packed.  But the sad news is, I think I have to back-out (pull a Sacto) of the Superbowl of Rallies, the Gold Rush Rally.
 I submitted a bid for a job and just be careful what you wish for, we won the job and to think, we were the complete underdogs.   Unbeknowst to me, the actual days of production are June 20th and 21st.  The following week, I have to be in Fla-ree-da which doesn t leave me with much room at all.
 Regards from a very sad Surfcal

 Dude, you just pulled the " MOAS" : Mother of All Sactos
 Backing out of the Gold Rush rally after having a FULL YEAR to prepare for it just ain t right! [: (][:@][8D].
 I motion that I shall relinquish the definition of backing out of a rally and present the honor to Surfcal, who is backing out of the Gold Rush Rally! [;)]
 You better find a way to make it to the Gold Rush Rally or you re GROUNDED young man!
 Find a way to make it, a rally like this without Surfcal is like..........well, it s just unthinkable.
 You re probably just pulling our leg anyway......RIGHT!! HAHA Joke s on us!!


 Civil_War_BuffIt would be truly sad if we had a Mega-Rally that was surfcal-free, I like Neff s idea of a surcal-lite, as several of us will be there till Monday.  
 Brian, if he is kidding, that this a major fox-pass (faux paux), as it quite possibly made Neff cry.  If he is serious, then I want to show my full support for your " re-definition"  initiative and will cast my vote accordingly.


Quote" someone might get offended" .

 I do the school newsletter each month.  At the end of each month, the school gives a new book to each child who had a birthday that month.  They are known as " Birthday Books" .  However, the school secretary said I couldn t put " Birthday Books"  in the newsletter in case it offends the Hari-Krishners (I think), who don t celebrate birthdays.  Grrrrrr!!!   [:@]