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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  ckkevin
 One of the other forums has a survey of the best camping club web site and obviously many of them have not seen the best.  Go give NNC their rightful place among the polls and make them #1
 [link=]Best Pup Up Camping Club Web Site[/link]

 Hey CK:
 Just voted over there and NNC is now in the lead.  We need more folks to blow them out of the water.  Get on over there and let PUX know the power of NNC/PUT.

QuoteWhat about your 4 little ones?
 Sad to say ~ there is no longer a Mister Kelly who I should be bringing along.  It was bound to come out sooner or later ... he and I have separated.  

 So sorry to hear that....  Been there, too.
 You take care of you, Kelly!

Ab Diver

 gsm x2
QuoteDave--you should be ashamed of yourself for such blatant matchmaking.

 Nonsensical! Preposterous! Unto the ends of the earth would I crawl  ere usurping the powers of Greek mythology to dabble in affairs of the heart.
 (and MISQUOTING/MISSPELLING my post does not mean I spoke thusly. Ours is not likened to the world of politics, after all [;)] )
 But, when all the hot air has been thoroughly bandied about, I must agree: our own Ambassador to the Intertidal Zone would make quite the catch for any lucky lady who happens to be fishing.

 Ab Diver[font=" comic sans ms" ]Oh My ... take a weekend to go camping and look what happens!  Matchmaking?!  So soon ... and just who lives in Venice Beach anyway??  I may be official, but I don t have everybody straight yet! [&:]
 Had to share this little story ~ I took the kids camping this weekend.  We met up with 2 other families and one agreed to back the PU into the site for me.  Well ~ didn t quite work out that way as we were the first ones to arrive! [8D] So, I told the kids to be real quiet and let mom concentrate and in she went on the second try!  WAHOO!!  I did it!!!  Took quite a few tries to get level and I got help there, but I got my TV out of the road all by myself!  (Note to self ~ a BAL leveler would make a fantastic Christmas gift!)
 When we got back to d-h s house ... I did it again!  Out of the road in a few tries (big steep ditches on either side and a tighter turn) and a little wiggle-waggling up the drive (it s a long one) ~ but she s back where she belongs.  Yay Me!
 Okay ~ enough playing.  Better get that laundry done, eh? [: (][/font]


 Guest[font=" comic sans ms" ]Oh, lordy ~ I give up!
 That was me Again! [: (][:@][&:][8D][:D][/font]

Ab Diver

Quote... and just who lives in Venice Beach anyway??

 Nobody I know, but Venice is world famous. It s the " Muscle Beach"  you ve seen on TV and countless movies, where blond Surfer-Dudes pump massive amounts of iron to build a body like Ah-nold s.
 Of course, the blond Surfer-Babes zipping along the sidewalks on rollerblades tend to get some attention as well. [;)]


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
 Of course, the blond Surfer-Babes zipping along the sidewalks on rollerblades tend to get some attention as well. [;)]

 [font=" comic sans ms" ]LMAO ~ guess I won t be getting any attention then, Dave!!  You did look at the pic on Scott s webpage, didn t you? [&:][8D][:D][/font]

gsm x2

 CottonwooderKelly--Congratulations on your backing up accomplishment.  We could have used you in Grand Rapids where our kids cleaned out half of the garage so we can keep our PU in there for the week.  Only trouble, I had to back the PU straight for a long distance then into the garage at least half way.
 Made we have a shared accomplishment.
 gsm x2

Red neff Barchetta

 CottonwooderSo Father Dave, have you set a date for Kelly s wedding, lol?
 Great job of backing in the PU!!!!  I ve become fairly good at it, but this past March Otter/Dianne arrived late one night to a rally and she asked me to back in her PU for her.  Well, with about 18 NNC ers yelling directions it only took me 8 tries, haha.  Sometimes you nail it and other times you jacknife the damn thing.  Weird.
 Sorry to hear about the Twins.  Hope the A s don t meet that same fate tomorrow afternoon.  They can t do anything easy!

Red neff Barchetta

 CottonwooderWe are charging ahead in that poll.  Mike & Brian deserve all the credit though.
 We met up with Holly & Pete here in town yesterday.  All we can say is that NNC ers are the friendliest people!  We met them at the local Harvest Fair.  We were going to have them come to the house, but Amy won tix on Friday morning so we thought; " Let s take Holly & Pete" .  Well, between the overcast weather (they surely brought with them) and the measley $2.00 inch of wine that they were calling a " taste"  we wished we had indeed had them over to the house.  Oh well, next time.  We sure enjoyed their company and hopefully they felt the same.
 Great wedding pic s. btw Holly!  Our youngest still wants to show off his room to you and Pete, lol.


 ckkevinI just visited:
 [link=]Best Pup Up Camping Club Web Site[/link]
 and NNC is in the lead!!!  Go NNC [:D]
 Here are the current results:
 FLPUC   [5%] 2 votes
 GLPUC   [14%] 6 votes
 NTPUCA   [2%] 1 votes
 Nick-Neff-Cough   [45%] 20 votes
 TPUC   [14%] 6 votes
 SEPUC   [0%] 0 votes
 Other, please list below   [20%] 9 votes
 Hey I think this was my first  FLIP!


 pcmomI just upped our vote.  Vote early and often!!!

Red neff Barchetta

 pcmomFound myself in Target today after the boys and I wasted more than enough time (we thought) at Best Buy, Office Depot, and Sport Mart while Amy was in Target.  Of course we realized immediately we should have also went into Costco and Borders as well, but too late.  She spotted us as we were checking to see if she was nearing the checkouts, lol.  Anyway, I found a 1500 watt ceramic heater made by Holmes for $9.99.  It s the smallest one they had.  Really compact little cube.  I figure for the price it might just take the chill out of the air while we are all still awake watching a movie or playing a game.  We love the furnace (especially now that we have mastered the ventilation trick so your throat isn t dry in the morning), but this should work well when we don t want to have the loud furnace kick on while we re still awake.  Should help keep the  furnace from kicking on as often during the night also.  Help conserve LP too.  Although with 2 tanks we ve never even come close to running out.  This thing is really small and should store without a problem in the cabinet under the couch as that cabinet is half empty right now.  Of course the only time we could use this little heater is when we have hook-up s.
 Speaking of the furnace, I ordered from Atwood (maker of the furnace), a " directional box"  which will direct the hot air into the center of the PU instead of under the couch like it does now where the hot air gets trapped and only heats the front bunk properly.  Got the idea from Chuck S.  Here it is;

gsm x2

 I think that you ll like having a ceramic heater.  We use ours frequently and effectively.  So much so that the only time we use the gas furnace is in the morning to warm up the camper quickly.  And in some " near to freezing temperatures"  it will come on even though the termostat is pushed way to the left...and if the temperature in the camper is colder than " way to the left"  I want the furnace to come on.
 gsm x2


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Found myself in Target today after the boys and I wasted more than enough time (we thought) at Best Buy, Office Depot, and Sport Mart while Amy was in Target.  Of course we realized immediately we should have also went into Costco and Borders as well, but too late.  She spotted us as we were checking to see if she was nearing the checkouts, lol.  Anyway, I found a 1500 watt ceramic heater made by Holmes for $9.99.  It s the smallest one they had.  Really compact little cube.  I figure for the price it might just take the chill out of the air while we are all still awake watching a movie or playing a game.  We love the furnace (especially now that we have mastered the ventilation trick so your throat isn t dry in the morning), but this should work well when we don t want to have the loud furnace kick on while we re still awake.  Should help keep the  furnace from kicking on as often during the night also.  Help conserve LP too.  Although with 2 tanks we ve never even come close to running out.  This thing is really small and should store without a problem in the cabinet under the couch as that cabinet is half empty right now.  Of course the only time we could use this little heater is when we have hook-up s.
 Speaking of the furnace, I ordered from Atwood (maker of the furnace), a " directional box"  which will direct the hot air into the center of the PU instead of under the couch like it does now where the hot air gets trapped and only heats the front bunk properly.  Got the idea from Chuck S.  Here it is;

 I agree with TOS. I think you ll like the ceramic heater. I don t know if our Vornado is ceramic or not, I just know I love how quiet it is compared to the furnace. Keeps us toasty warm too. I think the Tahoe rally was as cold as we ve taken it and while it was on most of the night, we were plenty warm.