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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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 CottonwooderWhen something s on fire, it turns ORANGE!!!

gsm x2

QuoteCould someone share with me a review of the campground in Olema?
 How are they about taking dogs?
 We are heading up there for Mother s Day weekend and I just wanted to get a better idea of the place.

 We were in Olema with NNC.
 The campsites we were at were cul-de-sac style, which has the advantage of giving angles that give more space and the impression of even more space.  It was grassy with a good amount of shade.  We even got to hand our hammock.
 Restrooms were clean and the showers were free and hot.
 There were a number of permenants, but they are congregated to the front with the weekenders on the cul-de-sacs.  The NNCers were the noisy group with their laughing, but they got quiet at 10:00.
 Camp staff was friendly enough.  No real presence after closing.  They took dogs; don t know the details.
 gsm x2


QuoteTwo Gemini dragons in the same household... yikes!  

 Yikes is right!  If she is anything like her mother I will love her.  Three year olds are my fav.

gsm x2

 CottonwooderSince this is probably the last time I can post this list while AHEAD of Cottonwooder, who has not passed up G-Whiz, here goes:
 gsm x2


 CottonwooderG-Whiz and GSM X2:
 Good to see you folks back.  It s like the boards reawakened.  Nice to see more content again.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 G-Whiz and GSM X2:
 Good to see you folks back.  It s like the boards reawakened.  Nice to see more content again.

 Thanks for the welcome back, Surfcal.  We had a great time as always.  The boards are fun and all, but the real deal is getting together in person.  We had some good RR and lots of HA HA s, too!  I hope you get to join us at SLO this next weekend.  If I didn t have to work this week, I d go now!


QuoteIf I didn t have to work this week, I d go now!

 Let s ditch and go!


 otterI am SO tempted!!!!  But, I better hang in since next week (a week from this Wednesday) is my surgery day and I ll be out for a few weeks then. [:(]  Just enough time to recover for the Snicker s May Rally in Temecula.  How convenient!!!


Quotemy surgery day

 What s up?

gsm x2

QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 G-Whiz and GSM X2:
 Good to see you folks back.  It s like the boards reawakened.  Nice to see more content again.

 It s nice to be back.
 Is it possible that a certain depression covers those who can t camp every time we have a Rally.  Last time C Wooder wound up talking to herself for lack of conversation.  This time Otter was chatting more than she otter.
 Or perhaps the individuals just throw themselves into their work so they can claim, " Way to busy."   Either way it s kind of sad.  But I do have a cure.  Come attend the rallies.  [:)]

gsm x2

 CottonwooderShhh, don t tell anyone, and I don t mean to be blatant, but with this post I am passing Birol and moving into #2 on the # of post list.  That s until C Wooder passes me up and moves me back into #3 where I am happy as a clam to be.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
Quotebut with this post I am passing Birol and moving into #2 on the # of post list.

 (Two, for spot #2.  No worries, I have no intentions of ousting you.)

gsm x2

Quote(Two, for spot #2. No worries, I have no intentions of ousting you.)

 You won t do it intentionally.  You ll just do it because you post a little more frequently than I do.  I ll move to the up side of the track to let you pass; no problems here.  You re a team mate.
 Boy--is this board going to be dead next week.  Might as well call Steve and tell him that it is a good time for some maintenance on the boards.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteYou ll just do it because you post a little more frequently than I do.

 Only because you camp more frequently than we do.  (So far, this hasn t been a good year campingwise for us.) [:(]  
 But unless you come to a screeching halt, I promise not to take your fun away, even if that means gathering several replies into one long post, or re-discovering my sewing machine, which I m doing this weekend before needing to clear out C wood for SLO.  I m 90% done with this shirt I ve been slaving over.  I just might enter it in this year s fair! [:)]
 Yes, perhaps the PTB here should be warned about our rallies, lest they think their server died or something! [:D]
 OK, back to that curvy hem, which is killing me.  You have a d**n ham; I have a d**n hem.  Argh!!! [:@]


 gsm x2
QuoteThis time Otter was chatting more than she otter.

 [: (][: (][: (]
 I had to do somethng!!!  Glad you are back.  Liven this place up!!!
 We are all packed (except for this food thing.  Lon is towing to Santa Cruz tomorrow and then I will join him Wed night and we will leave early Thursday am.   Whooopppie!