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Camping without onboard water

Started by bearbait, Oct 06, 2004, 11:36 AM

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We camp without on-board water all the time! I've never used the water supply in the PU! We carry jugs of water for drinking, cooking, coffee, etc. and use the CG water for doing dishes
I live in Vermont, so probably our summer nights are sometimes as cold as your Winter nights! (I was born in Virginia, near DC, but don't REALLY remember how cold it gets there!) Anyway, I've thought about doing some late Fall or early Winter camping as well. My problem is once my DW gets cold, it's all over with!
I think the water in coolers would work well. Maybe you could also keep some water in a pot, that way if it did freeze, you could melt it first and then using the warm water, melt the other water in their jugs or whatever.
I assume you are thinking of CG's without electricity. Not sure what stays open down there but there is nothing WITH water or power opened up here after 10/15! I'd buy or make some insulating blankets to go around the beds out of Reflectix.
Let me know how it goes if you try it! We've camped in our PU with a low of about 30 degrees for a weekend a couple years ago, but we had power. Water outside had ice in it, but inside the camper it was fine. We used the furnace the first night and then used one of those Pelonis Disc heaters the second- much quieter!


Wal-Mart sells a nice 7.5 gallon water jug with a spigot.  That is what we use to keep our fresh water.  We removed the water tank and hand pump from our PU.  We heat water for dishes in a tea kettle or with electricity in a 30 cup coffee maker.  We use two matching (so they nest for storage) plastic dish pans.  One is marked "wash" and the other "rinse."  We don't use much water and dump the wash and rinse water into a 5 gallon bucket for proper disposal.


So the question is this,  when camping in extreme cold,  how do you deal with your water needs?  
 Lee, skip the water and go with alchohol, it has a lower point of freezing. Just think you could wash in whiskey as well as drink it ;) . Seriously, we use jugs of water and keep them in the HEATED camper.
 What other extreme winter time camping tips might any of you have as far as a pop up is concerned?
 Sorry can't help you there, our camper is fully insulated. :p  
 And would their be any interest in a mid winter rally in VA somewhere to try out the things we learn here?
 Why not try out everything you have learned in the real cold, come north!


So Marcy,  does MI have snow plows assigned to their campgrounds or do you have to shovel off the site yourself?  Are the parks even maned at that time of year or are you pretty much on your own?
Weather doesn't effect my alcohol intake at all,  I'll be just fine,  but thanks for being concerned  :)
I think that this is all the more reason to trade in the pop up and get a hard side,  I could camp an awfully lot more and the really cold weather would be a lot more bearable I think.
I'm game for camping at least once like that,  work on your dh and lets get a trip planned.  Just think of all that hot coffee we could consume in a weekend!
Who else is game for extreme camping?



Hi Marcy, long time no see. :)


So Marcy, does MI have snow plows assigned to their campgrounds or do you have to shovel off the site yourself? Are the parks even maned at that time of year or are you pretty much on your own?
 Campground? who said anything about a CG?...Dosen't that truck of yours have 4WD?
 As well as a bed that will hold a snowblower? If you want to go to a park, yes they are lightly manned, nothing but ele. All water is off for the season I believe. Never been winter camping so I don't know if the pads are cleared of snow.
I think that this is all the more reason to trade in the pop up and get a hard side.
 I know where there is a bus for sale if you're interested.
I'm game for camping at least once like that, work on your dh and lets get a trip planned. Just think of all that hot coffee we could consume in a weekend!
Been working on him for 5 yrs (the poor guy). Maybe if it's a group I could twist his arm some.
 Hi Tracy!