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Bought a $299 3500Watt Chinese Generator

Started by 6Quigs, May 23, 2005, 11:17 PM

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After the Viking sparked my interest on the Chinese Generators availabe for less than $300 being discussed over at forum, I did my research, and decided to spend the $299 and buy a Powerwise 3500 generator at Kragen's Auto Parts today.
Brought it home, filled it up with oil and gas, and started it up.
WOW, I am impressed!
It is not much louder than the "Quiet" Honda EU3000, or the Yamaha EF3000, which are rated at 57-59dB, but it is comparable to a Yamaha YG2800 ($1300)or a Honda EB3000 ($1,200) , which are rated at 67-68 dB. My Powerwise is rated at 65-68dB, and at $300 is a bargain compared to them.

With the Air conditioning running, and the door closed, I could barely hear the generator running over the noise of the air conditioning unit fan. I was even able to run the microwave at the same time.

The only times we will be using it, are dry camping at state parks, where the sites are usually well spaced apart, or when we go camping by the lake, where plenty of other people are using generators, (including the Coleman ones rated at 76dB) and there is plenty of other noise from the boats and music. I can't see us needing to run it all night long, as it does get cooler at night.

Here is a link to the Powerwise


Quote from: 6QuigsAfter the Viking sparked my interest on the Chinese Generators availabe for less than $300 being discussed over at forum, I did my research, and decided to spend the $299 and buy a Powerwise 3500 generator at Kragen's Auto Parts today.
Brought it home, filled it up with oil and gas, and started it up.
WOW, I am impressed!
It is not much louder than the "Quiet" Honda EU3000, or the Yamaha EF3000, which are rated at 57-59dB, but it is comparable to a Yamaha YG2800 ($1300)or a Honda EB3000 ($1,200) , which are rated at 67-68 dB. My Powerwise is rated at 65-68dB, and at $300 is a bargain compared to them.

With the Air conditioning running, and the door closed, I could barely hear the generator running over the noise of the air conditioning unit fan. I was even able to run the microwave at the same time.

The only times we will be using it, are dry camping at state parks, where the sites are usually well spaced apart, or when we go camping by the lake, where plenty of other people are using generators, (including the Coleman ones rated at 76dB) and there is plenty of other noise from the boats and music. I can't see us needing to run it all night long, as it does get cooler at night.

Here is a link to the Powerwise

Ohhhhhhh!!!  am I going to rub it in at Pismo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I hope it works for you because I'd like to get one myself. You will have to bring it to Pismo to show it off to everyone.


Quote from: 6QuigsWith the Air conditioning running, and the door closed, I could barely hear the generator running over the noise of the air conditioning unit fan.
65-68db? I'll bet your neighbors can hear it.  :D


Kevin are you going to bring it to pismo???...I would Love to show DH and at that price there is hope I may get one...I guess I want to hear how loud it is. I found loud is all relative to where you are and whats going on around you. If you're in a park like pismo..yeah it could be noisy, but at a rally with 60+ kids  I think the kids will drown out any generator :eyecrazy:  :D  I think it would be good for day trips places like a stadium, beach parking lot etc...


Quote from: TheVikingOhhhhhhh!!!  am I going to rub it in at Pismo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go ahead Brian, I might even buy you a beer for introducing me to these bargain generators.

Last year at Pismo, we had a power outage,(remember the keypad for the bathrooms wouldn't work during the night), so maybe I should just bring it to Pismo, just in case, though firing it up and letting everyone hear just how quiet it is would be fun, an excuse for all the guys to stand around and share a few beers!!

It is heavy, 100 lbs, but I can just throw it in the bed of my truck, which will only have the 6 bikes in there.


Quote from: 6QuigsGo ahead Brian, I might even buy you a beer for introducing me to these bargain generators.

Last year at Pismo, we had a power outage,(remember the keypad for the bathrooms wouldn't work during the night), so maybe I should just bring it to Pismo, just in case, though firing it up and letting everyone hear just how quiet it is would be fun, an excuse for all the guys to stand around and share a few beers!!

It is heavy, 100 lbs, but I can just throw it in the bed of my truck, which will only have the 6 bikes in there.

Shoot, I'll stand around anything if I have a beer in my hand !


Tool time at Pismo!  Ahhw! Ahhw! Ahhw!.
Circled round the ginny - beers in I am really starting to regret passing on Pismo this year!  Please post a complete report!


With all due respect....


The noise and pollution of a generator so that you can run your AC and microwave while camping.

I'm just glad you're on the west coast and I'm here on the east.

I've camped near people running generators, and IMHO, it really does ruin the camping atmosphere. Why should your desires for AC and microwave ruin the camping experience for your neighbors?


Quote from: TheVikingShoot, I'll stand around anything if I have a beer in my hand !

ain't that the truth....Dan doesn't allow me in the tool dept at Home depo..I love a good power tool!!

Hmmmm not sure what to do about the weight of the generator...we'll have to check it out...

Kevin I hope you decide to bring it along...