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Lost My PU Today

Started by GrizzlyTaco, Dec 01, 2005, 09:27 PM

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Today we lost our PU, we gave it back to the dealer. When we bought it we didn't
have a break control, so we didn't check the breaks on the trailer, Stupid me!!!!!
We got a prodigy break control finally a few weeks ago and yesterday i finally hooked up the PU and took it out to adjust the break control and wasn't getting any responce, so i took it to the dealer and they checked the controler and all the electrical stuff. The guy who was checking it got another guy who is good with breaks and he went over everything and couldn't find anything either, then he went and checked the brakes himself and he found the problem, NO Brakes. Man I had a fit, when I bought the PU it was supposed to have brakes. The guy who was in charge said he would have to check on what to do. He said he would call me in the morning and let me know what was up. He called me about 9:30 this morning and said it would be to much to add them to this trailer so he said to bring back the PU and they would take it back and they would have another one built for us and it will be 3 to 4 weeks or they would give us a really good deal on a smaller one they had in there showroom. I checked it out it the 1007 Jay Series model, its about 4 feet smaller then the one we have. I told them no, i wanted the same one we had. So now we're PU less!! This SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a good leson for any Newbie, make sure you check everything!! I'm hoping they'll take care of us for the inconvience......Thanks for letting me vent.........Ed C. :sombraro:


Quote from: GrizzlyTacoHe called me about 9:30 this morning and said it would be to much to add them to this trailer so he said to bring back the PU and they would take it back and they would have another one built for us...

What?  I can't imagine a big, new pop-up not having the backer plate on the axle.  From there, 10" electric brakes can be added for less than $100 per axle...I think a good deal less.  A few regulars here have done it themselves.  If it were me, I would have said "No thanks, I'll add them myself" (and find another dealer).

If the axle needs to be replaced, the price might go up to $400 in parts.



Gotta love the irony...  Taco lives in Vegas where it is warm, and he lost his pup.
I on the other hand have a PUP under a foot of snow in the back.  

Fate can be so cruel.
Good luck with your new one.  Hey... think positive: you get to have that "I'm about to get my new PUP" feeling all over again.

OC Campers

Look at the bright side, at least the dealer is trying to make it right.  I know it must be disheartening to have to give the camper back but you will have a new one in know time and be ready to hit the cg's with it.



A brand new axle WITH brakes installed runs apx $325 as of last year. Installation AND wiring would take apx 2 hours at the worst case and other than 20 feet of 12 gage blue wire a 7 pin connector would be need if not already equipped with the Jayco 6 pin.
JMHO but a dealer that doesn't know that doesn't belong in the business and if he did and just didn't want to outlay the money for a new axle he's also not a dealer I'd want to patronize.


How long have you had the camper?  Had you not used it previously on any trips so it's still essentially brand new?  I'm wondering why the dealer won't let you continue to use the brakeless camper until the new one comes in.  Obviously you would need to be very careful where you took it without brakes, but if you've already taken it out without a controller you've already knowingly run the risk.  Not sure how that would all shake out legally if you're beyond the limits of your state's requirements for brakes on a camper.  

But, on second thought, the camper may be illegal without brakes.  The dealer can't sell an illegal camper.  So, if the camper's illegal without brakes, I don't know what the dealer's going to do with it other than install brakes themselves with new axles, if necessary, to be able to resell it.  If that's the case, why don't they do that for you in the first place?    Just seems to be some really strange stuff going on here.


Try and look on the bright side.  You are getting a brand new trailer.  I am guessing it will be a 2006 and your warranty should start over too.  I would think it is Jayco and not the dealer that decided to replace the trailer.:)


Quote from: tlhdocTry and look on the bright side. You are getting a brand new trailer. I am guessing it will be a 2006 and your warranty should start over too. I would think it is Jayco and not the dealer that decided to replace the trailer.:)
I'll bet it was JAYCO too. They would probably not honor any warranty replacement of the axle.


Of course Jayco wouldn't pay for a new axle under "warranty"; as the dealer ordered it that way. Not a warranty issue. It's a dealer issue.


Quote from: mike4947Of course Jayco wouldn't pay for a new axle under "warranty"; as the dealer ordered it that way. Not a warranty issue. It's a dealer issue.

Since GrizzlyT and the dealer believed the trailer had brakes, I doubt he ordered it that way.  In fact, the trailer had brake wiring (which GT had wired up to his Prodigy controller), so Jayco thought they were making a trailer with electric brakes when they ran the wiring.



If it makes you feel any better GrizzlyT,  my TT is a Jayco and we've had it in for service once so far.  Jayco had to replace the whole awning and did not bat an eye.  So I think you will be treated right.  Good luck.

P.S.- At least it happened off-season. (Even though there really isn't an off season in our corner of the country).


I have to agree with dhurk that something really fishy seems to be going on here. I don't know that you can do anything about it, but the whole thing seems like something "more" is going on than meets the eye. I don't like it.


My PU was a 2006 model. I've only had it a few months. I dont understand why they couldn't just put the brakes and what ever esle it needed on here at the dealer. Here in Nevada the trailers are supposed to have brakes. When I looked at the trailers at the dealers in the begining the one I looked at was fully loaded with brakes and all, so they have to make it right. I got a message today when i got home from work, Johnnie Walker  RV purchased a Unit that was just finished and we should have the new one in 2 weeks or so. I am happy about that. Thanks everyone for being so understanding...............Ed C. :sombraro:


Ed did you ask the dealership who decided that a new trailer was in order?


Yeah, I talk to a guy named Art, he runs the dealership. They have to pay for my DMV registration also, i told them this was there fault not mine. He agreed. We should have our new PU in 2 weeks. Mine comes with 2 tables, one is a folding table and the other one is mounted to the floor, i didn't want the one mounted to the floor because its more open without it. I talked them into giving me a second folding table so i can easily move it if we need room for the kids to play.  :sombraro: