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Mouse Problem

Started by HappyCampers, Apr 24, 2006, 04:05 PM

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We just opened up our pu to clean it and found out that we had Winter guests.  My husband and looked underneath to see where they could have possibly squeezed in and there was a small hole where the gas line goes through into the camper.  It isn't too big, but a mouse could get in - I am sure.  Are there any other possible openings that we should know about to fill in?

A friend of mine told me to use Bounce dryer sheets throughout the camper because they don't like the smell.

Any suggestions for first time Winterizers??  Thanks


my understanding is that a hard parking surface (I.E. cement, gravel) will help greatly. if you are parking on grass or weeds, you are more prone to having intruders.


My favorite rant: SEAL UP THE BOTTOM OF THE RV!

It'll take two people, a strong flashlight and a caulking gun. One person inside with the flashlight who shines it everywhere including inside cupboards and dinette seats and the other person under the trailer caulking until there is no light showing through.
This not only mouse proffs the trailer but virtually insect proofs it when closed as well. Not to mention if you ever drive down a dirt road the inside of the camper won't be coverd with a dust layer.
BTW: the Bounce sheets leave the trailer smelling nice come spring but do not do a thing for mice. We opened up one spring to find all the sheets gone. We found them when we opened up a drawer to find a momma mouse and 6 baby meese all comfy in a nest made of dryer sheets. That's when we started sealing up the bottom.


WOW, this really leads me to believe it is possible that if we don't make tsure the hole where the shore line goes in, a little critter could surely climb through there, thanks for the warning.


Thanks for the advice.  Good thing I asked about the Bounce sheets because I was going out to buy some!!  We do have it parked on hard packed gravel, but there is a grassy area close by the gravel pad.  Mice must be good jumpers because the camper doesn't sit too close to the ground!!

Yep, my husband and I will do the sealing but what about possible cracks in the dining slideout and door when closed up?  How could we seal those cracks from intrusion?  My husband feels strongly about them getting in there, too.  I guess all we can do is seal the holes/cracks we can and see what happens in future.
