man... $3.33 a galon avg here in SF area... light conversation on what adjustments...

Started by chkster, May 10, 2006, 07:25 PM

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wow.... may not sell the V-6 S-10 (paid for) and leave the Sierra (not paid for):yikes: at home... heck I have towed with that V-6...
what are the popup demographics saying...:confused:

light conversation please...

My wife and I carpool into work 25 miles can be a 45 minute drive,seriously, We used to live within 5 miles...:banghead:  ... Use the Sierra for towing...
Great new house!! :-()
reporting from the Bay area... sort of...  :D


Price around here has started to drop a little, topped out at $2.99, it's down about $$2.86 right now... Still too high!

Thinking of buying a Motorcycle to help reduce daily commuting costs!


Prices have also dropped slightly in my area - the avg. cost near my house was $2.87.  That's dropped to 2.75, with a couple of stations down to 2.72.  It terrifies me that I consider that to be almost cheap these days.  OUCH!  I'm considering riding a bus to work.


I wish I could ride a bus to work.  No public transportation where I live.  I get the honor of paying fuel tax that supports the public transportation in the cities.  The cost of fuel has doubled, so I think they should double the cost of public transportation.:mad:


Quote from: tlhdocI wish I could ride a bus to work.  No public transportation where I live.  I get the honor of paying fuel tax that supports the public transportation in the cities.  The cost of fuel has doubled, so I think they should double the cost of public transportation.:mad:
The fact that the price of fuel has doubled means that the amount of taxes collected has doubled as well (you don't hear a lot about that, do you?). I think that they should put those excess tax dollars toward public transportation to encourage people to use it. Instead.......our lovely politicians will use that excess to buy "Pork".

BTW, our gas is "down :J " to $3.39 this morning. :p


Saw where even premium is below $3.00 now at a few of our more reputable stations.
Post office will be raising their rates shortly (already have the date for our software to be ready in support of it.)  Fuel surcharges for garbage pickup.  Price to have someone mow the grass went up by a third.
Everything else goes up as they simply pass the price increase on to us.  My salary doesn't go up - but everyone else gets to increase their prices to us...


I just heard that gas is $.12 a gallon in Venezuela. I guess we will have to ship our cars over there to get them filled up pretty soon. :p


Quote from: waveryThe fact that the price of fuel has doubled means that the amount of taxes collected has doubled as well (you don't hear a lot about that, do you?).
That is incorrect.  The tax is on a gallon of gas, it is not a percentage of the gas price.
Quote from: waveryI think that they should put those excess tax dollars toward public transportation to encourage people to use it. Instead.......our lovely politicians will use that excess to buy "Pork".
I disagree with using "gas tax" to subsidies public transportation.  PA added this tax specifically for public transportation.  Most communities in PA do not have public transportation, but anyone that uses gas is paying for for people in the cities to use public transportation at a lower cost.  My cost have doubled, so I think the cost of using public transportation should double too.  Maybe they should tax all of the public transportation riders and give us a cut in the price of gas.


Quote from: tlhdocThat is incorrect.  The tax is on a gallon of gas, it is not a percentage of the gas price.
I disagree with using "gas tax" to subsidies public transportation.  PA added this tax specifically for public transportation.  Most communities in PA do not have public transportation, but anyone that uses gas is paying for for people in the cities to use public transportation at a lower cost.  My cost have doubled, so I think the cost of using public transportation should double too.  Maybe they should tax all of the public transportation riders and give us a cut in the price of gas.
Federal tax is 18.4 cents/gallon. State tax varies from state to state. I was referring to local taxes which are usually a percentage. Public transportation subsidies is usually a local gvm't expense.

The average tax on a gallon of gas is over $.60.


Yeah, we have Fed & state tax per gallon.

Then, 7.75% (local) sales tax.

The friendly sticker on the pumps remind me of that every fillup :(


$3.39 in San Diego and thats cheap. The station near work is charging $3.49.


Quote from: waveryFederal tax is 18.4 cents/gallon. State tax varies from state to state. I was referring to local taxes which are usually a percentage. Public transportation subsidies is usually a local gvm't expense.
QuoteThis one is a special PA state tax, thanks to "Uncle Ed" our Governor.


Quote from: Gone-CampingPrice around here has started to drop a little, topped out at $2.99, it's down about $$2.86 right now... Still too high!
Thinking of buying a Motorcycle to help reduce daily commuting costs!
Reg gas in So FL is about $2.93/gal. It topped @ about $3.05 the last week or so. Big Oil is sneaky... they raise the price way up then down just a little so everyone's a bit happier at the pumps. What a rip-off!
I only drive my small SUV to work - around town I cruise around on my cute little scooter. It gets about 100 miles/gal, goes 35-40 mph and costs me 3 bucks to fill up. One full tank lasts about 3-4 months! This little scooter has saved me oodles of $$....
(I'm very careful around gas stations..... the gas guzzlers come screaming out of the station obviously pissed about the $100 or more they have just spent. They might just mow me and the scooter down!)


Here in NY we also have a percent-based sales tax applied to gasoline. Last fall, and early this winter, we the people tried to put some pressure on the legislators to cut it back in light of the unexpected rise in prices. The increased income from this sales tax last year amounted to a windfall in the state budget. Since the budget was based on presumption of "normal" gas price fluctuations, the Katrina-related rise surprised them. We almost had a piece of legislation worked out that would have capped those taxes by limiting them to the first $2 of a gallon's price.

Then, along came the new budget year and new budget negotiations. They, of course, built the new pricing into this year's state budget. Now there is a new round of talks about limiting or reducing the state gasoline sales tax. However, now the increased income from those higher prices is actually built into the budget. Yesterday governor Pataki (a potential presidential candidate in '08) said that he would most likely oppose any effort to reduce the gasoline sales tax. Get this: he said that it would have to be paid for somehow! This is proof of two things: (1) they built the higher tax receipts due to higher gas prices into the new budget and (2) they think we were born yesterday.

Sorry about the slightly off-topic rant.


Quote from: madkatz1Big Oil is sneaky... they raise the price way up then down just a little

I remember back in the late 90's, when gas was around $0.99/gal... it was always a bit more in California.  Despite the Alaskan crude being offloaded/processed here, they charged Californians more for the gas that came 10 miles from the refinery, than they charged in Utah for gas that "drove" 500 miles from California to get there.

During an inquiry, Big Oil said that "it costs about $0.10/gallon more to process gasoline for California's restrictions".  OK, 10 cents.

How come we're now paying $0.50 or so more than the rest of the nation all the time?  Even Costco is around $3.30 right now.

rant rant rant rant rant.