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This could be it...

Started by AustinBoston, Sep 22, 2006, 10:40 AM

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...the early evidence is that DD#1 (a.k.a. PUT member HrH PrincessLeia) is in early labor with our first grandchild (and, of course, her first child).

She has had some false labor over the past several days (though she declared "There's nothing false about it!" :eyecrazy: ), but things are different this morning.  Whatever is going on, she decided she needed to wake PJay at 5:30 this morning.  She says it intensifies with walking.  Though she has not gone to the hospital yet, she did make sure her marine husband was under orders to check on her hourly.

This is still not certain by any means, but I may not get another chance to post.

She's a great one for traditions.  I was born the day after my parent's anniversary.  Tomorrow is their first anniversary.  day before, day after...more than close enough.  :yikes:

It's an exciting time for us.

I will be out if internet reach much of the weekend so no news does not really mean there is no news.  I will do my best to keep everyone posted, but can not promise.



Wow! This is exciting!

IF Holly and I ever have kids, I guess there will be a ton of online camping grandparents. I guess the same will be true with your DD and DGC!



Hey...GRANDPA...keep us posted.  :p  thoughts going out to your DD for  an easy delivery and a very healthy baby.


Quote from: AustinBoston...the early evidence is that DD#1 (a.k.a. PUT member HrH PrincessLeia) is in early labor with our first grandchild (and, of course, her first child).

She has had some false labor over the past several days (though she declared "There's nothing false about it!" :eyecrazy: ), but things are different this morning.  Whatever is going on, she decided she needed to wake PJay at 5:30 this morning.  She says it intensifies with walking.  Though she has not gone to the hospital yet, she did make sure her marine husband was under orders to check on her hourly.

This is still not certain by any means, but I may not get another chance to post.

She's a great one for traditions.  I was born the day after my parent's anniversary.  Tomorrow is their first anniversary.  day before, day after...more than close enough.  :yikes:

It's an exciting time for us.

I will be out if internet reach much of the weekend so no news does not really mean there is no news.  I will do my best to keep everyone posted, but can not promise.


ALL RIGHT!!!!!! :yikes: GRANDPA
I was staring to get worried but was afraid to ask. I'm really glad you let us know.

I hope that you will be in the delivery room.

HURRY Up and update us.....


Thanks all!

Quote from: waveryI hope that you will be in the delivery room.

I wish.  I was there for all three (and, with the assistance of a midwife, I caught my now 16 YO DS), but alas, I will be half a country away.  :(   Even PJay will not be flying out for a couple weeks.

Realities should not be allowed to interfere with these things.

Looks like I won't get to hold our little bundle before Thanksgiving!  :(  :confused:



Update: False Alarm.

She did go to the hospital Friday PM, and they sent her home.  (This is devastating news to a young woman who just wants to have this baby already!)

Anyway, they got to enjoy their first anniversary in relative peace.  She's still having contractions frequently, but never for more than an hour at a time.

Practice labor.

Austin (nope, not a grandpa yet)


Quote from: AustinBostonUpdate: False Alarm.

She did go to the hospital Friday PM, and they sent her home.  (This is devastating news to a young woman who just wants to have this baby already!)

Anyway, they got to enjoy their first anniversary in relative peace.  She's still having contractions frequently, but never for more than an hour at a time.

Practice labor.

Austin (nope, not a grandpa yet)

aaahhh man. I haven't been on in a couple of days and I was hoping to hear about a new baby.. she needs to  go shopping and walk lots...that's what I've heard  both mine were early.

HrH PrincessLeia

Quote from: Dee4jaaahhh man. I haven't been on in a couple of days and I was hoping to hear about a new baby.. she needs to  go shopping and walk lots...that's what I've heard  both mine were early.
I've been doing lots of walking. Each time I stop walking, the contractions stop or quiet down. I've tried hot showers, cold showers, spicy food, and every other form of labor stimulation I've been told of. I really just want to be able to hold my baby... but it doesn't seem to want to get out yet. :(


A little pitocin will do it. :D


HrH PrincessLeia

Quote from: brainpauseA little pitocin will do it. :D

Yeah, well, at the naval hospital here they don't exactly give the stuff out just cause you ask for it :p


Quote from: HrH PrincessLeiaI've been doing lots of walking. Each time I stop walking, the contractions stop or quiet down. I've tried hot showers, cold showers, spicy food, and every other form of labor stimulation I've been told of. I really just want to be able to hold my baby... but it doesn't seem to want to get out yet. :(

what a bummer.. I know how it feels to be DONE. hang in there. things always happen for a reason and it just isn't time yet. wished you lived here in Ca. supposedly there is a restaurant in LA or Hollywood people swear the salad dressing brings on labor..but who knows..

what you need to do is make plans to do something thing really exciting and fun and that morning it will happen. with my son, I had  plans to meet up with an old high school friend I hadn't seen in a long time at Disneyland.  and my daughter, my DH was in New Orleans visiting his terminally ill father (I still had 3 weeks to go)

with keep in in our prayer for an easy delivery to happen SOON and ahealthy baby..


Quote from: brainpauseA little pitocin will do it. :D


Keep in mind that she's not overdue; not even by one day.

Every mother with a normal pregnancy gets to the point where she just wants to have this baby already; my dear daughter is there.



Lets see. NC and USMC. That can mean only one thing...Cherry Point? Camp Lejune? (Okay, thats two things:D )
So, something to get this 'Lil Marine going.......
-Oysters? Oop's. Nope, that supposed to be at the, uh, start of, uh, things.
-Hurricane? Nothing brewing in the Atlantic. Too bad. (Just the possibility of one, 14 years ago, helped get DS heading in the right direction!)
-Barbeque, eastern style. Not sure where this idea came from....I'm hungry?
-Oh wait, I got it, I got it! Just take a ride along some of the 14 bazillion miles of bumpy, rutted dirt roads that we have here in eastern NC! The more red-neck and jacked-up the truck, the better!:D
I'm kidding of course. Best of luck to the entire A-B family (not kidding)!

HrH PrincessLeia

Quote from: Dee4jwhat you need to do is make plans to do something thing really exciting and fun and that morning it will happen. with my son, I had  plans to meet up with an old high school friend I hadn't seen in a long time at Disneyland.  and my daughter, my DH was in New Orleans visiting his terminally ill father (I still had 3 weeks to go)

with keep in in our prayer for an easy delivery to happen SOON and ahealthy baby..
Then I should have had the baby on saturday, which was our first Anniversary. ;)


There's good news and there's bad news..............

Good news is............Baby isn't born yet.......(Baby's perspective).

Bad news is..............Baby isn't born yet.......(Mommy's perspective).

Seems like this is Baby's last chance to truly control Baby's destiny here, for a long time. Mommy will get her chance to control things here in a short time. Until then.....Baby is in control. The sooner that Mommy excepts that fact, the easier things will be.

The real test is when Mommy & Daddy get control. It's really a scary prospect when you really think about it. However, if Mommy, Daddy and grandparents  are any indication of how this baby will fare in this should be a positive road ahead. :D

Sleep well Mommy, it's your last chance for a while :p