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my "new" 1973 starcraft.... gonna need lotsa TLC

Started by ScouterMom, Mar 18, 2007, 10:01 PM

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just bought a 1973 starcraft  - picking it up Wed - it's in decent shape, but needs some major cleaning, carpet removed, airing and new lift cables.  It's no wonder, either - someone tried to replace the cables with a home job - and used cable that is waaayy too light for the top - all four cables are shredded and the main cable is way too light, too.  It smells musty,from long storage, but seems dry, and I didn't smell any mildew or mold.  The body is in good shape, faded and the frame has some surface rust, but the underside is dry and clean.

I need to order parts - definately all new cables, probably pulley's, too - if it still has the originals they were probably plastic, and not aluminum. I may try and replace the crank, too - it's pretty rusty, and possibly the jack - the wheel is gone and the post is so bent I don't think a wheel would go back on it.

Anyone know of a starcraft parts dealer in N IL or S WI that they'd recommend?  I'd like to get all the parts in by April 3rd, as a friend is moving his auto shop that week, and I can use his old lift to hold up the top while I replace the cable system.

After I get the cables fixed, I can take a closer look at what else it might need.  Definately the gross carpet is going! probably some cushions, or at least, the covers.

If someone can tell me how, I'll post pictures here - but I don't know how!

if anyone else has worked on an old camper like this (and I know many of you have) I would be interested in any suggestions or ideas you have or things you learned from your experience.  

thanks -



Laura, I have pretty much re-built my lift system, other than the sliders and the original crank.  If you need help, let me know.  My pic page has some info on the pulleys I used from Lowes.  All of the stuff for the cable replacement came from Lowes's.  There is no reason to pay for the factory parts.  I am considering replacing the crank with a new one, and If I can get a good price, probably will.  Just for ease of use.  Get a pic page somewhere, I like the one where I have mine, and post pics of your project.


I was looking at your 'Snoochie house" earlier - Nice Job!

I replaced part of the lift system (main cable and two pole cables) on my last starcraft camper - (a tiny 1976 STARLETTE), back in 1998 or '99, & I didn't think the parts were very expensive. In fact, I'm known for being a penny pincher (cheap) so they must've been cheap.  However, having done it once, I know I can do it again, and I might do it with store parts.   the nice thing about buying from starcraft is that all the parts are the right weight, pre-sized for the exact model and year, and they sent instructions and drawings, too.  I might still have those around somewhere.  I know somewhere there is at least one pully that i didn't use.

I can't find the number of the dealer - I think he was in Rockford, but I'd like to get at least a price from a dealer for the parts, for comparison, before I start  getting the parts.

I work at a 'farm store' (Farm & Fleet) and can get all of that stuff right at work.  I looked at supplies after work at the store last night - and even at full retail, (I don't get a discount, but I would watch for a sale)  a new winch would be about $35, and a new swing-away trailer jack with wheel is $35 (both are pretty beat on the trailer.) cable is CHEAP. as are the small parts. So I'll probably do a combination of both.

I'll appreciate any help or advice, though!



Have your VIN# available when you order parts. The camper model doesn't help them much.

Use the RIGHT size cables. Not too big or small. the pulleys and other parts cannot handle larger sizes.

How do I know?



Funny you should mention the tongue jack.  When I was hooking up to leave for our trip this weekend, the jack, which has been giving us a little "slipping" trouble gave out completely.  I ran over to Harbor Freight, and got a 1,000 lb. swing down, and installed it.  Not sure why I didn't do it before.  It will now open up a new mod for me.  I also saw a winch that would work to replace the original quite well for $20.  I am looking into it, and will let you know.


Hey Jake!

Guess what? our new 73 is also a 'Starmaster 6' like the snoochie house! - I wasn't sure, as the info plate that is usually inside the door is missing, but that's what the VIN # and title confirm!  We picked it up Wed, and it's in the drive, but I've been working & haven't had a chance to even open it yet!   :(

So I'll probably be asking you for tips - as you'll know exactly :book:  what I'm dealing with! I have to say that I feel pretty confident about getting it into camping shape, even if I haven't had time to open it up yet - these old Starcrafts seem to have been built to last - you see quite a few of them around.

I talked to a local parts dealer today, and he got me a price on the cables and pulleys - the entire cable set (5 cables) would be $89, and pulleys about $10 each.  I priced out cable at the farm store I work at, and even generously guessing at 20' per post and 12' for the main cable (I doubt they need that much, but have no idea how to tell)  all the cable would run me about $45.  (figuring the largest sizes and cost)  Would you remember what guage wire you used for the posts and main cable?  I could guess, but if you remember, it would make things easier.  (I know the current cables are way too light - they are all shreaded, so there's nothing with the camper to work off of.) All the pulleys my store carries are WAY too big, and the nearest Lowes is a county or two away, perhaps Home Depot or Menards might have them, they are closer to me, but I have't had time to check yet.

The store is going to put the 800 lb jack on sale next week for $29, and they also have a winch I think would work - actually two - one rated for 1300#'s and one for 1800#'s.  I think the 1300# would be fine for the roof, wouldn't it?  the 1800 lb winch is about $30 more expensive.

Are any of the info labels still on the Snoochie house? such as Dry weight, tongue weight, what size winch, jack etc are the standard?  I have none of that info left on mine.  there is a plate that says '750 lbs' on the tongue, but i am not sure if that is for the winch, or the tongue weight or what - and they replaced the door panel - so the original info sticker/ plate is gone.  We had to guess at the weight for the registration and plates, as there was NOTHING to tell us what the dry weight was.  Luckily my state (IL) has a 3000 and less trailer license rating, and we figured it HAD to be less than that, we didn't need an exact weight - but I'd like to know any info about the camper that I can pull together.

thanks SO MUCH for your help!



Laura, send me an e-mail and I can get you a copy of my manual.  It has all of the weights for the base dry weight, and the accessories.  I would guess Home Despot has similar pulleys to the ones I used.  The are great, smooth, and most important, metal, so they will not wear out.  I do not remember which size cable I used for the corner posts, what I did was take a section with me and matched it.  One thing I have been told it not to use bigger cable because that size is used for a reason, which makes sense.  I did use 1/4 inch cable for the main cable, which I know is a little large.  My guess is the original was one size smaller than that.  I do suggest you replace them all at the same time.  As I did not, and ended up replacing them all anyway pretty soon.  20' is plenty for each corner, that is what I always got, had plenty left over, but I would rather have more than not enough.  When I got the main cable I got 6' and that was plenty.  You will most likely find broken pulley wheels when you get into the lifters as they are plastic and all of mine were broken, so find the replacements ahead of time.  You will need two per lifter.  I found them in the section for sliding glass patio door replacement parts.  They really do make a difference.  E-mail me with any specific questions so we do not take up space here on the board, but one universal truth is you need to get a digital camera, and post pics somewhere of your progress.  I would suggest the Pop Up Gallery where I have mine posted.  It is free, and very easy to use.