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Coast to Coast or other memberships

Started by tommyboy, Mar 20, 2007, 11:21 AM

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Hi all,

I am looking to be an inexpensive coast to coast membership.  Am I doing the right thing here?  It is only going to cost around $350 with fees, dues, and transfers etc.  I live in Washington and there are 30 camp sites with C2C.  My parents belong to Thousand Trails/Naco, so I am able to use theirs whenever I want, but it is limited in sites here....

So can folks give some feedback on their experiences?



Quote from: tommyboycoast to coast membership

Never heard of that, but we're just returning to camping after a four-year absence. I'm assuming you pay one annual fee and stay in any member campground in the contiguous 48 for unlimited nights?

Could you confirm my assumptions and maybe provide a little more info for those of us in the dark? It sounds kind of interesting, and I could see how it might benefit campgrounds as well.


Quote from: IgetitNever heard of that, but we're just returning to camping after a four-year absence. I'm assuming you pay one annual fee and stay in any member campground in the contiguous 48 for unlimited nights?

Could you confirm my assumptions and maybe provide a little more info for those of us in the dark? It sounds kind of interesting, and I could see how it might benefit campgrounds as well.

It is a camping membership.  // to see details.  You can buy resales online pretty cheap as opposed to going to the place and paying like $3000.  Its not unlimited though.  Its like 7 cons. nights, and then you move to another park.  There is a small fee per night of $8 though.  Far less than the state parks here in Washington at now $27 per night!!  What a joke.  We have a 2 billion surplus in the budget, but they charge that much...Oh well such is government.  Check out online at the link above though.  Too many benefits to list.