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New Camper Questions

Started by ronerjones, May 22, 2007, 04:33 PM

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Almost ready for the maiden trip have a few questions. Bought used 2002 Coleman Utah.

1. Came with 2 water hoses, should I assume they are clean and free of any disgusting item that may grow in a moist rubber hose left unused for a period of time. I could trash them and start fresh. I could sanitize them somehow. Please advise

2. When done with these hoses, do I just drain them and put them away for next time or do most people find a way to hang out to dry?

3.Manual suggests a water pressure gauge so plumbing lines do not burst, Is this necessary and do most use it?

4. Someone reccomended I cris cross the safety chains that way it creates a safety net to catch the trailer it it does jump off the ball, any coments on this.

Thanks I am sure in the next few weeks I will have a bazillion more questions. Everyone has already been so helpfull.


I'm new as well, but I think that I can answer a couple of your questions.  The hoses, as far as I know, you just put them away.  Yes you do need the pressure regulator.  You can get them at Walmart, among other places, only a few bucks.  Yes you are supposed to cross the chains, for the reason that you stated.  I hope I helped at least a little.


paulski617 is correct.

However, if you really want to be anal about your water hose  :p  you can block off one end and poor a 10% solution of bleach and water in the other end until it is full. Let it sit for about 10 minutes then hook the hose up to your spigot and run water through it to rinse it out.

Always dump all the water out of your hose as you wind it up for storage. It's a good idea to screw the 2 ends together to keep little creatures like spiders and other bugs that might be looking for water.

If you are like most of us, after a few years, you'll just be throwing the hose in the locker 'til next time :yikes: .......just be sure to run plenty of water through the hose before filling your tank :D


I would get a new fresh water hose and save the old ones for drain hoses.

I drain mine and then drain it again as I roll it up.  I also connect the ends so nothing gets in there.  Let some water run through the hose onto the ground every time you use it.  Just in case something is in there.
If you are going to have the hose connected to a "city" water supply and not just filling your tank, you should use a water pressure regulator.  They come in brass and plastic.  I would recommend the brass.  You should never need to replace it.
YES cross the chains.  If they are too long twist them a couple of times to shorten them.:)


If your pu came with 2 hoses, you should, at the very least, sanitize them. You can never be sure if the previous owner used one for waste water and one for fresh supply... I keep an old garden hose for sink waste water and a "special hose" for fresh water. Don't want to be mixing them up, because I have become one of those who just throw them in the trailer without sanitizing.
As for the chains and crossing of them, up here at home the crossing of the chains (and using them) is actually law and could cost up to $200 if fined.