Camping trips planned - VA/WV?

Started by wynot, Jun 05, 2007, 02:48 PM

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Just checking to see if there are any camping club trips planned for VA/WV this summer or fall.  We used to see a lot of the Virginians with the MAPCE group, and haven't seen many in quite a while.
We live in Western MD.


For those that would like to join a great group of gay & lesbian campers, the Rainbow RV'ers would love to hear from you in VA, MD and PA. We have been members in VA for 5 years and watched about 7 of us grow into 70 to 80 that show up for pot luck dinner on a Saturday night once a month during our trips through the state of VA. Since we are relocating to PA, we volunteered as the coordinators of the PA Rainbow RV'ers and would love to see those interested to contact us to plan various camping destinations throughout PA. - send us an e-mail.
We are headed toward Raytown Lake Resort in Entriken PA on Friday AM until Monday PM - gorgeous lake and possibly 300+ sites? Our second time to this resort. Help us find some other camping areas throughout PA and possibly join the VA, and MD groups for potluck suppers. All Welcome!