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Is this normal if the gray water tank is overfilled?

Started by Writer_Mom, Jul 11, 2007, 11:25 AM

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We took our new Saratoga out last weekend for a one-night test run. Before we picked it up at the dealer, they'd popped it up and tested all the systems; apparently, in doing so, they put quite a bit of water in the gray water tank. We hadn't realized how full it was. After only a few hours of careful water use, we noticed soapy water pouring out of the underside of the trailer near the front right.

At first, we thought it was a leak of some sort, but after thinking about it a bit, we guessed that the dealer probably left water in the tank, which would mean it was too full. As soon as DH drained the gray water tank, the leak stopped.

Is this what normally happens when the gray water tank is overfilled? Or do we have a problem we need to talk with the dealer about?

Also, is there some simple way to tell when the gray water tank is getting full? There doesn't seem to be any sort of gauge like the one on the black water tank.


I think the original design was for the overflow to come up the pipe on the back side of the camper, but I think it actually is coming out of the fitting at the top of the tank when it fills.  Mine does this and I thought about taking it in for them to look at it, but decided I'd rather have it overflow from the top of the tank instead of pouring down the side of the camper.  TT's come with a gray water indicator.  Many have put mods in to this effect.  I am considering it, but it's usually a minimal amount of gray water that over flows before you see it, so I may just keep it like it is.  A fresh water indicator would work the same way, so look for those mods if you want to try it

Thank goodness they were smart enough to put in the black water indicator!


Welcome to PUT!

I don't know about those gray water tanks, but there might be an overflow pipe, or as suggested above, it might be a fitting.



It's flowing from the "vent". A tank need to be vented as the air has to go somewhere when the waste goes in. On a TT you'd have vents exiting from the roof for the gray and black water tanks; and overfilling on the gray water tank shows up as water backing up into the show/bathtub pan.
With the PU the vent is likely lower than any drain so it runs out the vent instead of backig up into a drain.


Quote from: mike4947It's flowing from the "vent". A tank need to be vented as the air has to go somewhere when the waste goes in. On a TT you'd have vents exiting from the roof for the gray and black water tanks; and overfilling on the gray water tank shows up as water backing up into the show/bathtub pan.
With the PU the vent is likely lower than any drain so it runs out the vent instead of backig up into a drain.

Actually the vent is almost at roof level(a long flexible pipe through a pocket in the canvas, to the roof), and what is happening is that when the tank fills, it spills out where the vent goes up from the tank.  So maybe, according to what Mike is saying, fleetwood designed it to over flow here instead of backing up into the shower pan.  Works for me.  And because it's gray water, a little spillage when it fills, shouldn't cause you any problems.


Thanks for the info!

It was a little embarassing to go out and take a few photos of the new trailer, only to notice the soapy water dripping out the bottom.   :yikes:


By design or by accident it is better than watching last night's dishwater swirling around the shower...LOL


it sounds like you have a leaking fitting or even possibly a cracked one. our 06 niagra will fill up the shower and does not leak. but our 01 TT had the same problem you're describing and when I took it to the dealer they found a cracked fitting on the top of the tank. I would get it checked, it could possibly cause floor damage if left alone.


Quote from: badabing67it sounds like you have a leaking fitting or even possibly a cracked one. our 06 niagra will fill up the shower and does not leak. but our 01 TT had the same problem you're describing and when I took it to the dealer they found a cracked fitting on the top of the tank. I would get it checked, it could possibly cause floor damage if left alone.
I was sorta thinking the same thing. However, I have no idea how the holding tanks are plumbed on the PUs so I didn't say anything.

I just couldn't imagine the water just leaking out of the bottom of the trailer though. I would have thought that they would design in something like you describe. If your shower is filling up, there's no doubt that your tank is full :p .

I agree....I would take it straight back to the dealer. If they say, "That's normal", I would get it in writing. Later on, if your floor falls apart, they won't be able to accuse you of not letting them know in a timely manner.