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Penalty for dumping grey water

Started by Dray, Jul 16, 2007, 08:27 PM

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Why would anyone dump gray water on the ground when the campground has a gray water dump station?


Quote from: dcampbell1969Why would anyone dump gray water on the ground when the campground has a gray water dump station?

Not all campgrounds (especially boondocked campsites) have a dump station.  But in answer to your question...laziness (oops, not supposed to use that word, oh, dear)...



Quote from: DrayAnyone know what the penalty is for dumping grey water on the ground?  What's up?  Do you get a fine?  A ticket?  Mean looks from other campers?  A chewing out by the camp host?  What?  

If one was to use something like a biodegradeable soap (is there such a thing?) would it be okay to dump this water onto the ground?  I mean really...what's so wrong with this water?
Dumping ANY water in a campground is just, simply put, irresponsible.

If there are alternatives available, as there are in every CG that I have seen, it isn't that tuff to use them.

The issue is more than just the stuff that may be in the water. It has to do with the maintenance of the CG and the natural surroundings. If everyone just started dumping grey water on the ground, it would not only make a mess that must be managed but it would change the natural flora and fona in the area. Some may feel that may be a good thing but the fact is, we (on an individual level) have no right to make that decision. We (out of our ignorance) may justify our actions by saying, "Hey, I watered that poor tree". In reality, that may not be a good thing. It would also encourage all sorts of wildlife (including bugs) that may not be desirable. It would basically change the entire echo system of that area. At the very least, it would increase the expense of managing and maintaining of the CG.


Quote from: waveryDumping ANY water in a campground is just, simply put, irresponsible.

Unless the campground says to do otherwise ... we were camping out in Colorado and Utah a couple years ago and at several places they wanted us to dump our gray water on the trees/vegetation.   So, in that case we watered the trees.  

I don't run any water through my PU ~ clean or gray.   I've heard some say that is the distinction between dishwater used by tenters and that used by RVers.  Mostly what I do depends on the campground and what they prefer.


Quote from: dcampbell1969Why would anyone dump gray water on the ground when the campground has a gray water dump station?

unfortunatly it was found the last day.and was not brought to our attention.


Unless the campground says to do otherwise ... we were camping out in Colorado and Utah a couple years ago and at several places they wanted us to dump our gray water on the trees/vegetation. So, in that case we watered the trees.

I don't run any water through my PU ~ clean or gray. I've heard some say that is the distinction between dishwater used by tenters and that used by RVers. Mostly what I do depends on the campground and what they prefer.

this speaks volumes :usflag:

and makes my point



Quote from: waveryDumping ANY water in a campground is just, simply put, irresponsible.

Does that include the old guy I observed early one morning taking a wizz along side his RV?  Inquiring minds would like to know!

(Besides the west coast seems to need a little awakening today!)


(Who never means to cause any trouble or anything!)


Quote from: LimeJeeeepunfortunatly it was found the last day.and was not brought to our attention.


Unless the campground says to do otherwise ... we were camping out in Colorado and Utah a couple years ago and at several places they wanted us to dump our gray water on the trees/vegetation. So, in that case we watered the trees.

I don't run any water through my PU ~ clean or gray. I've heard some say that is the distinction between dishwater used by tenters and that used by RVers. Mostly what I do depends on the campground and what they prefer.

this speaks volumes :usflag:

and makes my point

The key is, "they wanted us to dump our gray water on the trees/vegetation". It should be a CG Management decision. In this particular case, the management felt that is was the wise thing to do. However, I feel that this may be an extremely rare scenario and does not justify grey water dumping in other areas IMHO.


Agreed, follow the rules and regulations for where you are camping.  If you do not know, ask the park ranger.  If you are boondocking, check the Forestry Service guidelines, or whatever may apply, but be responsible.  Wavery sums it up pretty well. And I know not all CG's have dumpstations, but if they do, there's no reason not to use them.


had a long post but deleted it as to stay with in guide lines i have agreed. :U


OK, so it seems most of us agree not to dump grey water, but the OP asked what is the penalty is for dumping grey water?  Anyone do any digging to find the penalty in your local area?  Anyone here ever report somebody for dumping grey water?


Check this out from the following BLM website

"Dumping of grey water from RV's is allowed, as long as you don't contaminate any standing water."


The most strigent rules I've come upon has been the Corps of Engineer C/G's. There on the bulletin board they posted that gray water was to be gathered into a "suitable" container and then dumped at the dump site (OR) dishes were to be washed at one of the dish washing centers (which I liked) - these were a gazebo looking structure (much like a covered picnic platform) and had a table, a large double stainless sink (I liked the height of it so I did not have to bend over), hot running water, a G.I. can for trash and lots of room. What I did was carry the dirty dishes over in a clean 5/gal bucket, washed and dried the dishes, put them back into the bucket and carried them back to the campsite. Still had my gray water bucket attached to the PU just in case there was any water run through the camper sink (which, of course, there was not). Now, I heard tell (not by anyone of real authority anyway) that failure to comply meant your eviction from their facilities.


p.s. ~ Since we were catching fish, why in the world would we not comply? I'll wait to expose my rebellion on a visit where we're getting skunked! (LOL)


Quote from: DrayCheck this out from the following BLM website

"Dumping of grey water from RV's is allowed, as long as you don't contaminate any standing water."

This can be trumphed by state rules, which still apply even thoguh it is BLM land.

I would caution anyone against thinking because their state DNR does not have rules that there are no rules.  The rules that apply to septic systems apply to all septic systems, including those that are part of your RV.

Some states allow gey water to be dumped on or near the surface of the ground for non-agricultural irrigation, but by no means do all states allow it.

Look for penalties under the health & sanitation rules for your state; they still apply, even in state and national parks & forests.



In response to the OP--
Delaware makes no distinction between gray water and black water with regard to disposal.  It is not legal to dump either on the ground;  waste water must be disposed properly, meaning at a dump station, or other appropriate facility.


I'll bet if this was a tenting forum you would see a much different response.

Kind of like the towing with propane on........Consensus on TT and MH sites say yes and PUP sites say no way.