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Where's George?

Started by AustinBoston, Aug 06, 2007, 12:47 PM

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No, George is not a missing Arvee Club Member.  It refers to the Where's George web site at Where's George.  :usflag:

This site (no-fee registration required to enter bills) allows you to enter information about the U.S. paper currency in your pocket, and see who else has reported it (and where).  After you enter it (and spend it), you can keep track of where it gets reported later.

Most U.S. bills have never been entered, but some have, so every so often you can find one that has travelled.

A fun little site, especially for children, obsessive types, and those with too much boredom on their hands.

There is a Canadian equivalent at Where's Willy?  :canada:



I have never started a new bill, but have come across some and did enter where I received it. Where's George is interesting.


I have a few on there and have chaulked up a few miles on some of them. Makes for interesting reading when someone tells you how they came across it.