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New addition to our camping gear.

Started by toynrnd, Aug 20, 2007, 10:24 AM

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My wife and I just got a 1998 Coleman Rio.  We used to camp in an M416 army trailer under a freestanding canopy - before kids.  We got a decent deal, and the Rio appears to be well cared for, except for a couple things.  It has the roof mounted A/C, which appears to have a small leak.  I have purchased a new gasket set, and will get that replaced ASAP.  The ABS roof has a couple areas that seem to be delaminated from the foam(?) core.  There are no cracks, it's just loose.  Should I be worried about this, or just fix the gasket leak and be done.  The camper was set up when we looked at it, so I didn't see it until I got it home.  I also found a small soft spot in the floor inside the forward most cabinet, where it abuts the front storage box.  The leaky seam in the outside covering has been sealed with clear silicone, and it doesn't appear to be leaking any more with a water test.  I hope I didn't jump in too soon, but we had been looking for a couple months and this one was the best condition/best deal we had seen.  Any thoughts or other issues I should look for?  Thanks in advance.


Welcome Chris!  Sounds like a nice camper to me and with A/C it'll hold it's value so you can trade up whenever you find something you like better.

I don't have any experience with your style roof, so can't be of any help there.

I would just suggest going around and inspecting and resealing all seams as needed (sounds like you may have done that already).  Keep it clean, dry and waxed and it'll look great and probably last a long time.

There are all sorts of fun mods and gadgets so scroll down the "dry camping" and "Mr. Fixit" forums to your heart's (and wallet's) content!

I'm new to PUP's too. Learning a lot here, having fun with mods and gadgets and other stuff, and we've had it out on 2 big trips in the past 3 weeks.  Great fun!


Chris welcome to PUT.  It sounds like you have purchased a nice camper.  The ABS roof is a great roof, but it has some problems.  If it is just de laminating you don't need to worry.  If the roof is sagging then you will have a big problem.  To check if the roof is sagging, crank it up a few inches and then run a string from the front to the back of the roof along the top.  See how big of a gap there is between the string and the roof.  If is is less than an inch you are ok.  If it is bigger than an inch the roof may be out of shape enough to leak when the trailer is closed.  Good luck with the camper and I hope you enjoy PUT.:)


I will measure it but I'm sure it is at least an inch.  The roof still seals around the edges of the camper, the top is just uneven.  Is there a brace I could install, or will this eventually require some sort of roof replacement?