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Started by oneway, Oct 18, 2007, 08:39 PM

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Hello all
My first post
I moved up to a pop up from tent camping and this is a new experiance some reason I found myself bringing alot of stuff and room became an issue , that will soon go away when I by a pick up truck to throw all my stuff in it. I have a 2003 coleman/fleetwood monterey elite . opens with a motor.
and I pulled it with a 2002 nissan xterra,  A little small for the job but it worked.
My first question is what do you recommend to clean canvas ?
I used simplegreen on vinyl and that works ok but I have some tree sap and Im not sure what to use for that.
Anyway I will tell a little about what we have done this summer  with our pop up
 1)we bought that u shaped tire lift for leveling that works great,
 2)we bought those radiant tarps from pop up gizmos those work great! Small clamps are not that great so I will replace those with larger ones.
 3)we bought a wheel stop doughnut for trailer tounge
 4)oscillating fans and replaced the cig.lighter plug with a stereo plug for the bunks. works great to move the air.
 5)we campeded in Chula Vista this summer so we decided we would like an AC since we are cheap we bought 1100btu window unit and set it on a table or on the roof and ducted it in thru the top of a zipper close to the roof. Works really nice.
 6) 0 gravity chairs a must!!!
 7) outdoor kitchen screen room remember NEVER to bbq inside those !!!! DONT ASK ME WHY I Might flare up lol

now you see why we ran out of room lol
Places we went this summer: Leo Carillo SB, Big Bear Serrano camp ground,Hanna Flats ,Newport Dunes,Pinezanida Flats in Julian,Chula Vista and we are thinking about winter camp trips now.
About Me : Happily Married 27 years,  
three adult kids, daughter is married and has two boys ( the Best )
We are christians and love the Lord.  We attend Calvary Chapel Redlands
Hobbies: fishing, fresh and salt don't matter , gold prospecting ,and of coarse our family loves to go camping,
 We Love the beach and mountains. we take the 9 1/2 ft.raft and bikes.
 Look forward to sharing more ,

Camping Coxes

Welcome to the site!  Be sure to keep in touch with the SCCampers portionf or future campouts.  It's going to be a little quiet this weekend as we're all heading to a campout in Santa Paula.

When camping with a pop-up, you have to remember that even though you have a big trailer with lots of storage, you don't need to fill every square inch of it with "stuff."  Keep an eye out for items you can use that won't weigh you down, literally.  You'll be able to learn a lot from the experience of other campers.  Any issue you have, someone on here has been there, done that, and can help you with it.
On a side note -- my family attends Morningstar Christian Chapel (Calvary Chapel ministry).  Again, welcome!


1st Welcome to the boards!!!

We clean our canvas with Woolite. Works excellent!! Got the advice from this site of course. Haven


Welcome from another newbie.

I thought we had our camper issues solved, but there was some unseen damage found when we got home so we're still in limbo.  More on that if it falls through and the resolution is not to our liking.  Otherwise, I'll keep my mouth shut rather than soil the reputation of a very well known dealer.  

Anyway, my long winded rambling brings me to your TV.  We're also using a 2002 Xterra.  Towing it home.   :D   And towing it back  :mad:   we've found it tows like a champ.  I'm scared to see what towing a pup will do to our gas milage as you can assuredly relate.  Those X's are hogs for an SUV their size.

One thing I like about towing with the Xterra is they are built on a truck, rather than most SUV's in their class which are built on a car chasis.  It's a heavy, sturdy vehicle and the PUP won't jerk it around much.  

Enjoy the Coleman.





Thank you for the warm welcome  !
I will give the Woolite a try.
I have found the post interesting and also enjoy seeing the pictures of campouts, it lets me know what some of the places we wondered about look like.
Also we look forward to participating in future gathering.
                        Thanks Mike


Welcome to PUT!  I would recommend 303's vinyl roof cleaner to clean the sap on the vinyl.  To clean the Sunbrella tenting I would recommend 303's Sunbrella cleaner and then rewaterproof with 303's High Tech Fabric Guard.  Sunbrella recommends using the 303 products.  Have a great time with the PU and enjoy your family.:)


303 cleaners
This looks like a good place to start  and it appears I can buy it from an auto part store.

303 cleaner and instructions
Thank you


Welcome to PUPing and to this forum. You'll find a wealth if knowledge on this site. I too recommend the 303. stuff works great.


Where I live I get it at a Marine store.  They seem to carry more than the RV or auto parts stores do.  For cleaning the see through vinyl windows I recommend using Plexus.  It is a plastic cleaner/conditioner and will not yellow your Windows over time.:)


Welcome to the site. You will find a lot of good information here. Glad your camping trips were a success.