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no santa

Started by BIGDAD, Dec 03, 2007, 09:14 PM

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Hi will i had to tell my son there was no santa he was being pick on at school for beliveing in santa, i told him it was me the hole time now he upset and he want to take down his little tree in his room. so my ? is at what age did you tell your kids there was no santa ?


No Santa?  That there is crazy talk!  If NORAD can track Santa, he is real!! :U

I'll tell them.  Maybe when they are about 35 or so.  Realistically, most five year olds kinda figure it out, even though they like to prolong the thought as long as possible.  Part of the magic of Christmas.

By sheer luck, there was a man called Saint Nicholas that I taught my kids about.  So, even if they know about the guy at the mall, on tv, or squeezing down the chimney, they can still study and enjoy the origin.


About 9 or 10 is about it.  By that age kids at school know and let the cat out of the bag.


I still remember when Josh Goodman (a weaselly little kid from my 3rd grade class went around telling all of the Christian kids that there was no Santa),  I vehemently defended Santa's existance.

My good friend Will had to pull me aside and tell me the truth because I was making a fool of myself.


I can say that my kids believed until age 10-12.  Pressure at school, and all the advertising got them non-believing.

My youngest daughter was 12, and didn't really believe anymore, but, I took her on a trip to the North Pole, NY and we stayed in a motel for 3 nights or so.  I let her call her bestest friend to tell her about the trip....she gets on the phone and tells her - we were driving through New York State and we came through like fog (which was true) and we were at the North Pole!  (Second day we had breakfast with Santa....and dear daughter was a little skeptical so went over and asked Santa if he was real....then pulled his beard....which was real!)  That night I again let her call her friend .... and she told her that Santa was real and all about pulling the beard, feeding the reindeer, touching the North Pole as well as all the workshops and neat rides.  After our trip, we discussed the magic of Christmas, and she kinda got the idea.

It is very hard for a parent to explain the "Magic of Christmas", but at that age we parent do need to try as some kids are devistated by 'reality'.


There's no what?  :yikes:


will my son is ok with it he is little happy now my oldest :-()  daughter told him last night  that if he did not keep the xmas spirit that ghost would come and see him. she tried to help. i told my son that is was jesus brithday so he is ok with it.and xmas is now on. merry xmas to all. :-()


Evil Evil!!  My kids all know that Santa is in fact.. a state of mind :)  They all have the idea that he isn't real, but it seriously is a state of mind.  They think the idea is great, so Christmas  always real here :)


well i dont't think i am that evil.his excited about the snow we might get. 1 to2 inches


I don't know who it is harder on, the kids or the parents when they figure out Santa.

Something a little bit magical seems to disappear.


Quote from: GeneFI don't know who it is harder on, the kids or the parents when they figure out Santa.

Something a little bit magical seems to disappear.

Not to mention we lose the "Santa's watching you" leverage.  That one works like a charm with my 3 year old right now.


We don't do Santa at our house. We talk about Saint Nicholas and what he did (he's a real person). It kind of avoids the whole problem. Unfortunately for everyone else, it's my kids walking around explaining there's no Santa.



WoW!  I guess my kids are behind the times... they are  10 & 11 and still have Santa come to the house for Christmas....  They have never asked me if he was real or not...They know that if they don't believe he will not come.  

I have asked this year if they believe and they said yes....


My children are now 33, 25 and 22 and I have never told them there is no Santa.  They were always told that if they didn't believe they wouldn't get anything from him and so they never told me they didn't believe.  Now we have DGD, 4, and it all continues.  I think it would have been harder on me if they told me they didn't believe than to just say nothing.  It is a magical part of Christmas.  I do explain to DGD about the real meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate it but I think she is too young to grasp it all just yet.  She does remember and tells others that it is Jesus' birthday.


Genef it was hard for me to tell him and it was harder for him to under stand. your right it is hard for the parent to tell them.but it is harder for the child to under stand.