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New Solar Panel Technology

Started by BirdMan, Apr 22, 2008, 09:40 PM

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I have been researching many aspects of using solar panels to charge batteries and provide DC to AC for watching TV, running the microwave, ... while dry camping.

There is some new technology coming soon from AVA Solar that promises to significantly reduce the cost per watt.  Right now a 120W Solar Panel costs about $500-600.  I expect AVA Solar will be selling a 120W Solar Panel for less then $240.  I'm also reading the the lifespan of there panels will be about 34yrs.

AVA Solar, Inc. was founded in 2007 to commercialize an advanced process for manufacturing cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin-film photovoltaic modules. Built upon 15 years of development at Colorado State University


Thin film, and bio-solar, and flexible solar cells have been on the radar for over a decade.  There are many more photo-voltaic technologies that are far more cost effective than silicone based solar cells.  However, it costs quite a bit to go into commercial production, and so far no one has jumped in.  This includes huge multi-billion corporations that are already producing solar cells, (BP, Shell, Fujitsu, Sanyo, Etc..).

There is a method to use existing plasma/lcd screen manufacturing technology to make very efficient, and low cost photo-voltaic cells.  We may or may not hear of this anytime soon.

When it becomes truly affordable for the average citizen, (including renters, portable systems), to install grid tie-in solar panels on top of their roofs for about $5,000 to $10,000, instead of the current rebate subsidized $60,000 to $120,000 price tag, you will see magical new technologies appear as if overnight! ;)


It is interesting that the article states a conversion efficiency of 11% to 13%.  My Kyocera 130 watt panel is rated at 16%.  11% to 13 % is not bad if it could be brought in at $2.00 a watt.


Jim, there is even some talk about AVA Solar breaking $1/watt, but I would be very happy with $2/watt.  I understand they just finished there 3rd round of funding and are in production right now.  I sent them an email in May of 2008 asking if they would like any companies/people (pick me, pick me!!! ) to test any of there products.  They replied back that they will have limited commercial products available at the end of this year (2008) and looks to be available for personal use in 2009.

Due to AVA Solar leasing the former Applied Films headquarters and manufacturing plant (see near Longmont they did not have to go through the long process of building a facility, hence moving up there production by at least a year.  

Since I live in CO it is very exciting to see a company like this start from a lab at Colorado State University.  What makes this company so different is the funding they have accumulated.  Though they are not talking much it seems the majority of the money is coming from a $4 billion private equity fund with offices in New York, London and Paris.  

Anyways, the time could not be better for this type of product(s) to HELP in the effort to get off fossil fuels.  It will be a long road.  Right now I just need a 80-130W PV Solar Panel to charge my battery while dry camping around CO and it would be nice if I only had to pay ~ $200 vs the going rate of ~ $450 for a 100W unit.