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Arizona Monsoon begins this week

Started by campnagle, Jul 08, 2008, 08:55 PM

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Arizona monsoon traditionally begins with 3 consecutive days with a dew point of 55 or more, that happed this week. Starting this year monsoon starts June 15 every year, this to better fund disaster resources according to my brother a fire fighter. Anyway this time of year is why I toil. If I could bottle the smells and sounds of a wet Arizona forest or desert and the booming monsoon thunder I would be a rich man. Trip pics to follow!


I hear ya..
It started pouring down rain about noon today, (Thursday) silver dollar drops  turning to pea/marble sized hail and droping the temps about 15*.The wind was howling and the rain and hail was coming down sideways at one point beating the crap out of everything in its path. The crack of the lightening was deafening as the bolts came flashing out of the clouds, strikeing the valley floor.
Pretty much non stop rain till about 10:30pm.
Can't wait to get out camping in it.
I love the Monsoon Season.