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High Wind and Popup's

Started by viking camper, Sep 18, 2008, 05:47 PM

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viking camper

On Sunday September 14 we had what was left of hurricane Ike come thru the Cincinnati area. They were not forecasting rain just winds of 20-40 MPH. We have had our NTU popup set up in the driveway working on it for next spring season (football and marching band parents. No camping in the fall). Since the forcast did not sound bad I did not take the camper down. By the time we realized what was happening it was to late to do anything but watch. We had a high wind gust of 78 mph and winds of 40-60 mph for 5 hours. There were over 600,000 homes with out power (still over 170,000 now). My popup did great. People all around lost shingles and trees. One guy lost 50 feet of wood fence. Our little Pu just sat there. I would never want to watch that again but the next thunder storm with its winds will not worry me as much after watching this. All I can say is they WOW and WHEW!


They do take a beating without missing a beat.  Glad you PU came through without any damage.:)


Wow - I'm very impressed that your pup did well through that wind.  We watched the Titans/Bengals game and could not believe how bad it was.  We had some strong winds here, too.  We were camping and decided to pack it up and head for home early Sunday to get out of there before it got really bad.  I live about 45 miles from where we camped.  It wasn't too bad at home, but some friends who live about 2 miles from the cg lost the roof on their barn.  Glad we didn't test our pup out in those conditions.


You were lucky!
Back in 1993 I had our 1982 Rockwood PUP popped up in our driveway when a thunder storm came through.  I heard a load crash outside and went out to see what happened. The PUP looked fine, but was a foot or so closer to the fence than when I set it up.  I looked inside and found the flip over galley had flipped over onto the doors of the cabinet below.
This broke the doors and the top of the galley.  I'm thinking the wind blew the PUP over against the fence at a pretty steep angle and then it fell back to it's wheels.  The only damage was the galley and doors, which I rebuilt.  We used the camper for another 10 years before trading up.


Back 2003 we lost your camper at the outter Banks of N.C. we had a bad strom come through the winds were clock at 75 mph.