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Cannot camp without it item?

Started by Stella, May 14, 2009, 11:11 AM

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Number 1 on our list - A smile!  :D

After that it doesn't matter, Just grin and bear-it.


Pen and paper to write down all the things you forgot to bring.  Came in handy on my first trip.



Coleman Hot Water on Demand......


My PUP is stocked, so all I have to do is grab my cooler and suitcase, hook up and go.


Coffee and some means to make it are the essentials.  Doesn't matter so much whether instant, drip, or perc; just lots of coffee.



What is most important to ME may not be important to YOU at all - for example, I don't drink Coffee, or beer - and I don't use the water hookup on my PUP (we don't have a shower/ toilet) so I don't need 'gray water' disposal, etc., so I woudn't  care if those items were left behind....

For me, it's essential that I have my 'special' neck pillow and at least one or two books.  

However, I would make a few suggestions:

Start creating your OWN checkilist - Take a look at the 'standard' camping lists that are posted around the web - even your son's Boy Scout lists - use what is applicable to you and discard the rest - use them to create your own list, and edit it as you go along.  

The pen and paper idea is a MUST - until you really get the hang of things, (and even after you do) there will be something you wish you'd brought, - major or minor - and by the time you get home, sunburned, relaxed and tired - you will NOT be able to recall whatever it was.  Not only that, but once you have the routine down, there will be things that get used up, lost or broken and need replacing - so make a spot for 'THE LIST' and have everyone in the family write down what they missed so it won't be left behind next time.

Also, after a few trips, make note of the stuff you have along that you DON'T use - no sense hauling stuff you don't need.  Extra weight means more gas and more wear on the camper. Plus, maybe you could use that space for something you WOULD use!

Do a first campout in 'Camp Driveway' or in a campground close to home - so if you DO forget something essential - like somebody's medicine - someone can make it home to get it.  

Know the area you are going to - find out where the nearest WalMArt, Gas station, Grocery, etc are when you check in - just in case you need milk, batteries or calamine lotion.....  and ask when things close up - I'll never forget trying to get a tire for my van on a Saturday in Sheboygan WI (it had punctured on the way in Friday night, and we limped into the campground on the 'doughnut' spare around midnight) we made the mistake of sleeping in on Sat - and EVERY tire/ repair shop in Sheboygan closed at noon on SAT! Thank Heaven for Fleet Farm!

[/I] It's not a bad idea to ask the ranger / Camp owner for the local emergency numbers.  A friend of mine went on a camping with us once, and her son did a header over the handlebars of his bike and broke his collar bone....  Good thing I'd grown up in  the area we were camping and I knew where the hospital was!


wow peeps, I was just trying to generate a fun thread.
 wasn't really looking for y'all to pack my camper.
 we bought it packed.  we seem to be set.
however the collapsable trash cam would be great, and the patio mat would be nice too.  
     so far both camp outs we have been to wal mart.
we journaled that,  wal mart is a must, but it wasn't a must,  we could have done with out both times if we needed too.
   was just trying to have a fun thread.
but i feel like I am attacked for being a new camper.


Well I thought it was a fun thread!  I got a chuckle when I posted my reply (can opener) 'cause it reminded me of the tent camping trip we took years ago when I forgot that handy little device.  I also chuckled when I read some of the other replies (like Wavery's post about a cork screw; I'm guessing he forgot that on a previous trip?) ;)


Quotewow peeps, I was just trying to generate a fun thread.

You've been hugely successful, Stella!  Three pages of replies - Wow!  I've enjoyed reading every one.

For me:  
1.  I love my awning.  I put it up every time we camp, even if it's just overnight.  The camper seems just a little lonely without it.

2.  I've been camping for 35 years and never knew I needed it.  But after one season, my wife looked me in the eye and said, "Microwave.  Make it happen."

She uses it whenever we have electricity.  Now she's talking about a generator...  She's heard good things about the Honda eu2000i.

"Why?" I ask.  

"To power the microwave."


Bug Spray, and plenty of it!!!


Bug Spray is good! One thing you can't do without is making a list of things days or weeks before a camping trip so you can pack those things you can't do without!


digital camera, GPS


My Weber Q Grill and some good sharp knives.   Nothing like trying to prep something to cook and you have dull knives or even worse PLASTIC.

miss kathy